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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Just remember silence is golden, but duct tape is silver... Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  2. [quote name="Bigryo" post="1095388" timestamp="1389795438"]What do you guys think i should keep as far as ammo per caliber. I've got a list of what i have I'n the original post[/quote] Best way I can put it is buy it cheap and stack it deep. I'm aiming for 10k rounds per caliber for long guns and 5k per caliber for handguns. Will I ever use that much? No probably not, which is kinda the point. These are all very subjective questions and your gonna get a lot of different answers. Best thing I can tell you is that if you knew you woildnt be able to buy a single thing tomorrow, and all you had for hunting was what you had stored, are you comfortable with that? Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  3. [quote name="Jonnin" post="1094796" timestamp="1389710918"]The saw is to make the knife double as a tool of sorts, not to enhance its properties in a bar fight[/quote] It would work better in a bar fight. The saw backs never work worth a crap because you can chop it in half faster than you can saw with it. Randall Knives is the only one who figured out the saw, and theirs is designed to cut and tear the aluminum of a helicopter for escape. And yeah, the sand bag test is the real test of mettle on a blade and fighter Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  4. [quote name="macville" post="1094678" timestamp="1389671043"]The guy didn't deserve being shot for being an ass, but he could have avoided the entire confrontation too. It's amazing how self centered people have become.[/quote] I agree with this. Shooting the guy was insane and never should have happened. But if the guy hadn't ignored the rules, and decided his text was more important than anyone else's enjoyment of the movie, he'd be alive today. I've had confrontations in theaters before, people talking loudly or texting. Usually standing up, getting their attention, looking them dead in the eye and giving them one good firm "Shut the f*** up" or "Put the phone down" does it for me. Rude, inconsiderate assholes make my blood boil. I wouldn't shoot them, but beating them with a hammer after the movie has crossed my mind. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  5. Can't say I see anything "break through" about it. I'll stick with a well built bowie for now. And while I understand his point about the sawteeth grabbing, I still think saw teeth can cause weak points in a blade, and just aren't all that useful. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  6. [quote name="mikegideon" post="1094382" timestamp="1389646472"]The rubber one feels better, but the leather one has lots of soul. Also brings a tear to Spot's eye :)[/quote] As much as I love the new bayonets, there is a soft spot in every Marines heart for an old school leather handled Ka-bar. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  7. [quote name="Sam1" post="1094159" timestamp="1389621843"]As with any need, let me suggest a TGO meet with free booze and food, we can fix anything![/quote] I'll bring the tooth pulling pliers and the anesthesia meds. Ok ok. Its a pair of blacksmith tongs and a jar of shine Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  8. A good knife is gonna be a valuable tool whether staying put or bugging out. Some large enough to do heavy jobs, but small enough not to be a big hassel to carry. Also, I'd look into a long gun with more punch. A .22 is a good gun for small game, and can kill a deer with a perfect shot. But if I'm hunting for food, I dont want to worry about the perfect shot. Id rather have something that can down deer (and human) with one shot. A .308 semi auto is my choice, but a good lever or bolt gun in .308, 30-30, .30-06, .243, etc will work, as will a shotgun with different loads from birdshot to slugs. Id also suggest stock piling a little more ammo as you have the money. I work construction which is painfully slow right now, and even with my limited income I still make it a habit to buy a box of shells everytime I go to walmart. Normally either a box of 308 or .45, as well as getting setup to reload, which the members here have helped me tremendously with. Id stock pile a few gallons of bleach, it can be used to purify water. Id shoot for 6 months of food per person, and also slowly lay back open pollinating seeds for a garden. Start learning bartering skills. I'm a blacksmith and believe the skills to fix and make metal objects will always come in handy. I always try to improve on my library of skills becuase all the equipment in the world won't help an untrained man. Some of the stuff I've learned is logging and farming with draft horses, reloading, blacksmithing, wood working, log cabin building, masonry work, hide tanning, and wilderness survival (fire building, snares, etc). Some of those skills were learned here, some were learned by growing up with a mountain man as a dad. So try to spend at least equal amounts of time learning and gathering supplies. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  9. [quote name="wareagle" post="1094004" timestamp="1389577856"]Tell me how the mounts work. I have a Burris MTAC that I would like to add to my walnut stocked SOCOM. If I don't figure out a solution soon, it's going on my Ruger GSR and the Leupld Scout scope will on the SOCOM.[/quote] I like the mount, but if I could find one I would go with a low. The high lets you use your irons, but it also means an even larger pad on the stock to get cheek weld. I traded for it, so no major complaints here. Of course you could always trade me that Socom, and have a nice accurized full size with the mount already there. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  10. Spots


    Welcome from the hills in East TN Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  11. [quote name="Chucktshoes" post="1093637" timestamp="1389499156"][quote name="Spots" post="1093604" timestamp="1389494714"]Not gonna lie. I had to google PIV. I guess she prefers PIA and probably even some [b]ATM[/b]. (Dont google those lol) Tapatalk ate my spelling.[/quote] [/quote] Human Centipede. Worst. Movie. Ever. Watched it on the boat my last deployment in 11. Had some f'ed up dreams about that shit, and start gagging just thinking about it. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  12. [quote name="Monkeyman2500" post="1093621" timestamp="1389496498"]Sometimes your answers scare me :) [/quote] Your not the first person to tell me that :) Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  13. Took a much better picture. And Raoul we need to get together and do some shooting. Thanks for the compliments fellers. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  14. [quote name="TrickyNicky" post="1093602" timestamp="1389494422"]I just realized she talks alot about "PIV". Took me a minute to realize what the heck that even was, but once it dawned in me it all became clear. Guys she doesn't hate men or ####. This is simply her way of expressing a particular fondness for "PIA". I say whatever floats your boat but don't get all about it.[/quote] Not gonna lie. I had to google PIV. I guess she prefers PIA and probably even some ATM. (Dont google those lol) Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  15. [quote name="Hozzie" post="1093441" timestamp="1389479582"]Sure, that's what they all say. :rofl:[/quote] You caught me. Im a hard core lesbian Quick google search for "piv" and here is a man who agrees with her. http://lateralpazwalk.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/why-im-anti-piv/ Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  16. [quote name="Hozzie" post="1093434" timestamp="1389478800"]I think I have a more pertinent question for Spots. How in the hell did he even run across this blog, or post, or whatever it is in the first place? [/quote] A friend from here posted it on facebook. Ill let them identify themselves if they wish lol. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  17. Nvm. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  18. Plain. The only thing Ive found that serrated works better for is if your cutting lots of rope constantly. I can sharpen a plain blade in about 10 min no problems, and they will slice nice and clean through most materials. If its for self defense a sharp plain edge is better as a cleanly sliced artery or vein will stay open and bleed where as a ripped one will close up and clot faster. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  19. [quote name="Raoul" post="1093342" timestamp="1389465387"]Don't mean to rain on your parade, but I did the same thing. Sick minds think alike? [/quote] Dang they could be brothers lol. Just seems like the natural thing to do with these rifles Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  20. You guys need to read this article. This woman is a few bricks shy of a load if she honestly thinks all male/female intercourse is rape. This mat not be work safe, it has the f word in it once or twice. http://witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/15/piv-is-always-rape-ok/ Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  21. Did some trading and added a Basset High scope mount and a Leapers 4-16x40 scope to the M14. Time to do some work on grouping and stretch this things legs a little bit. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  22. You could do a small custom with nice handles in a horizontal leather or kydex belt sheath and it would conceal well, and look nice if seen. Something this size With handles like this copper pinned purple heart with tong oil finish Or handles like this. Exotic hardwood, copper pinned Make it nice and polished and it becomes and accessorie just like a nice custom pen or cuff links Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  23. Spots

    Sex pistol

    What is it with women putting fireaems in odd places lately. This is the second one in 3 or 4 months. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/vagina-as-holster-675432 Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  24. The EPA is wanting to regulate wood stoves. How has this country slipped so far into idiocy? We have much larger things to worry about than the "pollution" coming out Ma and Pa's wood stove. Maybe we should outlaw forest fires next.... http://personalliberty.com/2014/01/08/epa-announces-new-regulations-for-woodstoves/ Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  25. This could be intresting, especially if paired up with a picatinny mount. If I had an iphone and the extra cash Id be on the list. http://techland.time.com/2014/01/08/flir-smartphone-case-gives-your-iphone-thermal-vision/ Tapatalk ate my spelling.


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