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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Spots

    new pup

    Beautiful pup
  2. One of my new favorites. Has a lonesome sound to it that I love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsnlVNtEljY
  3. These people need to leave Gods chosen people alone [b] [size=4]Ezekiel 38:16[/size][/b] And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.
  4. If they keep pushing Israel for a fight they are gonna get exactly what they want. And they are not gonna enjoy it when they do.
  5. [quote name='gnmwilliams' timestamp='1353094594' post='846738'] My thoughts exactly. I saw the CGI and it made me a little nervous. Plus, weren't the zombies in the book slower than that? [/quote] Yeah in the book they were walkers, from what I remember. This is gonna sound weird when talking about a zombie movie, but it will be great if its not to over the top
  6. Good God Tallahassee would be freaking out.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h81VGWQip4k
  7. Lol well I'm glad it didn't bite you. I put enough blood into making them. No need for customers to do the same lol
  8. I saw the signs last night. I really wish I had known about this a few weeks ago, and I woulda setup a table for my knives there. I've never been, but its not that far from Lafollette, so it may be worth checking out for ya.
  9. This was my first through tang grip knife and looking back there were somethings that I should have done differently, and that I now do differently for all my through tangs. Number one is that tang is to big to a full hidden tang. Its 3/8" thick and an 1 1/8th" wide which meant it took a bigger whole than it should have. The second thing I wish I had done was use the expoxy I use now. Its very thick and forms well, and would have filled any nooks and crannies, plus instead of relying on just the compression of the pommel, it would have also been glued. Im anxious to see how the grip continues to perform, and I rest a lil easier knowing that so far the only deficiency found is one I had already started correcting.
  10. Grandpa needs his ass kicked for that. Age doesn't give you an excuse to do what you want, especially not if that was the first time the dog had wandered over there. It takes a mean hearted person to do that.
  11. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352922862' post='845632'] And if the accused plead guilty or was found guilty then they are guilty. We have a legal system and as fouled up as it may seem at times it is the law. I met all kinds of criminals that proclaimed their innocence. Now I will say on rare occassions that the innocent are wrongly found guilty but it is a rarity and not the norm. All those who were brought before their command had the option of trial by court martial but they chose to accept their punishment at the company level. Go find the petition and and show your support for it. I am not denying you the ability to support it. Dolomite [/quote] I'm not discussing the rights or wrongs of the crime. I'm simply asking what rule the post violated? If it didn't violate a specific rule, then why was it deleted?
  12. Whether or not we agree with the subject, without him violating a specific rule, deleting the post on a board the encourages personal freedom and speaking for what you believe in is very disturbing to me. While I don't believe in the hurting or touching a woman in any violent or non consensual manner, I saw a lot of consensual sex get turned into rape cases if they got caught in the barracks when I was in. I have seen all to often how quickly a scorned woman can ruin a mans life and career when he did nothing wrong.
  13. Oh yes. Thats gonna make a good one.
  14. Good looking venison you get there you ol' warhoss.
  15. Hell Im not even thirty years old.... and I do love my toe shoes for crossfit. All you old farts made sure to leave us young responsible gun owners all your firearms in your will right? I mean your kids will just pawn them off after you die in the cheapest home they can find. If you pass them to us younger guys they will be loved and used and cherished. Just saying.... lmao
  16. Ok so the first order of business. If your gonna do forge work, then your gonna need an anvil. The anvil is the most recognized piece of blacksmiths equipment, and the standard anvil we use today with the single horn is the London pattern anvil. Now some folks say good work can not be performed without a good, real anvil. I say bullcrap. I've seen some amazing things come from shops with the ugliest, most primitive tools you could imagine. Now if you want to drop some coin you can pick up something like this: [IMG]http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee356/tnplowboy07/2012-07-04_19-34-09_790.jpg[/IMG] That is my dads 200 ln Kholswa anvil. Price in the late 70's was $150. Price now starts around $500 for an abused model. Clean Kholswa's, American Ross and other good anvils can easily run into the low thousands. So for a budget thats out.... Next we have a homebuilt railroad anvil. This anvil was built using 3 ft of railroad track. It is a fairly simple anvil to build. This anvil sold on craigslist for $75 and was a good deal. [IMG]http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee356/tnplowboy07/railroadanvil.jpg[/IMG] Now we have the true budget anvil. This is a model older than my dad, that was built from a piece of mining rail. Its smaller than normal track, and this example weighs about 45 lbs. Plenty to do knife and trivet sized work on. This is cut from a piece, with a horn ground out for shaping. [IMG]http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee356/tnplowboy07/2012-11-13_22-36-47_584.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee356/tnplowboy07/2012-11-13_22-36-56_376.jpg[/IMG] This anvil can do a good amount of work. The hard part of these anvils is finding railroad rail. So what are some other solutions? Any big chunk of good steel, not mild, but high carbon or tool steel, will work. A good size would be 2" or thicker, 4" or wider, and 12" or longer. This should be mounted solidly at proper height, which we will get into in a later post. Now the other part of beating the hot steel into shape is the hammer. I have here a small selection of flea market hammers. These can easily be found with bad, or no handles for $5-$15 dollars From left to right we have a 4 lb crosspein, a 4 lb sledge, and a 2.5 lb crosspein with no handle. The sledge is nice for moving big metal, but the crosspeins will be very important later on as we get into spreading and lengthening steel. A small selection like this, with new hardware store handles, should set you back $30-$45 dollars. You can add more as you go, but these are a good start. [IMG]http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee356/tnplowboy07/2012-11-13_22-37-16_133.jpg[/IMG] So thats it for now. In the next series we will get into proper anvil mounting, and then forge building. We will also be getting into shop layout and electrical requirements, as well as hot and cold cutting tools, tongs, coal and coke fuels, junkyard metal selection and all other aspects of budget blacksmithing. Any questions or comments on anything up to this point are welcome and appreciated.
  17. Wow. I wonder if they would refuse a veteran care because he is a gun owner? They don't want money from Gun associations because military uses guns to kill themselves. Well, from what I've seen with fellow Marines, they will also try to hang themselves, drink chemicals, step into traffic, drown themselves, and all manner of other ways out of what they see as an endless situation. Maybe they should use the money from guns to help with suicide prevention and awareness training instead...
  18. It has nothing to do with being a sore loser, hell I don't even like Romney. It has to do with watching the current regime strip away rights as quickly and quietly as they can while people stand by. Would Romney have been a better choice? I don't know. I do know Obama has proven he cares nothing about constitutional rights and will sneak, and slide, and push things through anyway he can, including being the first President to ever make buying something from a third party mandatory. In 4 years this will be may still be The United States of America. But it'll never be the same one again. And I honestly believe that in 4 years, it will take a military action to remove Obama from the White House.
  19. I would also like to add this: "We the people have the authority according to America’s Declaration of Independence, which states:[indent] [b]That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government[/b], laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. [b]But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.[/b]"[/indent] These are the principles upon which this country was built. These principles which will be the battle cry for future patriots, of which there will be many. If it comes down to it, the sheep will call those who fight for the betterment of the country through revolution "terrorist". But God willing, the history books will call them [color=#ff0000][b]Patriots[/b][/color].
  20. Screw it, I'm posting A lot of people that took that same oath believe the current regime to be a domestic threat. Just letting you know that there's people, including vets, that would push that issue both ways. I'm recently discharged, and I can tell you a lot of newer vets, as well as active duty, won't obey unlawful orders from a corrupt Socialist Regime. [quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1352830771' post='844883'] Yep and they won't be dead martyrs or Patriots; they will just be dead terrorists. I took the oath, and if you want to change my country you will do it at the polling place because if you try it by force you will lose. [/quote] Funny thing is they called Washington and all the other founding fathers terrorist, traitors and worse. Remember history is written by the victor of the battle.
  21. Removed comment. I'm not getting involved in these stupid online pissing contest anymore.
  22. Wow..... And here I thought it was "All men are created equal...."
  23. [quote name='TNcitizen22' timestamp='1352779738' post='844672'] Perhaps I am out of touch, or just unwilling to accept the 'truth'. I think anyone who genuinely believes this half-assed attempt at a succession is a good idea is freaking out of their mind. You have no idea the kind of hell that would be brought upon us (read: YOU) in a matter of days. It would not be fun, revolutionary, or whatever idealistic viewpoint you have on it. Anyone who signs this has never set foot into a third world country, and you should if you are foolish enough to want this. If you did, you wouldn't dream of such a stupid idea. [/quote] This country needs a revolution. And I guess I'm the idiot thats been in a third world country and in a combat zone and still signed. And as someone who has served for this country, and sees that it is coming to a crossroad. I'd rather die for a state I believed in than live in a country I am quickly beginning to not believe in. Don't take this the wrong way, I know how blessed this country has been, but I am disgusted with where we are headed and we are headed there quickly.
  24. Wow. I signed it yesterday at 1,500 signatures or so. Its already at 12k.
  25. [quote name='swim615' timestamp='1352772561' post='844606'] I think you should pass but please PM me the shop info selling it and I will swing by and let them know I do not appreciate the fact they are trying to rip you off. This kind of stuff really gets my dander up. I am sure they are just using the election to try and take advantage of you. [/quote] Cool, thanks for looking out for me. Please hold your breath and I'll pm you their name and number. That way you have plenty of breath for the rant lol


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