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Everything posted by Spots

  1. I have some Marine friends in different cities, namely oceanside, who have started doing stuff trying to tempt this. Walking down an ally "alone" with a group of poor inner city youths coming the other way, being in the wrong stores with the types of teenagers who play these games. The difference is, they have 4 or 5 more Marines around the corner, and have every intention of kicking the #### out of some dumbasses. Not saying I condone it, and their command will be pissed when they find out. But Id love to see it when it happens. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  2. No idea ;) Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  3. This is a three day show. Im not sure on the stamps though Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  4. Its Fighting Sheep Dog Firearms. We will be selling guns and ar lowers as well as making contacts and pushing our gunsmithing and duracoat services and our survival, knifemaking and shooting classes. make sure you stop by and say hi brother. Its been awhile Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  5. Ill be there, working a table with Fighting Sheep Dog. If your a TGOer, make sure to stop by and say hi. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  6. Never used a work sharp. I use a 1 x 30 belt grinder from harbor freight on all my customs after forging them, as well as sharpening all my pocket knives and fixed blades on it. Buy a few belts in different grits from 120 to 800, add a leather strop belt with stropping compound. You can make a butter knife shave in 10 minutes. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  7. My apologies if I came off a little harsh. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  8. Yeah I sold my last SOE rig, with plans to get this one. You'll love it man, I promise Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  9. Gifts arent extorted in my family. We buy if we can afford it, and if we can't oh well. Theres nothing that says we have to buy anything. We started sending list to each other so that people actually got stuff they needed or wanted. Pretty sure we are one of the most self sufficent families on this board, so its definitely not about relying on someone else lol. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  10. Wow, she is a complete dumbass. Of course, what do you expect. I haven't been in a McDonald's in years. The food sucks, the people working there are usually rude and ignorant, and they tend to be nasty. If I was him I would have just left, and gave the office a call. Its not a big deal to most vets. I don't expect or feel like I deserve any free shit for doing what I felt I needed to do. But I would definitely call the office to let them know they had an idiot on their hands. Its not a restaurant problem, its an employee problem. Lumping all Mcd's together because of her is just as bad as lumping all gun owners together because of one person.
  11. Spots

    The "Get Home" Gun

    I use an ILBE pack for the survival classes I'm pulling instructor duty on, and as my get home bag. I can throw my AR, chest rig, and clothes in one of my spare contractor bags, tie them to my ILBE and float across using that method. Works great to keep everything dry, and by stripping, you have dry clothes for the whole hike. If your not doing this, you need to look into it. Basically just stick an open contractor bag in your get home bag, then pack everything inside it. Tie off tightly, and instant floatation device.
  12. What is on your guys Christmas list? This is what I sent my wife and family. We do one big thing or a few smaller things, depending on our financial situation when the time comes. I'd like to see what some of you guys are asking for.   #1. Gshock Rangeman or Frogman #2 Merrell Sawtooth boots size 9.5 http://www.amazon.com/Merrell-Mens-Sawtooth-Hiking-Walnut/dp/B000BY0G36/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1384263457&sr=8-15&keywords=Merrell+boots #3 SOE NSW chest rig in olive drab  http://soebelts.com/collections/chest-rigs/products/nsw-chest-rig #4 Socks. Tall boot socks with good cushion #5 Rotcho field jacket http://www.rothco.com/product_details/rothco-soft-shell-tactical-m-65-jacket #6 Wild ass double knee logging jeans #7 Riggers Belt from SOE Size 38 in tan http://soebelts.com/collections/belts/products/1-5-rigid-cobra-duty-belt #8 Pack of Clints Cigars http://www.clintscigars.com/index.php/general-store/clints-cigars/clints-cigars-20-ct.-bundle/ #9 Custom zippo   Lets see what you guys are asking for
  13. Spots

    The "Get Home" Gun

    I actually carry a setup like this in the truck. I have a get home bag, a 1911, and an AR with a 7 mag combat load. An AR is modular, light and easy to learn on. Mine is 5.56 and is currently and m4 style setup. Moving fast and light is gonna be favorable, and ammo is much lighter than .308, plus the gun is light and fast. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  14. They better hope that when I get hit, I go down and stay down. Otherwise somebody is gonna have a really, really bad day. And all I can say is good luck. Ive been punched in the head and face more than I care to think about, and so far Ive never actually been knocked out. Maybe they will try me and it'll be the same pricks who broke in my truck a few weeks back. My sledge hammer could use a workout Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  15. It has to be a failed attempt at a stainless model. We have a GI in the display case at the shop, and John our gunsmith owns and shoots one. Seems on par with the RIA pistols Ive handled, and just a notch or two below my Springfield GI. Not bad little pistols at all, especially for $350 bucks. Havent seen a stainless yet, and will keep this review in mind when we make our next order. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  16. Last deployment. 13th MEU Feb-Oct 2011. I was working with the I level repairing engines and riding as aircrew on the Ch-46 Phrogs. Evil Eyes for ever (they changed their name right after that. Lol) Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  17. No picture, but never temper a knife quenched in motor oil in the oven if you value your marriage. Jesus what a smell.... Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  18. I dont have any pictures of my Grandfather, but he was in the calvary in WW1. I dont know what unit, and the only picture we have is him on his calvary horse candy. We also have his old US calvary holster. I was a Marine for 5 years. CH-46 engine mechanic then crosstrained into aircrew on 46's. Had a great time, 3 MEUs, 2 years in Japan and countless other countries. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  19. Happy 238th Birthday Marines!!!! Semper Fi and may our brotherhood have many more to come. "The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" Â Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945 Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  20. [quote name="Sam1" post="1060772" timestamp="1383912339"] Talk to spots on here, him and his dad do woodworking.[/quote] Thanks for thinking of me Sam. We do a few different things from time to time. If you wanna send me a pm we can talk it over. I have some dried curly maple that would look good for a display depending on what you want. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  21. We got issued the newer zip up ones. Not many people ran them because of just attaching everything to the flak, but what little I did use mine it worked well Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  22. We got issued the newer zip up ones. Not many people ran them because of just attaching everything to the flak, but what little I did use mine it worked well Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  23. That was me that said that about OSOE. And they do make top tier stuff. It is definitely a life time investment kinda gear Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  24. The modular doesnt have the big dump style pouches. The nsw has the flat part with the mag pouches, then 2 open "radio" pouchs, then the two lidded dump style pouches. The dump style pouches arent on the modular rig Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  25. Do it. The quality will not disappoint, I promise. If you wanna get in lots of trouble just click around his website. Lots of very nice stuff. Tapatalk ate my spelling.


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