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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Ive never used a sander to sharpen a knife. I guess the closest thing Ive done is putting the first edge on a newly forged blade. Id worry about thinning the blade with a sander. Do you use the belt sanders to do any stock removal knife making?
  2. If you can;t read it, it worried me that I would get the Kanji for courage, and it would actually say stupid. What I was saying, was even though I spent time in Japan, and understodd some of it, I didn't trust my language skills in another language to risk getting "goat ******" tattooed up the side of my leg and thinking I had something badass
  3. If I can't read it, it doesn't go on my body. I never got any Kanji, even stationed in Japan for two years. To risky. The tribal for me was just used to make my name pop, to underline it more or less. MY next tat will be a Spartan helmet, I've wanted one for a long time. Also plan to get an irish claddagh over my heart, as it has a lot of meaning to me and my wife in our relationship.
  4. Tried and true. I like to use what I'm comfy with, and I'm comfy with what I use all the time. Varmit control it my old Remington bolt action .22 unless its a coyote then its my Marlin 336 in .35 rem. Inside the house, it's my 1851 Navy or my Mossberg 500, depends on how a threat presents itself.
  5. Sweating like a whore in church. Nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Horny as a three p***ered billy goat. Tighter than a Nuns corset
  6. Tell him to talk to his career planner and find out if there is a TAPS/TAMP coordinator on base. He is required to take those classes at least once before he EAS's and they will provide a lot of assistance in writing a nice professional resume.
  7. Pictures from the last campout, pictures from the last hammer in, and pics from working the Draft horse. This one will include all three, plus some stuff. Campout pics here Forge work pics here And heres the horse we will be working with
  8. I got a pretty good idea of where your talking about. The house my dad grew up in was built on Duncan flats in the 20's, and my sister lives there now. We are probably related through marriage, as Peggy Patterson sounds real familiar. My Grandmother is a phillps, and was raised on the side of the mountain on the now gravel mining road, out by what was called the rose place. They then moved to the Deep Holler at the end of Duncan Flats and lived there for years, and still own several acres out there. I'll run it by my dad next time I talk to him. You should come up, since you know the area, I'm sure you would enjoy the event.
  9. No, I'm a Duncan, and my mom is a lively, both have been in the area for a long time. But I do know a few pattersons.
  10. Kids and wives are more than welcome. My nephew will most likely be there, and their were a couple of kids, and a few wives at the last event.
  11. Thats funny, because I have a bargain mart in my lap from July 18th, with a Ingram M10 fully auto suppressed machine gun. So that must be a real recent policy change. I guess I know one company I'll be writing to let them know that I won't support them as long as they carry that policy
  12. I would really prefer to keep it black powder only. If any modern guns are shot, the brass will have to be picked up and taken care of, and it just worries me getting a bunch of guys out there shooting, plus I do have both my sisters, and my mom to contend with if theres gunshots going all day, and we have lots of animals around. So for right now I'm gonna just say I'd prefer to keep it black powder only, on a hot target "range" during the competition.
  13. Well I figured to get this thread up early to give people time to plan and prepare. The 2nd TGO old fashioned campout, class, and rendezvous is up on us. This one will be hosted at my Dads place. He owns around 40 acres in the deep backwoods, but we have access to around 72,000 acres if needed lol. We will have some more classes on bedrolls and primitive camping, as well as camp fire dutch oven cooking, trade blankets, blacksmith work in our forge, and lots of other stuff, as well as just a chance to get out away from home, and meet some fellow TGO friends. So turn in for time off work, ask for a weekend away from honeydoos, and get prepared for an awesome weekend. What: Quarterly Old Fashioned TGO Rendezvous and campout When: Oct. 19th, 20th, and 21st Where: 386 Duncan Flats Lane, Briceville, TN 37710 Events list: Fri. afternoon: Show up, set up camp, eat dinner, meet and greet, talk, bull####, swap lies, and generally just have a nice relaxing night by the camp fire. Sat: Dutch oven cooking prep, Blacksmithing thoughout the day, classes on bedroll and primitive camp setup. Possibly do some draft horse work if their is an interest. Trade blankets set out around noon till end of day. Sun: More blacksmithing, possibly some hide tanning classes, more trading and swapping if someone wants. We will also do a knife throwing, hawk throwing, and traditional firearms shooting competition. I will provide small prizes for each of the winners. So bring your cap and ball pistols, flint rifles, cap rifles, anything that is loaded using loose powder and bullets, and fired with either a cap or flint is allowed in the shooting competition. Knife and hawk throwing rules will be worked out before the event. Remember this is about having meeting new friends, seeing old ones again, learning something new, and just generally having a good time. Also remember that my dad is opening his land to us for use during this. Please respect that by collecting up any trash you bring, and try to watch your language a little bit if possible as women and kids will be around at times. Also personal carry of firearms is excepted and encouraged, but please make sure to do so in a responsible and safe manner. Thank you
  14. I was thinking about it from another thread, and figured that a lot of guys on here probably have some ink. Lets see those cool tattoos, body mods, and piercings. I only have two tattoos right now, one from Pensacola,Florida (my name) and the tribal was done traditional style while I was in Japan.
  15. You guys know the difference between people with tattoos and people without them? People with tats don't care that you don't have them. Any time I hear people refer to how mean, rough, gangster, etc someone looks because of tats it brings this picture to mind. Not to mention the number of people in the military with tats, even though we aren't allowed to have anything above neck line.
  16. Would anyone here be interested in a knife in the hat? The way it works is that a set design is given for the knife I.E. neck knife, patch knife, zombie cleaver , and so on. Then anyone who wants to participate either makes or buys a knife that meets the criteria of the giveaway, post a pic to prove ownership, and has their name thrown in the hat. On the set day the names would be matched randomly through a computer matching system, and whoever gets matched up sends their knife to that person. Once you have the knife you were sent you post pictures, reviews, and critiques if its homemade. Here is the KITH I propose for TGO. Working knife giveaway The knife should be a design that lends itself to a good working knife. Sharp, strong, and comfortable would be the main attributes. It could be anything from a small EDC pocket knife to a large camp knife. The knife would need to be made or bought and ready for shipment by Sept. 15th, 2012. Thwe knife could be made in a forge, by using stock removal, or it could be a nice store bought knife that you would like to pass along. Let me know if your interested in something like this.
  17. Me and my dad are the ones who hosted the class. We are in the Oliver Springs area if you would lime to come see the shop and work with some hot steel some time your more than welcome too. I have to make some fire steels soon anyways
  18. Ive carried a "normal" pocket knife for years. I started with an old timer, then in my early teens swapped to a case Sodbuster. I got this Case Large trapper as a present last year and its been in my pocket daily ever since. I feel naked without a good razor sharp knife. The auto openers, spring loaded, tantoed pointed tactical fighting folders have their places, but for a work knife give mr an old school knife anyday
  19. Thats by design. It was made to look simliar to a viking bearded ax.
  20. Just like the old timers, we like to use old worn out tools and give them a new life. We took a single bit ax that broomshead left us that was beyond its useful life, threw it in the forge, did some cutting, straightening, sharpening and drawing, and ended up with a heavy short ax/hatchet. I use it to throw, and with that much heft behind it, it sinks very deep, and throws well. It also still chops well for a small camp ax, and has a good, useable hammer pole. It has almost a bearded viking ax look, thanks to the art work of broomshead. I think it would make an approiate battle ax to go with my viking beard and pissy demeanor. Let us know what you think
  21. Y ans everyone is welcome to comeWe will have another forge day when it cools off and life on the farm is not so busy. Any and everyone is welcome to come use the forge and try their hand at making a blade.
  22. A charcoal fire with an air source will work. We use coal, and you can also build a propane forge. As was already mentioned, you need a min. Of 1500 degrees sustainable. Our forge with good coal will put out 3000 degrees, you need 2800 degrees for forge welding. There are some very easy to make forges using charcoal fuel, a brake drum forge, and a hair dryer air source online. Be warned while railroad spikes are fun for tinkering, they arent high carbon enough for tools or blades.
  23. Im a huge fan. Id love to build me one like that.
  24. Amen to that Dave.
  25. I guess I got blessed with good "beard genes" Ive been able to grow a full beard since I was sixteen. And Dave sometimes you just gotta man up. I have heard a lot of people make that complaint though.


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