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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Mine didn't increase by some miracle. Our plant is large enough and very proactive by putting in clinic, etc etc. They kept BCBS from raising everything but our deductible which went up $100. ACA needs to go though, it's crippling the middle class. Sent from behind the anvil
  2. I have a Greg Mcgee light that I won in a giveaway. It uses rechargeable 18650 batteries and with the upgraded 1200 lumen head it is insane. I use it for a weapon light right now, but it's stupid bright and will throw a beam good enough to light up a coyote at 200 plus yards. He also has a light called the lineman, it's about 500 lumens and is designed to do exactly what you need. http://www.shop.gregmcgeeengineering.com/MC-G33-XM-LIMITED-037.htm That's the light I've got. The lineman is listed on his page. Sent from behind the anvil
  3. Me and my old man discussed this before. They came up with DST in the 30's, but it never made sense. My Grandpa was a farmer just like all our family has been. The work started when the sun rose and stopped when it set. It never made one bit of difference what the clock said. The only reason for the clock was because he was a third shift coal miner so he knew when to leave for work. Farmers run off daylight not clock time. Sent from behind the anvil
  4. Mine ended with me no longer having Comcast . The customer service rep told me I had to stick with them, nothing else as available in my area. I told him I didn't have to do a damn thing. Left their box and shit on the front porch and when they contacted me for the last payment my lawyer sent them a letter. They dropped the issue. My orginal complaint was spotty Internet that kept going in and out, and a bill that seemed to be ever increasing. Comcast can kiss my ass, I've got a smart phone with a big data plan and there is nothing on cable worth watching, especially when I gotta pay for 900 sports news and Latin channels I never use to get the few I want. I hate companies that believe they are big enough that customer service doesn't matter. I dropped Verizon over the same crap of "We are the best and you won't dare go elsewhere " after I had been a customer for 10 years. Sounds like I won't be using midwayusa either. Thanks for the heads up Sent from behind the anvil
  5. I actually rented it when it came out in redbox, and fell asleep in the first ten minutes. I didn't even think about it again till it was on Netflix and now I own the dvd. It's one of the few movies I can watch regularly and not get tired of it. Sent from behind the anvil
  6. I stepped foot in the place once. Spent about 10 minutes and I've never been back. Guy has a pompous attitude and treats any customer that doesn't agree with him like shit. Sent from behind the anvil
  7. I can't comment on the safari land but I can tell you one person you might wanna check. Kenny Campbell over at dark sword tactical. He is local, friendly, easy to work with and does custom work as well as a few base models. His prices are very reasonable as well. I plan to go to him for a paddle setup soon, mostly due to the same issue of taking the gun off every time I come and go at work. If you talk to Kenny tell him Jordan sent you his way. His website is http://www.darkswordtactical.com/category-s/1854.htm And this a setup he did with a G code paddle gor a light bearing 17. His Facebook has tons of custom work pictures if you search Dark Sword Tactical on there. Sent from behind the anvil
  8. I'll have to try that. I used to carry a padlock with a bandana threaded through it for "locking up my bike" tucked down in my back pocket. Makes a pretty good sap if needed Sent from behind the anvil
  9. If you'll take a solid spine magazine, open it to the mid way point, and lay as many quarters as will fit side by side down the seam, then close and roll it, it makes an amazingly tough impact and thrusting weapon. Sent from behind the anvil
  10. Asked my wife who works as a billing clerk in a dealer. The business tax is charged to every car because every vehicle the dealer sells they have to pay the business tax on it. Sent from behind the anvil
  11. And that's the exact reason I changed mine relegious in my WarD. That car saw high speeds on dangerous roads every weekend. It only took boiling the old fluid once and I started swapping it every 6 months. The only fluid that doesn't absorb water that I know of is DOT 5 and it's silicon based and shouldn't be mixed with anything else. Sent from behind the anvil
  12. Thanks guys, I always enjoy making anything in the forge, and hope to improve my skills steadily As are you. I really want to try my hand at knife making with stock removal to get the super clean lines and finishes guys like your and GT have. Sent from behind the anvil
  13. Spots

    Cheap Thrills

    Hi point Sent from behind the anvil
  14. We had a kid get booted from boot camp for failure to adapt after 3 weeks. An honorable discharge certificate will prove service. And yeah, I don't give a damn if your trying to get free beer or keep your kids from being homeless, lying about military service is Stolen Valor. Period. I showed my DD-214 to have veteran added to my DL, and I've showed it to employers who asked. Most people probably won't question your military service unless you start using it as an excuse to get free shit or charity. So if you were to ask for money for whatever reason, and claimed disabled vet status to help your case, I think it's well within the bounds of reasonable to ask for proof. Just like I ask for proof whenever someone asked me to donate to help fire departments or anything else. Sent from behind the anvil
  15. I got no issue calling somebody out. If they are a legit vet it's pretty easy to tell talking to them, but if I had doubts I'd ask for a DD-214, and would have no trouble producing mine if it's asked for. I have no respect or tolerance for people lying about military service. I've got brothers who are permanently scared and a few who never came home, and lying about it is disrespectful to them in the worst way. If she never graduated boot camp then she's not a veteran, and I'm not sure they even give DD-214's for failure to adapt in basic. Ask for help honestly and I'll give you the shirt of my back. Lie to me and I'll laugh at your calamity. 99% of the wounded vets I know have to have it pried out of them, and most veterans won't push their vet status out of humbleness Sent from behind the anvil
  16. It should show the type of discharge, if she was medically discharged. Of not then the only thing I can think of would be a letter from the VA. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in. Sent from behind the anvil
  17. Yeah. Dd-214. Every vet has one Sent from behind the anvil
  18. I've never been a baseball cap person. My dad and my papaw wore a hat because they are practical, the same reason I do. Protection from sun, rain, snow, hot and cold weather. And they look better than a ballcap. Sent from behind the anvil
  19. Yeah its early, but I was just curious who had a Christmas list started and what's on it? Me and the wife decided to exchange one item each, and focus more on spending time with family and friends this holiday. She asked for a revolver to start carrying so I'm gonna be trying to find a snubby .38 in a light weight frame. And I asked for a new hat from Falcon Park Hattery, so that will be on order soon. What are you and the spouse doing for the holidays? This is the hat I'm ordering Based off this from my favorite movie Sent from behind the anvil
  20. Thanks I was wondering if it was the Outlaws MC or some idiot calling himself that. Guess I got my answer. Sent from behind the anvil
  21. Got a link? Sent from behind the anvil
  22. I had a 1978 Ford F-150 that I got in highschool. It was my first road legal truck, and i drove it everyday. Blew the motor after high school, and as a coming home present my dad dropped in a new one while I was at boot camp. Drove it everytime I came home, proposed to my wife in it. Dropped a 460 in it after I eased and came home. Finally sold it after it sat for 6 months with no money to put on tires a couple years ago to a gentleman on here. I regret it everyday and would love to have it back, but don't even remeber his screen name. If it means something deep down, then keep it. You'll regret the sell and the money will disappear all to quickly Sent from behind the anvil
  23. That describes 90% of the gun owners in my circle, even the military ones. Very few people practice regularly, and of those that do, it's a tiny number that do much more than stand and shoot statically at paper, with the occasional reload or draw practice thrown in. If I'm gonna carry something for protection, be it a firearm, a knife or my bare fist, I'm going to make my best effort at being as proficient as possible, but for some people they think waving it around is all they need to dissuade criminals Sent from behind the anvil
  24. Compared to what else I could carry with that versatility it is relatively small and light. My only other options for a snake gun would be a .38/.357 with shot shells, a .410 single shot, or a Judge style revolver which are all heavier and bigger than a derringer. Sent from behind the anvil
  25. I'd carry one Ginseng hunting to dispatch snakes and for two legged varmint protection. Small, light weight and you could carry a .45 in one barrel and birdshot in the other. I'd love to have one Sent from behind the anvil


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