So I made the decision to get serious about knife making today. A lot of what we have been making is rough out stuff, nothing beautiful, but it works, and is fairly strong. Today I decided to start using nicer woods, doing more finish work, and making nicer, classier knives. Anyways I picked up some tools and materials to this effect and was wondering if anyone notices something missing from what I got that would make a substantial difference in build quality. Also I need advice on polishing the blades while leaving a handmade look to them?
To make nicer handles I bought some rosewood and purple heartwood blanks, and a large selection of Iwasaki files. I used these files tonight on the handle of my newest bowie, and they cut amazingly well. I would suggest a few different types to anyone who works with wood. I got the 150mm half round and flat medium cuts, a 200mm flat fine cut, and an 8mm round cut for cutting the tang holes in handles. I also bought some very good sand paper, and was amazed at the difference from the cheap stuff. Its Abranet multipack, with 80-600 grain. It made a huge difference in finishing the out the oak handle on my last knife. On the steel side I bought some nice blanks of 5160 and 1084 that are in smaller widths and better thicknesses then the leaf springs I've been using. Does anyone notice anything I've missed? And what makes a good polishing system for the high carbon steel blades, that won't take away all the forging marks, but will make it look better. Thanks guys.