I worked on this knife most of the weekend. I ended up with a blade I love, and a handle/guard that I hate. The round handle looks fine, but the D-guard was a huge mistake, as it sits to far from down from the ricasso area, and I slotted the handle for the hidden tang wrong, and the back end of the handle has just enough looseness and wobble to piss me off, as I refuse to sell a knife that isn't to my standards. So next weekends project involves making a new handles, getting ready of that blankity-blank ugly ass d-guard for a true fighting guard and end cap setup, and working the handle to blade ricasso area for a much better line flow. Anyways, heres a pic of my failure. Let me know what you think. Anyone with photshop ability, or a good idea, tell me what handle/guard setup suits this damn bowie.