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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Who makes your sheathes?
  2. Spots


    This guy is being sued for kicking out a veteran with a legal service animal in his store. I hope the vet bankrupts this moron. http://www.nydailyne...ticle-1.1191429
  3. Pictures from our last couple of classes. First me and my dad, the two blacksmiths from Flatwoods Forge Broomhead working in the forge back in July when him and his dad came out The whole group from the last class, plus Jaxjohns spring steel knife
  4. Come on guys, clear those schedules up and lets work some steel
  5. It was. Glad everything worked out
  6. Naw no more d guard. The more i look at it, the more i consider scraping the whole thing.
  7. I worked on this knife most of the weekend. I ended up with a blade I love, and a handle/guard that I hate. The round handle looks fine, but the D-guard was a huge mistake, as it sits to far from down from the ricasso area, and I slotted the handle for the hidden tang wrong, and the back end of the handle has just enough looseness and wobble to piss me off, as I refuse to sell a knife that isn't to my standards. So next weekends project involves making a new handles, getting ready of that blankity-blank ugly ass d-guard for a true fighting guard and end cap setup, and working the handle to blade ricasso area for a much better line flow. Anyways, heres a pic of my failure. Let me know what you think. Anyone with photshop ability, or a good idea, tell me what handle/guard setup suits this damn bowie.
  8. Spots

    New ink

    I didnt get.one when i was in. Most people get it after they get it.out and forget the bad times and bull####
  9. This is a small coffee cup stand that my wife wanted. Round bar rolled into a hoop, horseshoe press fit then the end of the stock was peened for a tight fit. Round hooks rolled, with a locking curl to keep them from disappearing.
  10. Spots

    New ink

    The heck with that. I've got more tattoos than that one, and even if I hadn't served I'd still want tattoos. Those freedoms are the reason I served.
  11. Don't bust the handle, and sharpen it before you pass it along, and you can be my guest. I'm glad its performing well, this gives me a boost in confidence.
  12. Spots

    New ink

    I got a new tattoo at say ow tattoo in clinton. It says Semper Fi, and is on my left forum. And it is a tribute to my brothers and sisters in arms and my time in the Marines.
  13. Good to go. Your in 56.
  14. Sure its still open. Just remember good pics and a review are all thats required. The list now stands at Trickynicky Maroonandwhite Bjb Broomhead Musicman 56fordguy
  15. At least I know it didn't break on the first little task. So theres a few nerves gone lol.
  16. Well this should be intresting
  17. TrickyNicky (Received yesterday 10/24) Maroonandwhite BJB Broomhead Just to make sure people know the order
  18. Noted. I'll stick with the baking soda approach then. I still can't wait to see what it does.
  19. This is a lil video showing what kind of punishment a forged titanium knife blade can take.
  20. I don't know the alloy, so its gonna be a shoot in the dark. I do know the man he bought it from used it for knife making. I worked with some of it when I was in the USMC as an aircraft mechanic, but forging it should be interesting. It has a narrow forge range, as too cold (1800* and below) and it won't move, and too hot (2300* and above) it will catch fire and burn like a welding rod, and is hard to put out. But if I can make a knife from it, it should be hell on wheels. Yeah, I have a metal, lidded bucket full of baking soda, a class D extingusher, and if all else fails, a large pond full of water. I'll get it out somehow.
  21. So the mailman dropped off some new goodies today. RED333 was nice enough to send me to large pieces of titanium to try my hand at forging out some knives with. At the very least I'll use it for handguards, pommels, etc. But I hope to be able to forge it into a few knives, as it is supposed to be very tough ####. The pieces he sent me are .5" x 7" x 16" and he sent me two of them. They should make some good knives if my abilities are up to par. Thanks for being a great guy RED.
  22. I have more passarounds planned so stay tuned.
  23. Glad it made it ok. Looking forward to what should be a good learning experience for me.
  24. Slick looking knives man. Keep up the good work
  25. I had a couple of questions on this, so just to clear it up. There is no cost what so ever for the classes. The only thing you will have to pay for is your fuel to drive here, and to bring a sack lunch, and supper.


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