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Everything posted by Spots

  1. [quote name="mikegideon" post="1099055" timestamp="1390362851"]Caveats and bias? Any retard can pick up two guns and compare them. Until you've done that, though, you may not be able to give an informed opinion about something. I know exactly what the battlecomp does. I have right at 1000 rounds thru one. It may even be too expensive, but it's not junk. I didn't learn that from some blog boy. I learned it with two virtually identical carbines that I own. That's not bias, it's observation. It's not the only muzzle brake I own either.[/quote] I dont think that was directed at you or the compensator. I think it was just a comment that all forums have different biases due to the posters comments about the m4forum being filled with "urban operators". Tgo does have a bias, it is mostly anti-obama and anti - progressive, etc etc. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  2. New York is cesspoll. Doesn't matter that I'm not wanted, Ive been there once and have no desire to ever go back. Same as Commiefornia. I spent 2 years in that state on military orders, and hated it. Great weather, and some decent scenery once you get out of the city, but people were generally rude (not all of them) and in way to much of a hurry over everything. I'll stick to my mountains and hollers, they can keep their cities. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  3. [quote name="peejman" post="1098765" timestamp="1390326100"]Good tip. It'd be better if the dogs didn't get lost in the first place. A friend lives adjacent to a WMA. During bear season he typically ends up with an extra hunting dog or two. The dogs have killed his cats, tried to attack his dog through the chain-link kennel, and generally tear up stuff. [/quote] No hunter wants to lose a dog. You invest time, money and love into training a dog, the last thing you want is to lose him one night. But it happens. Ive had a dog go in a hole after a coon where I couldn't hear him and had to leave him, or sometimes they just get after a coon and it leaves the country and they go with it. A lot of guys, myself included, use GPS tracking systems now to minimize the risk, but you can only eo so much. The above is a good tip, I'll keep it in mind. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  4. Spots

    Bullput SKS

    I think it would be a cool project, I'm just wary of most aftermarket bullpups as they seem to always be somewhat clumsy. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  5. [quote name="billyscott" post="1098022" timestamp="1390196306"]OK, here's the report from Channel 5 news. [url="http://www.newschannel5.com/story/24492882/authorities-search-for-men-who-robbed-memphis-mall"]http://www.newschannel5.com/story/24492882/authorities-search-for-men-who-robbed-memphis-mall[/url]It says they used sledgehammers but according to the report no weapons were seen.What do they think a sledgehammer is?No weapons were seen because there were no firearms seen![/quote]Thats exactly what it is. Because a firearm is the only weapon, and being shot is much more unpleasant than being sliced up with a knife or beat to death with a hammer I suggest we have hammer buy backs. I'm offering $10 per hammer, any size or shape welcomeTapatalk ate my spelling.
  6. Semper Fee huh? I can't even be angry with her. She is just honestly that stupid....... Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  7. I wonder what a 55 grain hollow point at 4k fps would do to a soft target like a coyote.
  8.   Oh... Freaking amateurs. :squint:
  9. Before anybody says a word I wasn't there.......
  10. Thanks everyone for the support. If anyone here ever wants to write an article or wants me to research and post anything just let me know.
  11. [quote name="NRA" post="1097889" timestamp="1390175030"]whats like?[/quote] If you have a facebook profile you go to my page and click like, then anything I post will show up on your facebook feed. On the other hand, your probably be sarcastic and I look like a jackass now lol Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  12. You know this, but shooting steel that close your gonna need glasses, and maybe a plate carrier for the shrapnel. Other than that, I'm gonna be following this thread as I would love to shoot a tactical steel course with close range targets
  13. Thanks guys. If there is anything you'd like to see posted, or if you want to right an article on anything shooting or survival related let me know by pm here or on facebook
  14. ....   Removed by admin
  15. [quote name="atlas3025" post="1097519" timestamp="1390101944"]This all sound familiar. Sold an m1a and bought a 308 Rem 700 thinking it would be my long range gun...then decided 308 is much more of a mid range calibre...so bought Scar 17 for 308 and a Rem Sendero in 300win mag for playing at long range. Be careful thinking about this stuff too much lol...it gets expensive![/quote] Word of advice for anyone reading this. If you value your current firearms, don't handle a SCAR heavy. Atlas was kind enough to let me handle his and after that I'd sell my first born to own one. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  16. [quote name="whitewolf001" post="1097404" timestamp="1390092023"]LMAO, I COMPLETELY missed that, hahaha. Well at 800 yards a bolt gun is going to be much more accurate at those distances. I would go by his idea and swap it out. The ammo weight .308 is ALOT to heft around. You're built for it Spots, they may not be. Besides, at least then you have parts and ammo commonality in their preps for it. Nothing wrong with a DMR BUT it's more meant for those intermediate ranges where a 5.56 is ineffective and you can get off quick follow up shots but beyond 800 yards is where a bolt gun is going to shine, not to mention, it's going to be ALOT lighter than a DMR. I want a .308 PDW like a PTR91 pistol myself so when the Schumer hits the fan, I can have a PDW ready. ^_^[/quote] While I understand the ammo weight and parts stuff, I look at it like this. A .308 AR can be used for cqb effectively and will still reach out there better than a 5.56 AR. It can fill more roles effectively than a bolt gun or a 5.56 AR. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  17. Spots

    Lone Survivor

    I watched it today with lumberjack in the rpx (imax style). I thought it was a good movie, even if it didn't follow the book to the T. I enjoyed it, but its not one I care to see again in theaters, its just hard to watch what those guys went through, and know how its going to end. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  18. I know where that beautiful boy came from. Congrats Dolo, thats a fine looking pup. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  19. [quote name="whitewolf001" post="1097378" timestamp="1390088605"]Well, consider this; an SPS in .308 is going to sit around the 699-799 mark pending where you get it. Scope, rings, and base will run you a little higher if you get better quality than bottom barrel. For a good SPS setup, you're looking at $900-1200. So your AR-10 can probably fetch you what that goes for but that'll depend on its brand. What is the brand, model, and sub-model of your AR-10? You can pick the S&W M&P15 sports for real cheap, $600-700 OR get one of these with a lower, BCG, and ch. [url="http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/15658/s/ptac-ss12g2-16-5-56mm-1-9-carbine-length-w-o-bcg-charging-handle/category/4098/"]http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/15658/s/ptac-ss12g2-16-5-56mm-1-9-carbine-length-w-o-bcg-charging-handle/category/4098/[/url][/quote] First sentence he said he had an Armalite, so its a true AR-10. If it was me, I'd stick with the AR-10, but I'm a .308 kinda guy. In a shtf situation being able to rapidly put rounds on target at 800 yds would be a major game changer, and while its possible with a bolt gun, a semi-auto can do it faster and easier. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  20. Spots

    Lone Survivor

    [quote name="Lumber_Jack" post="1097171" timestamp="1390062286"]Book read last week. Going to the movie at 12:50 today![/quote] Where you going to? Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  21. Welcome to TGO. Lots of good folks here
  22. I got my new SOE gear .308 micro rig in today. Took it for a walk in the woods as soon as I got it packed. [URL=http://s535.photobucket.com/user/tnplowboy07/media/44f4aebf-0954-4be7-98b5-846a1dd1d017_zps19384dbd.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s535.photobucket.com/user/tnplowboy07/media/1a9d42f2-56c3-4668-924e-68f5dee9ae69_zps335d33f5.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s535.photobucket.com/user/tnplowboy07/media/1ca0178f-84e6-4de1-b48c-e743d086cdc4_zps56306d03.jpg.html][/URL]
  23. [quote name="Erik88" post="1095593" timestamp="1389813135"]I do. This is what makes us better than them. I won't shed any tears but burning someone alive is inexcuseable IMO.[/quote] So all those nazis and Japanese soliders burned out of those pill boxes in WW2 is inexcusable. I see that as winning a war. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  24. [quote name="whitewolf001" post="1095584" timestamp="1389812095"]bersaguy, after hearing some of the stories my dad told me about Vietnam, we had to give some guidelines for American soldiers(no one please don't try to correct me on this term saying that it only applies to "Army", look up the definition of soldier, THEN get back with me) to follow. Lots of war crimes committed in that conflict by modern standards. Not saying that we should have to tiptoe through the daisies just to request permission for engagement BUT at the same time, we can't just hand em a weapon and say, "accomplish your objective, whatever else you do we don't care.", there does have to be a line drawn somewhere. That being SAID, these are not conventional enemy combatants, the do not represent a specific country, AND only use terror to achieve their means which thereby excludes their "ill-treatment"; as they do not follow any doctrines of war and would rather wipe their ass with the documents made at the Geneva Convention. I must say though that the righteous side in me doesn't wish for us to reduce ourselves to their level but rather maintain our current rules of engagement but they really try to make it hard for us to be the better person when we watch those savages eat the hearts out of their enemies and behead harmless nuns and priests.[/quote] Call a Marine a solider, then get back to me. Why not just call them military members as a broad term? And while I understand what your saying, its impossible to win a game when only one team plays by the rules. Im not saying we need to turn into animals. Im just over the poor terry taliban speech. The combatants in this war have a hate that is impossible for people who haven't seen it up close to understand. And it needs to be handled in any manner needed to accomplish the misson with the smallest amount of allied and non-combantant deaths. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  25. I dont get it. I served with tons of Marines and never understood why some of them insisted on recording everything with pics and video. I don't give two shits about burning those bodies, hell I wouldnt care if they burned them alive. Just like the urinating on the bodies. I couldn't give a crap less if they defecated in the mouths of the dead. Just stop taking pictures and videos... Tapatalk ate my spelling.


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