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Everything posted by Spots

  1. This was designed to be a fun Way to do a christmas giveaway for fun. I havent advertised anything but free classes in awhile. Jack dont worry bout the story. You replied first you get it. Somebody lock this
  2. If your intrested, send me a pm. I'll be happy to make arrangments, Im working now, but Ill always find a way to help anyone who wants to learn.
  3. Anyone figured any dates out yet?
  4. Nobody wants a free custom knife?? All it takes is a few min writing time.
  5. They actually showed them doing blacksmith work? Gonna have to try and find that show just for that part.
  6. The panic buying started back in Nov. Prices on ammo, guns and hi cap. Magazines will continue to be driven through the roof as long as demand is greater than supply. I am looking into an AR, have been for a long time. I like AR's because I have a lot of experience on the M16 platform. But as long as crimnals continue to use illegal acquired "assault rifles" and as long as anti-gunners continue to define semi auto AR's and AK's as assualt rifles, the preppers and pro gun owners will continue to drive the prices up in a panic buy.
  7. See I disagree. I don't think anyone who has attended my blacksmithing classes feels like there is less value because its free. I assume he will be charging since he mentioned there being a market. Id be intrested either way.
  8. Leather attracts and holds mostiure. Carbon steel blade will rust if left in the sheath for long periods of time. No harm in asking, I ask why a lot too lol
  9. Keep it sharp, oil it regularly and don't store it in the leather sheath. Keep the handle and sheath protected with mineral oil or kiwi natural shoe polish. I really need to order up another ka bar, mine was stolen and every Marine should own one
  10. This is no were near severe enough. The beating should just be the beginning of what should happen to this idiot. My emotions are very high about this, I have 2 nephews and a niece in that age range and both sisters are teachers....
  11. Are we talking a free class or something your charging for?
  12. Im glad you like it. I do pretty good at sharpening, but some of the credit goes to Kinney sharpening for the polished edge. I make them shave, they make them whittle hairs in half.
  13. That purpleheart is a monster. It just about killed the blade on my radial arm saw, then the 40 grit griding belt, that ate the other wood like an animal, balked at the purpleheart. I used a rasp to shape it. Hardest wood Ive ever used for a handle.
  14. Post your essays here.
  15. Always wanted a custom knife, but can't afford to have one made? How about I give you one free. Heres how the competition works. Write an essay in the soon to be posted thread. Nothing crazy just 1-3 well thought out paragraphs. Describe the knife you'd have made, why, and what you would use it for. Write the essay by Jan. 1st and then the members here will have a week to vote on their favorite one. If you win the knife, you'll then send me a detailed description or picture, and I will do my best to replicated it. After you receive the knife, I only ask for an honest review in a resonable time. Post here if your in and get those essays rolling. This is my way of giving back, since I can't afford to buy anyone memberships. Jordan
  16. Id so be in for this.
  17. These were built for a member here l, I'll be shipping this week. Fraternal twins 12.5 blades, 5" handles with skull breakers left sticking through. 1084 steel, razorsharp, flat ground with hammered in bevels, forge finish with 100 grit clean up on the flats. Lighter Handle is purpleheart, darker handle is african walnut. I feel like these are my two best so far, and I hope he enjoys them. Comments welcome
  18. To see all the well wishes and congratulations posted here is almost enough to make me teary eyed, and I'm not really the crying type. I feel like I have one big family here, and from the bottom ofmy heart, I want to say thank you to everyone here, for all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Jordan
  19. You'll be the first to handle it my friend
  20. Your test was insanely impressive, and entertainment to boot. Im glad you enjoy my blades, and I hope that one givew you years of service in all your task. It was by far the hardest torture test Ive seen a knife survive, and Im not bragging on my knives, just impressed anything will take all that abuse
  21. Dont listen to the senile old buckskinner. The knife will survive but Id lkke to keep the handle intact if possible lol. Thats an awesome test 56. That timber cut is impressive
  22. Sorry phone malfunction
  23. And thank you to everyone else for all the well wishes. Its a relief to get back into steady employment.
  24. And thank you to everyone else for all the well wishes. Its a relief to get back into steady employment.
  25. And thank you to everyone else for all the well wishes. Its a relief to get back into steady employment.


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