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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Yourselves!!! i thought it would be interesting to be able to put a face with a screen name. So if your up to it, post a recent picture of your mug for the world to see. This should be interesting to see what everyone looks like.... This is me, and my big buddy Cooper about a month ago
  2. I open carry pretty often, but it really depends on where I am. I live in a rural community, and open carry is pretty normal around my area. Now if I was in the middle of Nashville, I probably wouldn't open carry a .44 magnum, but I wouldn't have an issue if my Taurus popped out from under my shirt.
  3. Where abouts in Harriman do you live? I live over off Old Harriman highway behind Jonesville methodist, I do believe we might live fairly close to each other. And welcome this is a great site.
  4. As someone who has been in a bad situation, sending rounds down range, I still have no idea how I would react. The billy badasses are fine and dandy, but I've been stacked on a door, heart thumping, and knowing whats coming, and its still hard to put accurate rounds down range and know when to stop. If I am laying in bed, and get woken up at 3:00 am by my dogs flipping out, sounds of an intruder, there will be no warning, verbal or otherwise. I hope I can focus enough to handle the situation appropriately. I can tell you right now the bravado won't help you and the cool, calculated failure to stop drills, etc are 10 million times harder when faced with an immediate threat. Just my two cents, I truely hope no one on this forum ever has to find out first hand how they would react.
  5. Well ita getting close so we have to set a date. I'm gonna go forward with the 30th. So we will be meeting anytime after 5:00 pm Fri. June 29th for those that would like to camp. If your coming to the event saturday lets say show up at 8:00 am sat. morning June 30th. Please bring fishing gear if youd like to fish the creek we are staying next too. Also bring camping gear (bedroll, sleeping bag, tent if thats your thing , food for the camp fire, and a good attitude. We will be having knife and hawk throwing, hide tanning, and other stuff. I hope to see everyone who can make it there. The address is 225 George jones rd oliver springs tn 37840. If you get lost or need directions pm me on here or call 850-776-8205. Send me a text first if possible, i dont usually answer numbers I dont know if Im at all busy. Thanks
  6. I feel your pain. I started with glasses at 4, and my last eye appointment my vision was 20/1200 or -8.75 in both eyes. I can't read a book farther than 3 inches from my face without contacts. And my dad has glacoma so thats something else I get to worry about as I age.
  7. I wanna go out the same way I came in. Kicking, screaming, and covered in someone elses blood.
  8. He can fish right off the bank of the creek we will be camping by.
  9. I love tapatio. Ive eaten some hot stuff before, especially in Thailand and Japan. That said i refrain from stuff that burns that bad anymore because it usually gives me heartburn like a mother. I got tired of not being able to sleep at night at the age of 23 and decided to make some cuisne changes. I do understand the rush though
  10. I love the sackett books the best. Probably since they are from the mountains of TN so I feel I can relate better. Im honestly more of a william johnstone mountain man series person, preferring the first mountain man Preacher books.
  11. Ok I'll keep it in mind. I don't need an exact count, just a decent idea.
  12. Yes, please get your votes in as soon as you can. No later than June 15th to give everyone time to make plans please. We will go with the date that has the highest number of votes plain and simple. So if you plan to attend, please vote soon, and start getting your supplies ready for a hellasish shindig
  13. Measurements would be awesome, but anything is appreciated.
  14. Can some of you guys post up pictures of your possibles bags? I've got an old set of leather shotgun chaps I dont use anymore, and was thinking of making a possibles bag and knife sheath for the new camp knife I'm working on that match. Thanks guys
  15. I agree. I think you should be able to carry any firearm, in any manner you wish, anywhere you wish to carry it.
  16. Sadly, it probably wouldn't have mattered in this case. Most states, TN included, will not let you carry a gun under the influence. So, had he been carrying in the bar, he would have been in the wrong, and if he had successful defended his self, he would still be facing a long jail sentence.
  17. My address is posted in the first post, thats where it'll be, out by poplar creek behind my house. My address is 225 George Jones Rd Oliver Springs, TN 37840 for anyone who missed it. Mapquest will find it, as well as most cell phone navigators, and if you don't have either one of those, PM me and tell me your starting point and I'll give you directions.
  18. Done did. Nothing dies without a need around me. It was a danger to several people and pets, I'm tanning the hide for use in knife sheaths, the rattles will go on a knife sheath, and me and my brother in law filleted and grilled it.
  19. I love the Best of the Best. Never heard that comparison before lol. Yeah that snake ain't alive lol. I've caught them alive before, but that one is tacked out and salted downstairs right now, and the rattlers are on the window sill.
  20. Snakes have been bad for us this year. We saw two black snakes also yesterday, but didn't see a point in bothering anything that poised no danger to anyone. The rattler was just to dangerous to leave around in the field with so many people throwing hay, and dogs running around.
  21. We were throwing hay yesterday, and my sister missed stepping on this lil cutie by about 8 inches. Had 9 rattles and a button, not sure how long. And yes my hat is way to high because I had a bandana tied under it to control the sweat.
  22. Good to hear man. Glad your back on your feet
  23. Theres a thread here. Timestepper is doing one at my place next month
  24. The pawns are also a great idea. That building is my old mans blacksmith shop built from logs in the 70's. We use such a big saw because my dad bought it when he built my sisters log house from scratch. We also have a Husky 371 xp which is a 71cc saw making 6hp and pullong a 32" bar/ chain combo. Needless to say I grew up with delusions on what "normal" chainsaws where for farm use lol. And thanks for the woody harleson comment.
  25. This will probably be my go to weapon of choice when the fit hits the shan and I have to escape the mall in an armored bus. Husqvarna 3120 xp 9 hp, 119 cc two stroke engine, 23 lbs without the 42" bar and chain, oil or gas. Its a handful, but I haven't found a tree it wouldn't fell yet.


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