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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Used the Kindle gift card and these came in today. Thank you santa! Sent from behind the anvil
  2. Just a few weeks ago I was talking to a friend who was complain about his wage cuts due to low gas prices. He works in the oil fields. Funny, he didn't complain one bit when I could barely afford to drive to work on almost $4 a gallon gas but he was making 6 figures and had an $80k diesel dually with tons of aftermarket work. When I said something he told me to find an oilfield job and quit complaining. He got the same advice, find a different job and quit complaining. Cheap gas means more money for food, entertainment, guns, hobbies, etc which is good for the economy Sent from behind the anvil
  3. I paid $1.67 in Kingston a couple days ago. Sent from behind the anvil
  4. Lmao. Didn't MARSOC include 19's in the issue inventory? They were just showcasing the Colt 1911's they ordered when I got out in 2012, and not long after I saw articles saying they were adding Glock 19's to the inventory of regularly issued firearms. As mentioned, just about every Special Operations type I ran in to carried a wide range of gear depending on mission, availability and personal preference Sent from behind the anvil
  5. There isn't a 4wd on the planet that will touch a Subaru at high speed in the snow, dirt or gravel. I've driven everything from a lifted 76 Jeep cherokee, 78 Ford f150 with a big block and boggers, 2005 Duramax 2500 4wd etc. Right now I've got a 4x4 Dodge dakota, and in snow I'd trade it for a beat up Scooby in a heartbeat. My old WRX. In that trim it was a hoot. And in this setup it would give anything short of a great driver in an awesome car a hell of a time. We used to do canyon runs every weekend and I earned a spot towards the front of a pack of fast cars in that thing. Sent from behind the anvil
  6. The legend says Jim Bowies knife had meteorite steel in it. But according to some knife makers I know who have worked with it, it's low carbon and a pain to work. It will have to be smelter down and have carbon added for it to be worth anything for making anything Sent from behind the anvil
  7. Put this on layaway and will pull it out next month. 5.5" .44 mag super blackhawk Sent from behind the anvil
  8. I work in an automotive casting facility and we got hit by lightning twice. Messed up all of our CNC machines. Been down for an hour now. Sent from behind the anvil
  9. Gotta love the legend Sent from behind the anvil
  10. My current 2000 Dakota looks like somebody took a ball peen to it because of hail damage, and has 200k miles. It's got 245/75r16 wore out all terrains under it and I'm willing to bet it's seen more mud, snow, ice and backwoods than 98% of the lifted trucks on the road. I knew a guy in California when I was in the diesel club, who had a Dodge 2500 on 38" tires and he washed and waxed it and detailed it weekly. It looked showroom new and was as useless as tits on a boar hog. Sent from behind the anvil
  11. It's a firehouse minamlist fire hose wallet. They last forever Sent from behind the anvil
  12. They aren't cheap, that's a fact. But I learned with most things, if you can swing the money up front, it's one less thing to go wrong in the equation. Buying a kit will let me focus on the basics of fermeting and runs and not worry about messing with a hack job still I've slapped together. Yours looks very professional, do you use copper packing since it's a stainless setup? Also, when you do your mash, you said you do 10 gallons. Do you do a stripper run to make 50-60% abv and then rerun it to get your final product or do you run your final product from the wash off your fermet? Feel free to wait until you get to a computer to type. I was reading up on claw hammers recipes, I definitely wanna start with an established recipe. My biggest worry is the cuts. Getting heads in the hearts can run flavor, but getting the methanol foreshot in them will cause blindness. So my biggest concern is making sure I don't poison myself. Is it obvious when the methanol stops by smell or is it subtle? Thanks for all the advice and help. Sent from behind the anvil
  13. That was part of the reason I'm gonna do a hybrid still and I plan to use both a pot thermometer and a column thermometer as well as one of there parrots with a distilling hydrometer to try and get the best product possible. I'm hoping to just make small batches of "fuel" to put back for hard times and give to a few select friends. Sent from behind the anvil
  14. So quick update on this. At income tax time I'm gonna be ordering up a still. I'll be ordering from Clawhammer Supply and will be going with their 10 gallon copper, build it yourself kit. This let's me have some pride in workmanship and I feel capable of doing the work, but I also know all the parts are there and I can call them for help if I run in to something unexpected. I went with a 10 gallon as a starter so I can take things slowly but still run enough for it to be worth it. I'm also gonna order up a couple of books to read up on. And I'll probably be picking several people's brains when I can. For those of you who have done this, let me see if I have the process right. You make your mash, adding sugar, corn, or sweet feed, etc and yeast to water. This fermets in a mash barrel. Once it's done fermeting, you siphon off the wash (liquid) into a separate container. Then you do a stripper run and don't make any cuts. This makes low wines and clears your wash of most of the water, particles etc. Make enough stripper runs to have 10 gallons of low wines? Then add all the low wines, and distill slowly, cutting out the foreshort (methanol) then cutting the heads, hearts and finally the tails. This will yield high wines or high proof alchol in your hearts correct? Is there anything I'm missing or that j am misinformed on? How much wash does it to take to strip off and make 10 gallons of low wines? And with 10 gallons of low wines, how much finished product can be expected? Sent from behind the anvil
  15. Mine came in last night. I got a nice Christmas card and a Kindle gift card. Sent from behind the anvil
  16. Merry Christmas Sent from behind the anvil
  17. A part of me wishes they would just go ahead and cram full scale ban and confiscation down our throats. It would be the straw that broke the camels back, hundreds of thousands would die, and the country would be forever changed. But at least this festering boil would be lanced and could begin to heal. If it's coming I want it to come while my generation is the one still here to deal with it, so my children don't have too. Sent from behind the anvil
  18. Somebody will probably end up shot before it's over. Sent from behind the anvil
  19. I'm gonna go with idiot hunter who just gets a kick out of killing aomething. I know the type. If they go deer hunting and don't kill a deer they will look for other stuff just to kill something. I'm all for hunting for food, and I'm ok with trophy hunting big game. But killing just to kill is sadistic and wasteful. Sent from behind the anvil
  20. GjohnsonIV makes all my leather. He is one of the best around and at a fair price. I love his leather. He did this M7 style for me recently for my Glock 17. I ride a motorcycle year round, and I'm a Patchholder in a club so I always have a vest one. The shoulder holster makes accessing the gun on or off the bike easy and carrying all day comfortable. Sent from behind the anvil
  21. I do. I live on a one lane deaden back road. It not even wide enou gh for two trucks to pass and I'm the second to last house. And still they wander out here 3 to 4 times a year. My parents live way out. Between Briceville and New River which are both known as rough neighborhoods to unfamiliar faces and were pretty wild just a few years ago. It's a 30 min drive from the nearest gas station, up a very curvy mountain road, then out a single lane dead end road, and up a 1/4 mile long driveway. There's only a JW or salemans that wanders up that way every couple years. Sent from behind the anvil
  22. The last 30 seconds of this video. 2008. I was getting back in to riding dirt bikes, and was in Okinawa, Japan. I jumped a bad line, bailed off the bike and wadded up my knee and ankle. I still have lots of issues out of that knee 6 years later, and will until I die. I spent 8 weeks on crutches because of that wreck. That was a bad day to me. https://youtu.be/8uTJPcG8ICk Sent from behind the anvil
  23. This one has worked well so far lol. I think most people are more afraid of hard work than they would be of Satan Sent from behind the anvil
  24. I get a few ever now and then. Something about some big dude with tats and beard opening a door and asking who the f*** they are what the f*** they want seems to turn them off to the idea. I'm very rude and gruff to people knocking on my door solicting. I've also had one show up at my parents when I was the only one there, working in the blacksmith shop. It was a Jehovahs witness. I told him he could talk all he wanted as long as he would come in the shop and swing a hammer while doing it cause I had shit to do. He declined my offer lol. Sent from behind the anvil
  25. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I still prefer my guns to have a caliber tgat starts with .4 because there are two kinds of countries in this world. Those that use the metric system and those who sent a man to the moon. Sent from behind the anvil


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