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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Welcome to the fold Sent from the backwoods
  2. The problem would be a shooting just like this. It is completely legal to carry a loaded handgun in a vehicle in TN. But once you exited the vehicle to defend someone else holding the gun you could be prosecuted if it was seen as a separate law, because then you would be carrying outside a vehicle without a permit. Of course all this would be avoided if TN would actually follow the Constitution and quit charging people $115 and a forced class to excersie their right, turning it into a prvielege Sent from the backwoods
  3. No see the above quoted law from Oh shoots post. Even if you care carrying illegally, without a permit, you can't be prosecuted if you use it in self defense. My understanding is that is because the way the laws are worded. In Tennessee carrying a firearm is a crime. You are still breaking the law with an HCP, but the HCP is a justifiable and recognized defense to that law. The same goes for carrying without a permit then using in self defense. The fact that you used it in self defense is a recognized defense to carrying the firearm Sent from the backwoods
  4. MARSOC has been wearing the patch unauthorized, and self identifying as the RAIDERS more or less since creation. I am glad Mama Green finally gave them proper authorization. And no it will not affect any Reconnaissance units that I know of Sent from the backwoods
  5. Noble metals in Oak Ridge used to, not sure if they still do. You can buy 5 gallon buckets of birdshot from them. I don't remember the price but give them a call Monday. Sent from the backwoods
  6. I think the move did you good. Your post in general seem to convey a more relaxed person who is enjoying them self Sent from the backwoods
  7. I bet these guys could help Sent from the backwoods
  8. Were't you coming back around to enjoy this? It has so many subtle layers to enjoy, like a fine scotch. Sent from the backwoods
  9. Man you've been to my place. He couldn't even find the damn thing, much less make it past the gate and the lovely neighbors at the beginning of the road. Sent from the backwoods
  10. Ok, I'll just say it openly. The TGO member known as Spru is not invited in any way, shape, form or fashion to any event that I host on my property. If he manages to find said property without getting completely and utterly lost in the backwoods of nowhere in some very unfriendly hick neighborhoods, and manages to make it on to my property through the locked gate and past the "No trespassing" signs he will be asked to leave. [emoji4] Sent from the backwoods
  11. And you assume you would be greeted with open arms at anyone else's TGO event when you came rolling in burning an American flag? That should make for an interesting event for sure. Sent from the backwoods
  12. Yep. Right until your cross that property line. And since you can't even see the property line from where we shoot, much less the road, all I can say is good luck. Sent from the backwoods
  13. Considering all my events are held on private family land, in the middle of nowhere, you really don't hope you see me there. Trust me. [emoji6] And generations have been clearly defined by their birth years for the last century. http://www.socialmarketing.org/newsletter/features/generation1.htm Sent from the backwoods
  14. Only fixed blade I carried was the OKC-3S bayonet on my plate carrier. And never used the damn thing. Mostly I used a medium Case stockman or my Leatherman. Sent from the backwoods
  15. Yeah those are prisoners practicing Systema, a Russian Martial art. My guess is minimum security. How would you like to be the guards watching that monster practice gun and knife disarms lol Sent from the backwoods
  16. I would bet money she was ditching drugs for her mom. Probably either weed or pills. Sent from the backwoods
  17. That's a nightmare in a fight. Extremely strong, very quick hands, very skilled and the way he handles those knives and axes shows a ton of dexterity Sent from the backwoods
  18. Let's see if we can get it headed somewhere else. How about a huge Russian showing self defense techniques https://youtu.be/TXXcNsJHumY Sent from the backwoods
  19. I avoid this danger by wearing adult diapers at all times instead. If I found kne it would depend where I was. In public I would inform a manager to secure the bathroom and call police. At work I'd call the security office. Sent from the backwoods
  20. Wife had hers out at the end of 2011. She stayed over night then the next night went back in because she couldn't keep food down. Turns out they gave her way to much anstesia and it made her sick. We were at the naval hospital on Camp Pendleton. They kept checking her incision sites for infection, and finally she asked for food. They refused to feed her for almost 3 days, told her she couldn't a shower, and then when she started crying they tried to force some nerve pills down her throat. I damn near went to the brig that day. The doctor told me he could have me removed and make her take the xanax, I told him, an O4 officer in the Navy, that I'd beat him to death if he tried to force her to take anything. We had already had a confrontation the first night as they tried to make me leave and I told them to shove it. Needless to say I ended up standing tall in front of my CO over my wife's gallbladder lol. He asked if I was serious when I threatened a senior officer, and I looked him in the eye and told him I'd kill any man who hurt my wife or forced her to do something against her will. He said I was a good husband and that was the end of it. Sent from the backwoods
  21. I still haven't figured out why a fist fight between 2 grown adults is illegal. If your man enough to run your mouth, then why go crying when somebody calls you on your bullshit. My dad grew up in the 60's and 70's and he talks about getting in a few fights. Generally if the cops got called, which was rare, they just told everyone to settle down. The internet and the modern day pussifcation of the American male has made it so most men and boys think of a fight as cussing each other and maybe a shove or two. You slug them and they are gonna just pull a gun ot call the cops am even though they helped escalate it
  22. I'll let you know. Most of my range trips will be after work at 500 am and I'll start shooting at daylight so I doubt you wanna do that lol.
  23. No suprise there. I'm glad the law is handling it the way they are. I'm also glad Tennessee protects him from civil suits. I love how the news mentions at every turn he didn't have a permit Justification Excluding Criminal Responsibility 39-11-622. Justification for use of force — Exceptions — Immunity from civil liability. (a) (1) A person who uses force as permitted in §§ 39-11-611 — 39-11-614 or § 29-34-201, is justified in using such force and is immune from civil liability for the use of such force, unless: (A) The person against whom force was used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in § 39-11-106 who: (i) Was acting in the performance of the officer’s official duties Sent from the backwoods
  24. I agree we need different view points. Everyone here has probably read to orginal thread by now. Here was my issue. In his post, he said he would defend someone's right to burn a flag, then asked the question "How about you?". So he was looking for different opinons. I know my view points are old fashioned to most, and that violence isn't the answer to everything. I am normally a calm and fairly light hearted person. But there will always be things that touch us down to the very core. Burning that flag is one of them for me. So is insulting my wife or mother. If we are with friends and we are cutting up and joking I'm not gonna just fly off the handle. But if someone on the street calls my wife a slut in an argument we are gonna have major issues. It's a lack of respect issue. I know some people think using violence over a lack of respect is bullshit and I'm fine with that. But we had at least one President and several high ranking politicians who would quickly call a man out to a duel if they were disrespected. So while I value his opinion, you can't ask for differing opinions and then get your panties in a wad when someone gives them to you. I wasn't raised with one damn ounce of backup anywhere in my spine. I am what I am and most of the time I will keep my mouth shut about inflammatory topics, but if you ask, I will give it and I won't back down from my beliefs. On the internet or in person Sent from the backwoods
  25. That makes 2 names I didn't recognize tonight. Who is Shannon Watts and what is the back story? Sent from the backwoods


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