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Everything posted by Spots

  1. [quote name="peejman" post="1103571" timestamp="1391091861"]Maybe if cops got paid more than $10/hr, they might not feel the need to sell their gear.[/quote] You see the same thing around military bases alot. Most of the time its someone who is irresponsible and needs beer money for the weekend. I find it funny that someone called in about a guy putting body armor in the trunk, and that the news acts like there is no reason for a civilian to have body armor. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  2. [quote name="Lester Weevils" post="1103170" timestamp="1391028702"]Yep just eat Kentucky Fried Chicken original recipe once in awhile and make sure to wipe the fingers in the face hair as well. :)[/quote] I'm afraid my dog would eat my face if I did that. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  3. [quote name="peejman" post="1103126" timestamp="1391022317"]I started a beard before Christmas and have been looking for some beard oil to help with dry skin. Is that stuff sold in stores, or just online? My wife actually likes the beard.[/quote] Ive never seen it in stores, as far as I know they only see online. Ive actually never seen any beard oils sold in stores, other than jojoba oil sold at some whole foods places. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  4. [quote name="Lumber_Jack" post="1103015" timestamp="1391010331"]I use just plain Jojoba Oil I got from Whole Foods. Its a nice conditioner but has not scent, which may be desirable or not. I don't shampoo mine everyday either, usually every other day or two days. I will use some condition only without shampoo, that seems to keep it from getting too dry. I like these guys too, not a Tennessee company but good fellers. [url="http://dreambeardoils.com/"]http://dreambeardoils.com/[/url][/quote] They have an unscented one that has jojoba oil as the main ingredient. Ive never had my beard feel oily, it absorbs fast. That includes working in 100+ weather doing construction and masonry I've never had it run out of my beard. They make an unscented one. Wear a shemagh? Lol or switch to a fixed stock. Heres the unscented one for you guys who don't like the odors. https://www.etsy.com/listing/174308569/beard-oil-unscented-one-ounce-handpoured?ref=sr_gallery_9&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  5. [quote name="Keal G Seo" post="1102992" timestamp="1391007826"]I've never used a beard oil. I've just used conditioner to keep it softer. Does oil actually get into it? Keep me updated. While I like all their scents the main thing I'd like to know is how strong the smell is before I try a bit.[/quote] I normally only wash my beard out with shampoo once a week unless it just gets full of block dust, since the shampoo drys it out. So I normally just rinse it out good and doing that the beard oil makes mine feel smoother and softer than just using conditioner. Im intrested to see how it smells also, because I wanna try the cedar and the peppermint. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  6. I found this the other day. I'm gonna order a couple of different scents as soon as I get the cash worked up. I've found using a beard oil makes my beard much softer and more manageable, which makes it more acceptable to my wife lol. http://www.etsy.com/shop/tennesseebeardco Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  7. He is very long winded, and hasn't been a real fav of mine since he complained about the Ruger GSR bolt being difficult to run fast while smacking it around like a Mosin Nagant full of cosmoline. And spending 10 minutes of a 16 min video talking about the Troy MCS M14 chassis being to heavy. It adds about 2 lbs to the rifle. So no, I'm not a huge fan. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  8. Ive made a few. I like them alot as both tools and weapons. This is one I made from an Estwing claw hammer, an idea I got off my fellow smith broomhead. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  9. [quote name="BLACKVANDRIVER" post="1102547" timestamp="1390940502"]Ok so I am a paid benefactor and would like to sell my engraved tags that I make at home. I am not a business just looking for my hobby to some what help pay for it self and was suggested that I would not be allowed to post them with out becoming a vendor. I do not need the banner (I don't have one) I would just like to offer TGO'ers my stuff as I have been asked by several to make them something. So, if I am not a business why would I have to become a vendor and if I must then how might I do that? [/quote] I was told that to sell something you make its considered a buisness, I had this discussion last year with TGO David. You need to send him a pm about it, and he will give you vendor pricing. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  10. This is when we need puhlic horse whipping followed by a a public execution. I'll volunteer for the execution squad, especially if I can use a hammer to beat them to death. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  11. This is a very good video that will let you see some of the human element of the guys on the front lines. Take the time to watch it at least once.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkpNZWf8lw0
  12. I have a double rig custom made by Mark@sea that is amazing. Stand by for pics Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  13. Did you shuffle your photobucket around? It says you deleted the pictures, which normally means you swapped them into another folder or something.
  14. Spots

    Tail gating.

    I used to run 8 KC daylighters under the back bumper of my 78 Ford 4x4. Someone would be riding my ass, one flip of the switch and the distance grows quickly between the cars. One night I did it to a cop who had been riding my ass for miles through some very curvy backroads at almost midnight. I didn't know he was a cop till I flipped the switch. We went to court because he wrote me a bs ticket over it. I told the judge they were offroad lights and hooked to my backup light switch and I had a mechanical failure, the judge looked him in the eye and told him if he hadn't been riding my ass for no reason then he wouldn't have been blinded. Case dismissed. If you think the cop is doing something wrong, call dispatch and tell them you have a car tailgating you and your scared to pull over. That usually gets them an ass chewing lol. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  15. Posted on about 8 different gun pages on facebook. Its their right to do that, and this is a capitalistic society, but its my right to share a picture of someone in a public place. If you honestly believe you're doing nothing wrong, then you won't have a problem with me sharing a picture of you doing it. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  16. Spots

    Got A New Toy...

    I've got two maltipoos and a yorkie poo. Those little poodles are amazing dogs, they really make a house feel like a home Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  17. [quote name="Runco" post="1101002" timestamp="1390682340"]Everybody should go that aisle at their Walmart, take the entire inventory and deposit them in another aisle. Say maybe under the towels or somewhere where the inventory never moves or is very slow. Nothing illegal, nothing wrong, just moves the inventory to another location in the store. Better yet, place the inventory next to the candy and toilet paper, for those candya$$e$ that do buy it.[/quote] I worked for an inventory buisness for awhile. Be forewarned, if the guys who do inventory and have to chase that shit around catch you doing it, you might be in for an ass whopping. Also, nice one OP. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  18. AT&T rifle right there. Reach out and touch someone. Looks great Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  19. Hi-points are ugly and hard to break down. But dead is dead whether you shot the guy with a hi-point or a $3k custom 1911. Plus side is if you run out of ammo you won't mar a hi-points finish by beating the guy to death. And it is heavy enough too. All jokes aside, its a good idea, as hi-points normal market is gonna be people buying a cheap gun for protection and they probably will want a few accessories Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  20. Spots

    Yellow Jackets!

    [quote name="npgunner" post="1099696" timestamp="1390455177"]most of us already acknowledge that you're probably more of a manly man then we are ... but now you're just bragging[/quote] Naw, I was simply saying they don't bother some people. I know guys who swell up like a ballon at the thought of a yellow jacket sting lol. And I wouldn't exactly call myself manly. I mean at the moment I'm chilling with an 8 lb maltipoo on the couch. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  21. Spots

    Yellow Jackets!

    [quote name="npgunner" post="1099648" timestamp="1390447827"]maybe he wore nothing ... so they couldn't get under his clothes?! [/quote] Some guys just aren't bothered by them. I kinda inherited my dads tough skin, Ive stepped in a nest and usually just pull them off and smash them between my fingers. Which is usually followed by way to much gasoline and a match once it gets dusk. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  22. Spots

    Starter .308?

    [quote name="HillyKarma" post="1099628" timestamp="1390446705"]I actually saw a nicer FAL for about 1000, so I was kind of considering that. I mean, at the moment I'm sitting at about 800 bucks, but I can wait a little while to save some more if someone shows me a rifle that's just exemplary. I was looking for an M14 style rifle for later on, possibly, as well.[/quote] FAL's are good rifles. For $800 your probably looking for a CETME or a Saiga. I had a CETME and traded it for a Federal Ordinance M14. Search for polytech and federal Ordinance m14's and you might find one in the $1k range. A CETME is usually very reliable, though if its Century built you need to shoot it before you buy it, and look up how to check the bolt gap and make sure its good. A warning, the CETMEs are hell on brass due to the fluted chamber and they will throw it a long ways. For $800 you could buy a very nice bolt gun in .308. Have you thought a out something like the Ruger GSR? They are very nice little rifles, and about as close to a do it all as I can imagine. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  23. Spots

    Starter .308?

    Whats your budget? Under $1k theres a few options. CETME, low end DPMS, Saiga. Once you break the 1400-1500 mark you get into Armalite, M1A's, maybe an FAL. Id suggest a low end DPMS AR as they are gonna be the easiest to do optics on. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  24. I only know of one and its a joint effort between her and her husband. She runs the retail and online and he does the gunsmith work Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  25. Spots

    Missing a rifle

    Well, I'm a big semi-auto .308 fan. I had a CETME which is a G3 pattern and it was ok, but they are rough on brass if your a reloader. The M14/M1A is what I run now and I love it, but they aren't cheap. A base model springfield is gonna run you $1300 or more. So if your budget of 1500 includes glass you'll be better off with a bolt gun. A decent M14 optic mount comes in at 150 to 200, and then you still have to buy glass. But they are a classic and amazingly fun to shoot. For what its worth my M14 is more accurate than my CETME was. But its not a fair comparison since its been bedded and had trigger work done. The CETME and most G3 triggers I've felt are heavy and not good for accuracy. The irons on the M1A are also some of the best ever put on a rifle. Tapatalk ate my spelling.


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