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Everything posted by Spots

  1. I don't ever remeber double edged blades being illegal?? Only a 4" blade length restriction, switchblades and gravity knives. And all of those restrictions are gone now. I regularly carry a 10.5" bowie nowadays, with a sharpened backedge.
  2. All Husqvarna here up until a few weeks ago. Husky 3120 for big stuff Husky 371 for normal Husky top handle arborist saw for topping and limbing. The 371 finally locked up a while back, after cutting untold thousands of board feet of timber in 20 years. It basically built my sisters log house, including a lot of time in the Alaskan saw mill, etc. best saw we ever had. Due to already having the 3120 xp, instead of buying a 372 we decided to try a Sthil since they were a little cheaper and the local dealer was having a sale. We bought a MS 291 homeowners saw, and it is a great little saw for firewood and light work. If your not felling large trees on a regular basis, don't get sucked into to big if a saw. The weight sucks working long days, and while any saw can hurt you, a 10 hp 120 cc monster kicking back will hurt you badly and faster than you can imagine.
  3. For those of you with kids or offended by language, be forwarned. Generous use of the F-bomb.
  4. The only thing thats ever given me pause was Balut eggs (google it). And I still ate half a dozen for breakfast a few times. Other than that I have a good appetite and strong stomach. Ive eaten live baby octopus, squirrel brains, possums, coon, fried grasshopper, snake, rocky mountain oysters, goat, horse, etc.
  5. The Husqvarna axes are good, but Id hunt flea markets and yard sales. All my regular use axes are antiques that work amazingly and hold a great edge. Usually cost $5-10 plus a new handle.
  6. I may do a class with what I know at some point. If I do it, it'll be free like my blacksmithing classes are. It'll cover knife use and basic self defense. Ill post if I do.
  7. Yeah caffenited. Decaf isn't even coffee. When I was growing up we didnt drink soda. We drank water, milk, and once we were older coffee. You can only drink so much water and milk. Dad is a heavy coffee drinker so the habit came natural
  8. That anaolgy is perfect. Id rather watch some flat track motorcycles or some World Rally Cup. There is nothing like a 500 hp tubroed awd sedan doing a 120 mph through the trees in snow or mud.
  9. An old school coffee pot with arbuckles or similar is the best coffe ever made. Hot enough to melt a horseshoe and strong enough to straighten it. My wife has one of the big professional models she got through some deal at work. She usually makes a cup every other day of some sweet lil wanna be coffee drink. It doesnt work for me, I usually drink 3-4 8 cup pots a day, I'd go broke using a Keurig. My dads the same way, he has drank 30-40 cups of coffee a day all my life.
  10. 220 grit sandpaper and a bowl of rice will do it.
  11. Every grown male member of my family on both sides has a beard and has had one for as long as I can find pictures for (60's and earlier). I wear a beard because I prefer the look and I'm to lazy to shave. I dont wear it to look tough, or give myself a manly apperance. So I think it depends what cultures you come from. The east tn mountain culture has worn beard for years, while alot of white collar guys were clean shaven for most of the last century. Most blue collar guys have facial hair of some type. You just see it in the media as it become more socially acceptable. As far as thinking I'm better than a hipster? Naw, I think I'm me. I just don't really like people who wear or act a certain way just to get recognition as being something they arent. I view 400 lb super tactical mall ninjas and wanna be bikers wearing Sons of Anarchy gear while riding the same way. They are playing weekend dress up.
  12. I grew up with a Dad that worked for the road department. Snow meant he went to work, climbed in a Grader and cut snow for who knows how long. I rode in with him whe I was a teenager once. We turned down the mountain (Highway 116 for those of you close to knoxville) and it looked like a sheet of glass in the moonlight. He taught me that tire chains, 4x4 and a good driver can go almost anywhere. And that 99% of people need to stay home. Though he did turn a Grader over the mountain one night back in the 80's. 300 ft slide to the bottom of the mountain upside down
  13. Thats an insult to homosexuals. Most of them are normal, everyday working men, some of them are feminine but some are just as roughneck and blue collar as the rest of us. Hipsters on the other hand are just a giant collective of douchebags
  14. You'll always be able to tell by a mans hands. Calluses don't come easy. It'll grow and drive the prices of logging jeans, designer flannel and hiking boots up, then it'll eventually die off for the new fad. Those of us who grew up on PBR, wearing flannel, jeans and logging boots will still be around and as unfashionable as ever. Ill believe there more than half a man when they wanna come up to my house, throw on some climbing gaffs, climb a 60 or 70 ft oak and take it down from the top down. Then I might believe they are something other than a fashion statment of soft boys playing real men.
  15. Hipsters or not, Im not shaving my beard off. Difference between me and them? I dont give a damn what people think, and Ive got the caluses on my hands to back up the fact that its not about fashion. Why must people ruin everything. Cant they go back to baggy pants and messy hair?
  16. Spots


    Im with you. The heck with it. Christmas is way to commercial and overblown these days. If it wasn't for my wife the only Christmas stuff we would do is dinner with the family. No tree, presents, etc.
  17. Semper Fi Devil Dog Cpl Jordan Duncan 6122 2007-2012
  18. Im in. I loved it last year
  19. I drag raced diesels for a long time. The 6.0 can be a stout motor. But it needs head studs, egr delete, etc to get there. And its still gonna be a 6.0. I ran a Duramax and loved it. 611 rwhp and 1100 lb ft on fuel. That was efi live, intake, lift pump, and exhaust. Trans won't take that beating for long unless you lock it out of overdrive though. If you have to have a Ford go 7.3. A cummins is a better farm and heavy hauler truck and a Duramax is more of a hot rod, especially with EFI live. Thats my truck vs a new Mustang GT in 2010. Beat him by half a second in the 8th mile.
  20. I traveled to him at his home in Virginia. I was his first student in 2 years and quiet possibly his last. He is getting on in years, and no longer does large classes or seminars, and its very rare he trains people at all. I'd be happy to teach what I learned from him though if you want.
  21. Idk about the Army but I was issued an OKC-3S as a Marine. I used it a lot too. Opening MRE's and general field use. Never once needed it to kill someone.
  22. Btw. Your age is showing when you make a statement like that. Instead of saying "going to the station to fill up my car, vehicle, etc" you made sure to make mention of a 67 Mustang. Thats a mark of someone immature looking for attention. If thats the case, strapping on a knife will get you the attention you seek from both sides of the law. Make sure you can back it up, both by knowing the legalities of carrying a blade when your speaking to the law, and how to use it if you get confronted by someone who has hurting you on their mind. Otherwise it will only serve to bring you much grief and woe.
  23. Man that is sweet. I love your work GT. We need to get you in the forge, Id love to see what you could do with a mix of old and new.
  24. Legalities aside, why do you feel a knife is a better weapon than a cane, tire iron or ball peen hammer? Any melee weapon is going to make self defense a messy, upclose venture. Have you had any training on the use of a knife in a self defense or combat situation? Have you had any self defense training at all? I carry a big knife every day, but a good sledge hammer handle (or a 24 lb sledge hammer) walking stick, cane, or baseball bat is probably a better weapon if you haven't trained with a knife. Knife work is gonna be gory, bloody and violent. And most importantly, you have to mantain postive control of your weapon, otherwise they will stick you with it. If you must carry a knife, practice drawing from your chosen carry postion. Over and over. Until its a heartbeat. Otherwise, the likelyhood of you bringing it into play in an ambush (the most likely type of attack) is zero. It'll still be hard after you've practiced depending on the situation. And on top of all this, remeber a knife is a deadly weapon. If you use one in self defense, its likely it'll be confiscated, and you will face all the same legalities as using a handgun, so make sure it is life and death if your gonna use it.
  25. What burger king was it? And if you want pm me the managers name. I enjoy making myself a pain in the ass. I bet he only invites me inside once. I can't stand rude people, especially when they are the ones in the wrong. You should went in like you said. Maybe he woulda heen stupid enough to hit you and then you could own a burger king.


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