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Everything posted by Spots

  1.   No soulless gingers and daywalkers no longer bother me lol
  2. Great now there are two gingers lol
  3.     You need to get a handle on that beast man
  4. Thats what I do all the time, but its not working now? ALways worked before.  but won't work in the quick reply section now
  5. Tombstone. Far and away my favorite movie of all time   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8NSldX3rPY
  6. I seem to be having issues. When I try to post an picture with img tags around it, it says     "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."   But I can post it as a link??   http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee356/tnplowboy07/2012-12-08_14-33-59_244.jpg   Any ideas?  
  7. This is one Broomhead built at my forge from an old brick hammer. I plan to use his design and build several of these this year     http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee356/tnplowboy07/2012-12-08_14-33-59_244.jpg
  8. Hey girl. Dont I know you from somewhere??
  9. Yeah I was getting the board offline message, and it seems to have slowed down. I figured increased traffic and maintenance were the reason.
  10. Did ya get any testing done this weekend?
  11. [quote name='polishprepper' timestamp='1356898277' post='872319']As far as BOB contents has anyone put in theirs a magnesium stick and flint fire starter kit? Mine has been priceless in the mountains....unless you wax the entire wood match its useless because the wood still gets wet...and waterproof cases are great until you have to open them in a downpour with cold hands and drop everything.....damn now what!![/quote] I carry a magnesium fire starter and an old school flint and steel fire starter with a sealed tin of char cloth. A dozen bic lighters and my edc zippo, plus some good matches. Sent from behind my anvil in ye olde smithy
  12. [quote name='polishprepper' timestamp='1356884718' post='872134']I've been a back packer and hunter for over 20 years everybody seems to overlook heading to places like REI. They have the lightweight waterproof gear you need. Don't carry canvas to heavy look at waterproof bivy sacks they weigh approx one pound and you can carry a 20 degree mummy style bag the weighs in at less than 3 pounds.....stay away from cotton.....cotton kills was the saying I always heard. It has no insulating properties and when it gets wet it stays wet.....merino wool doesn't itch naturally anti microbial and insulates while wet.....also if you go down on anything make sure to get one that has goretex or something equal.....there are a whole bunch of different types of water purification systems I use the sweet water brand .......pumps twice as fast as other brands and is lightweight. They also have gravity style filters the filter large quantities quickly. I'm still new to prepping but my backpacking experience is priceless...[/quote] My packback experince is limted to more miles than I wanted under a USMC ilbe pack. I can't really afford to go blow a couple hundred bucks on a bivy and a nice bag right now. The canvas works, and has for hundreds of years. It adds weight, but for right now I have a stroner back than wallet. As for the mini 14 and pistol, I definetly dont have the money for that upgrade right now. So my Marlin 336 and a Springfield 1911 will suffice. Thanks for all the advice and this is starting to be a good catch all thread. Sent from behind my anvil in ye olde smithy
  13. [quote name='Sam1' timestamp='1356823639' post='871657']All you need is an iphone to call the gov. for help  :up:   /in serious mode A multi-tool would be highly recommended, although I'm sure you'll have a plethora of knives, a good leatherman/gerber (or whatever brand) is essential imho.[/quote] I carry one everday should i ad another Sent from behind my anvil in ye olde smithy
  14. Id rather have it at a cache/shelter location. Same reason I'm not adding a .22 to my bag. Everything needs to have a multi use roll. A deer rifle can kill large game, and provide protection. A .22 can not. IT would be useful for hunting, but not something I'd be lugging around on every trip
  15. Spots

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      Saw that coming. Proves that sometimes you really DO get what you ask for lol. You think after that long being here he woulda read the FAQ's and kinda know the drill..
  16. Same problem here. There isn't a set trail, I'm heading right into the mountains that I know, but they have been logged, mined, and hunted, but not hiked, so no marked trails. Ive been in them my whole life, and instead of caching water, I'll be using my local knowledge of local creeks and good clean natural springs that dont run dry. I plan to make a dry run this winter, sans rifle as I do have to move through some lightly populated backroads to get into the woods and don't want any run ins with law enforcement.  I'll probably meet my wife at the dge of the woodw where I'll turn up, and pick up the rifle there.  Then I pln to do the same in the summer, and all different kinds of times and temps to make sure I know what Ill be facing
  17. Id rather just use one my big knife to chop than try to carry an extra saw or cable saw. Same thing with the the shovel, my camp knife will easily dig a hole big enough for that. A multitool is part of my everyday carry. Why a .22 pistol? Im already carrying a self defense semi auto and a deer rifle. If its for hunting why not a. 22 rifle, and if its for protection, I have better options. Ill have to look into the thread from tandy and the needles.
  18. Any of you guys sti wanting to do this?
  19. Im probably as strapped as anyone here, but I put in several hours at the anvil to make something very nice for the member I got, then spent the extra money to make sure it was scary sharp, and shipped in a timely manner. Im glad most people had fun, but its so disappointing that people would take advantge of this situation.
  20. Im on facebokk and mines covered in gun stuff. Honestly its a pvt website, and can be edited just like this place can.
  21. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="ted" data-cid="870319" data-time="1356677125"><p> Join the army , navy , or be all you can be a marine You will learn all you want !!! First Hand</p></blockquote> Those should be capatilized, and the Marine Corps motto is The Few, The Proud. Be a you can be is an old Army slogan. On another note Id be happy to.share what lil I know, I was a Marine, but I wasn't a grunt, so I just have basic Marine Corps Combat training, at MCT after boot. But we do qualify ever year on table 2 combat shoot, and I do rember how to clear a building though its been awhile.
  22.   I've got 2 sets of socks, one wool, one cotton. I forgot to mention them. I'll add the toothbrush, super glue, and a light cooking set. I do need to get a camel back bladder, as my pack is set up for one. I'll look into a couple of stripped MRE's, though I'm wary of adding to much food. I have trekked with some of this stuff before, doing the trip to my dads overland, but this is a new bag, and I'm reorganizing and assessing.   I had thought about that dave, just don't know how useful they would be on the 2-3 days I'd be in the woods? I'm heading up the mountain, and there is almost zero fishing up there. Migh use it for snares though. I'm using sisal rope for tender, making it into a birds nest, I'll add some hand sanitizer for accelerate. Why more food? This is a quick move bag to a secure, stocked place. Id dont plan to use the food here for more than 4 days max, and I can always hunt to substitute if something stops me from traveling the miles to home. I'l look into the different cooking ideas, I'm used to MRE's in the Marines, so the cook set stuff skipped my mind. I'll throw in an extra tarp, I like my canvas to much to get rid of it for now. I had given though to the radio, but again for a 3 day bag, is it really necessary?   I'll add in a couple pairs of long johns, I have good gloves, but I need some better cold weather head gear. I'm also having a capote made that I'll be using for major warmth if its cold weather. I'm using the canvas for a dry spot, though I may add a tarp as suggested here and above.   I forgot the bleach, and I'll find a metal container to add to the kit. I have added 5 bandanas of different colors. I'll add some salt/pepper, and will probably add coffee instead of sports mix as a morale booster. I plan to use my wool capote as a second blanket as its large, and heavy wool. I'll look into the mettalic blankets.   Yes we do, a good three day weekend would probably point out any flaws, and help u get adjusted.    I had never thought of candy. I'll zip lock some lifesavers and other hard stuff tonight. I've never heard of Katadyn filters, off to google.   Thanks for all the great suggestions so far guys!!
  23. Welcome to TGO from a former Marine. Glad to have ya on board
  24. Spots

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    Your not  benefactor, and you have to be one to respond in the classfieds. Only two options are to pm them or become a benefactor and support the site.
  25. Tube mag on the rifle. Its a lever action. I haven't dropped the money for an AR/AK/ etc since I havent had it...


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