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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Funny as hell, but somebody beat you to it
  2. It was reaired
  3. I should have mentioned I have a bandsaw, router, table saw, etc. Also have a really good draw knife, thats what we use to draw most blanks down to a general shape. I was amazed how well those files cut, as well as the mesh backed sand paper.
  4. So I made the decision to get serious about knife making today. A lot of what we have been making is rough out stuff, nothing beautiful, but it works, and is fairly strong. Today I decided to start using nicer woods, doing more finish work, and making nicer, classier knives. Anyways I picked up some tools and materials to this effect and was wondering if anyone notices something missing from what I got that would make a substantial difference in build quality. Also I need advice on polishing the blades while leaving a handmade look to them? To make nicer handles I bought some rosewood and purple heartwood blanks, and a large selection of Iwasaki files. I used these files tonight on the handle of my newest bowie, and they cut amazingly well. I would suggest a few different types to anyone who works with wood. I got the 150mm half round and flat medium cuts, a 200mm flat fine cut, and an 8mm round cut for cutting the tang holes in handles. I also bought some very good sand paper, and was amazed at the difference from the cheap stuff. Its Abranet multipack, with 80-600 grain. It made a huge difference in finishing the out the oak handle on my last knife. On the steel side I bought some nice blanks of 5160 and 1084 that are in smaller widths and better thicknesses then the leaf springs I've been using. Does anyone notice anything I've missed? And what makes a good polishing system for the high carbon steel blades, that won't take away all the forging marks, but will make it look better. Thanks guys.
  5. Shoot I'm all for bumping it to $100 but I know thats to high for some lol
  6. I stopped by yesterday. Awesome people. They sharpened my new homemade bowie and both blades on my case knife for $12. And they all have excellent edges. The case ia polished and honed to perfection and will cleanly shave hair with one stroke. Awesome place. Highly reccomended.
  7. The alcohol thing was so that everyone knew. I knew you were too young to buy or consume. I am really hoping this turns out to be a nice big event that goes well. If so it will probably become a bi annual or more thing
  8. We are about 165 miles from you on the east side of the state. Would take you about 3 hours to get here. On another note. If you bring alcohol it can't be out until the grandkids and my mom is in bed. So save it for the nights around the fire. Also try to watch you language if you can. Other than that come on out ready for a good time.
  9. Weather looks great for that weekend. Its getting close now. Just 10 days until we are sitting around tge fire having a good ol time
  10. I'm in. Likes: chunks of exoctic hard wood for knife handles, wood working hand tools, pocket knives, .35 rem and .22 ammo. Also chunks of steel for blacksmithing work is always good.
  11. George (gjohnson) came over today and helped me make my first sheath. Now my bowie has a home!!!
  12. Welcome to TGO from a former Marine. I was in from 2007 to 2012. You seem mature for a 16 year old, which is always a plus.
  13. Me and my dad spent all day yesterday working in the forge, after setting up the rendezvous camp site. We made two horseshoe knives, one for a customer here, the other for a family friend. We also made me a large camp bowie. The bowie is 15" overall. 5" handle, 10" inch blade. Seasoned oak handle with a through tang. Hand guard and butt plate are made from horseshoes, knife itself started as a large chunk of 5160 leaf spring steel off a truck. I'll be making more horseshoe knives to sell and trade. Without further ado, the pictures.....
  14. How did you convince them on this? Im sick of gingerbread and really want the intuition phablet. Gingerbread on a phone built for ics sucks. What was your argument and did you have to pay for the razr.
  15. You have to be a premium member with 250 post or more
  16. Ill type a new one tonight. Price, knife type, and dates will be made very plain. Sorry I didnt get on the ball sooner
  17. We used this to slab the tops and bottoms. We were working with some very large poplar logs, up to 50" wide. We ran that on a Husky 3120 with a 72" bar. Its not bad if there are two men. One person will just have to go slow to keep from being winded. Of course a smaller mill and saw setup would go alot easier also. We did a cure and dry time on aloy of our stuff, that way it doesnt draw and crack as bad after its set.
  18. Passionfruit is TN's state wildflower, yes thats a passion fruit
  19. Unless you need true black powder, walmart carries Pyrodex FFg substitute. Its fairly reasonable. I know Oak Ridge walmart had it last night
  20. I use Fox Fi on my Bionic constantly. I just wish they would hurry up with Ice cream sandwich.
  21. YEs and it was some of the best pork I've ever eaten
  22. Does that mean we will have wild boar bacon for the rendezvous?
  23. $1250 for a used, lightly modified Glock? Jesus.....
  24. If your ever in East TN your welcime to use my land. I can shoot up to 500 yds
  25. Awesome I'd love to work beside you in our forge. Hoping to learn something from ya


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