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Everything posted by Spots

  1. [quote name="TMF" post="1111984" timestamp="1392570606"]Heh, that was some clean looking body armor... sorry, couldn't resist. Kinda like unsalty DCUs (camis for the marine folk). Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk[/quote] I know why mines clean, I just got it last month lol. And yes, I remeber seeing guys coming in to my units with clean fresh cammies and realizing how boot it looked lol. Tapatalk ate my spelling
  2. [quote name="Junkstack" post="1111889" timestamp="1392560959"]Was the one guy getting deployed straight to Iraq when he left the range?[/quote] Nope. We all train in gear, whether its for the SHTF, or for a police raid (one of the gentleman was an Leo). It was a Tactical Beard Owners Club meet, so we all had prior military experience, etc. Tapatalk ate my spelling
  3. Myself and some other guys went out and sent some lead down range today. I had a ton of fun, and got to sight the M14 with the new scope, as well as play with all kinds of fun toys with a bunch of like minded guys. [URL=http://s535.photobucket.com/user/tnplowboy07/media/tboc5_zps4b6ceb4b.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s535.photobucket.com/user/tnplowboy07/media/tboc3_zps179e760b.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s535.photobucket.com/user/tnplowboy07/media/tboc6_zps72797eb9.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s535.photobucket.com/user/tnplowboy07/media/tboc8_zps2f36004e.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s535.photobucket.com/user/tnplowboy07/media/tboc10_zps0c1da936.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s535.photobucket.com/user/tnplowboy07/media/95e2f00b-604d-48f7-923a-7e60f6552498_zps4521d158.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s535.photobucket.com/user/tnplowboy07/media/tboc7_zps6d3cdcd6.jpg.html][/URL]
  4. [quote name="UncleJak" post="1110936" timestamp="1392398661"]Here is my favoriteSent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee[/quote] If you drive stupid on the road where that is posted you'll meet him much sooner than you would like. No matter how its spelled. Lol Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  5. Just weighed it on a bathroom scale. 15 lbs complete with loaded 20 rd mag Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  6. [quote name="BJB" post="1110558" timestamp="1392333813"]I have one of Spots. They fit very nice in the hand and I have used mine a lot in the past week and this hawk is a tank. I split a wheel barrel load of oak kindling with it. And it didn't cost an arm and a leg ( at least not yet) LOL[/quote] I'm glad that thing is working for you. I've had alot of interest in those on facebook, so if you run into anything you would change let me know. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  7. [quote name="HillyKarma" post="1110225" timestamp="1392290427"]That looks phenomenal, man. Can't wait for you to invite me out to shoot it :x:[/quote] You bringing the ammo? Lol Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  8. Yes it will. .300 blkout uses the same magazines and bolt face as 5.56. Any AR-15 lower will work with any caliber AR-15 upper, from .22 lr to .50 beowulf. The lowers all stay the same Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  9. [quote name="whitewolf001" post="1109852" timestamp="1392238575"]Did you cut off the front sight or do they make a flash hider with bayonet lug minus front iron?[/quote] Neither. I just unscrewed the set screw and slid it off the dovetail. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  10. If it was the video of the cop shooting the dog it got deleted because it didnt pertain to TN, and was seen as just general LEO bashing Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  11. They changed the rules awhile back so that all priority mail now has tracking on it. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  12. This is on a friend built. Bull barrel, trigger job, trued up action, Archangel stock, custom duracoat. I really like this look for a 10/22 and I'm a fan of chassis style stocks. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  13. [quote name="hipower" post="1109391" timestamp="1392155218"]Congratulations, Spots. Very glad to see this coming together for you.[/quote] After the last few weeks full of car trouble I love that something is finally going right. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  14. I worked out a trade out for a new scope. Its Vortex Viper PST 6-24 x 50mm, and it came with Vortex Precision Machined low rings. I used two picatinny risers so that the objective would clear until I can order higher rings. I love this scope, the glass is super clear and it matches with the Troy MCS perfectly. And next to a S&W m&p 15 to show the size difference. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  15. Send it to me and I'll usea hammer and a video camera to dispose of it properly. ... Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  16. I had one show up today I did some trading for. Its a Viper PST 6x24 - 50mm with the moa reticle and is going on my .308 as soon as I get some rings since the low rings that came with it won't work on a flattop. Super clear glass, I'll report back more after I shoot it Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  17. Thanks guys. I can say I'm thankful for my truck, even though I just had to put 4 used tires, a wheel bearing and brakes on it. Without, we would be screwed with no way to get to work. I just really hate the idea of a having to get a car with a payment I can't afford and high priced insurance Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  18. Hey guys I don't normally post this kind of stuff but here goes. Been having a lot of issues with vehicles lately. First I put front brakes and rotors on the wifes car. A week later the sway bar bolts break, so I get to replace those. Here is where it gets intresting. The main hard lines on the brakes rusted and burst last week. So I get all of those redone at the dealership she works at, as we have to have the car and I didn't have the tools to bend and flair the lines. So there $550 out the door. Then it needs 4 new tires. The whole time I'm telling myself we are spending this money (not that we have an extra nickel to rub together anyways right now ) and the car will be nice and dependable for several years to come with no car payment. Last night the motor started knocking and today it shut down driving it, and is having trouble turning over. Car is a 98 Buick with a 3.8 in it. Always changed and checked the oil, took care of it etc. So I'm just really needing some thoughts, prayers, good juju, whatever, because its acting like the crank is stuck, meaning it locked up, and I have no earthly clue where the hell the money for either a new short block or a down payment is gonna come from. Thanks guys Jordan Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  19. I have never tried this on a firearm. But here goes. On a lot of my knives, after cleaning them all up, I do a forced patina using mustard. It gives an intresting look and prevents must rust if you keep it lightly oiled. Have you given thought to something like that? Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  20. Take a deep breath. Now either change the title on this to "Mods please help" or delete and start a new thread in the feedback forum with that title. Its probably just a glitch in the system, its technology, stuff happens. I'm sure they will get it cleared up. Btw, acting like a child and being pissy when you have Christian in your name isn't real Christian like is it? Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  21. Saw this on facebook Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  22. [quote name="BJB" post="1108140" timestamp="1391903792"]Jordan, after you left I finished the edge stropped it and this thing will shave. Awesome Hawk Thanks[/quote] No problem, I hope it serves you well. Let me k ow if you see anything you want changed after use. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  23. See, I can think of a punishment for people like this. My wife once asked me what I would do if someone hurt one of the kids we watch or raped her, etc. My answer is simple. You stake them out in the sun, start at there feet and skin them alive. About every 20 minutes, you stop for a break and to remind them why they are being done this way. I'm a cruel, heartless SOB when it comes to people like this and I would have no trouble sleeping at night knowing they were dieing the worst death possible. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  24. [quote name="BJB" post="1107251" timestamp="1391736796"][size=5][sub]Nice Jordan that is probably going to be our next transaction. That could prove to be very useful when roughing out a carving [/sub][/size][/quote] Ill bring it with me so you can have a look tomorrow. Thanks man, they do make really fun, fast hawks. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  25. I went up an spent some quality time getting reacquainted with my hammers today in the forge. Worked on several big blades, but in between heat cycles, griding etc etc I made another tomahawk. I actually like this one better than the last one. 16" overall and it is stupid fast in hand. Started life as a 28 oz Estwing framing hammer. Tapatalk ate my spelling.


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