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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Spots

    1911 upgrades

      Noted, I will look into the Ed brown equivalent on all of the above. As far as the beavertail, I had given that some thought, but the stock GI has never bitten me or otherwise given me trouble. Though I may still do it for aesthetics and to prevent any future problems.
  2. Spots

    1911 upgrades

    Please do. Id love to see it. How does it shoot compared to stock? How much did you do yourself, and did you farm any of it out?
  3. Spots

    1911 upgrades

    Ive got some upgrades planned in the coming months for my new Springfield Armory 1911 GI. Can a few of you 1911 aficionados take a look, let me know what you think, if there are better parts out there, even if prices are slightly higher than whats listed. Guns main purpose is a range and home defense pistol, plus a shtf pistol. Also I need a recommendation on a good manual that covers the complete tear down and assembly of the pistol in good detail. Also suggestions for a good 1911 gunsmith in this area for a few of the tougher things, and the final tuning. Thanks guys Wilson Combat Adjustable Trigger Titanium Strut Wilson Value Hammer Wilson Value Sear Nowlin Recoil spring(16 or 18.5) Nowlin HD firing pin spring Nowlin Hammer Spring Nowlin Match grade sear spring Wilson combat Multi port bushing compensator Custom grips   I know the compensator isn't needed, and while I do have some data that says it helps some, it is mainly because I like the look of it. So yes, it is my one concession to tacticool....
  4. Thats what I was getting at. If its banned, but not confiscated. Would you just be sol and the pawn shop has a gun they can't sell or transfer back to the owner?
  5. Didn't know that, never seen a pawn contract. And your right Dave I am.just speculating, just thought it was intresting that some specifically named a possible ban as the reason for paying it out right now.
  6. So I was out doing a lil pawn shop looking while waiting on work to start due to a computer delay. I was looking at pistols and overheard a conversation between the clerk and someone picking up a gun. He said he was getting his pistol back before they got banned and he lost it. Now my question. There are probably several thousand firearms in pawns at any one time. If a ban passed, and that weapon was illegal, what would happen to it, since its technically your property (i think, never pawned anything) but they still have to do a background check. How would you get the it back, or would you?
  7. You'll like Verizon till you have to deal.with their customer service, or find out that your unlimited data package, or any good deal other than shared data goes away if you upgrade your phone..... I love Verizon coverage and speed, but I hate thier customer service and how they have started forcing people away from unlimited data, and making it impossible to keep anything other than shared data and upgrade
  8. My 165 lb ball of fur. Great Pyrenese, we got him from free, he was chained in a backyard, now he roams 185 acres
  9.   W1 is a tool steel. It is basicly a better grade of 1095. I heat to 1450 hold for a few mins then quenched in a fast oil instead of water, then gave them a soft back tempered draw in the forge to give a really good hard edge, and a softer back for toughness.
  10. I've got three different sets of USMC issued Bates that I love. The set I wear in the woods and for being tacticool are the ones we got with our frog gear on my last deployment. Excellent, comfy boots My work boots are bates steel toe desert boots that I got issued for using in the shop and I wore out several sets of them and never had a complaint. I am rough on boots and got about a year out of them before they got out of regs ratty, but still completely wearable.
  11. Built two new ones today, one for jcj here, one to sell. This is jeffs knife, built to his specs. W1 steel, Purpleheart handles, 5.5 inch blade, 5" handle, convex grind, forged to shape. The next is a small utility/edc fixed blade. W1 steel, burmese rosewood handle, 8" overall, 4" blade, convex grind, also forged to shape Comments and critiscms welcome
  12. I can do just about anything you want. Give me a length, and a basic blade shape, drawings or pictures are always helpful. Pick a handle type, I'm assuming something you can wrap, and I'll run a few things and give you a price. I'm running a four to six week lead time at the moment, send me a PM if your interested.
  13. This bill is something that deserves our support. At least one person understands the need more firearms in the hands of citizens, and less gun free zones and restrictions.   http://gunowners.org/a01082013.htm
  14. Man those are gorgeous pistols, I'll be getting in contact with this shop soon
  15. Yes, I hand forge custom knives   http://flatwoodsforge.webs.com/
  16. Railroad spikes don't make good blades. Neither does anything else that doesn't have high enough carbon to harden up. Old mattocks, pick heads, axes and jack hammer bits, along with axle shafts and crow bars are lower carbon, so that they are tough, but they will not get hard enough to hold a keen edge very long. Junk yard steel your best bet is old leaf springs, which are normally 5160 or 6150, though 6150 is normally big truck springs, and it is very hard to work under the hammer. Coil springs also have a good amount of carbon normally. If you plan to grind instead of forge, you'll need flat stock, and leaf spring is gonna be super thick for stock removal without forging due to it being 3/8" thick. A good source for known quality bar stock is newjerseysteelbaron.com, and 1084 is one of the better steels, especially for ameatures and beginners. I use it alot for some knives as its about $35 shipped for four feet, and its very easy to heat treat.  Do you plan to forge, or do stock removal?   Good junkyard steel for knives: High quality, worn out files Hoof rasp Leaf springs Coil springs Brick hammers for hawks   Good steel if you order: 1084 5160   These will be the easiest to work and heat treat.   Edit:   The difference in tough and hard is this. High carbon steel will get very hard and brittle when hardened by heting to non magnetic then quenching in oil or water (I can explain this later). You then must temper back to keep it from shattering to easily on an impact. Tempering removes some of the hardness. The problem with things like crowbars, rail road spikes, etc. They are low carbon. They will take impact all day, but they do not have enough carbon to harden properly to have any edge holding ability. The edge will just roll and deform, and it doesnt make much of a knife. If you wanna learn and really help yourself get started quickly, I do free blacksmithing and bladesmithing classes, and they will give you a jump start on proper forge building, steel selection, techniques, etc.
  17.   I think the forum is causing double taps, keep seeing a lot of threads getting posted over and over.
  18.   This is very true, but I think its ironic that your avatar is an anitgun celeb. lol
  19. SO I've noticed a trend, and it was brought up here once before. I just wanna see if it holds true for 80% or better. Here is what I've noticed. Most people that prefer 1911 style handguns also prefer Android OS. I have come to believe that this has something to do with these people preferring to have more room to tinker and change things to customize it to their perfect setup. Whereas most Glock guys are much less prone to tinker, and seem to like Iphones  and prefer to have a gun and phone that takes no setup, even though it limits the customizing of the gun, or device that can be done. So if you don't mind just answer honestly, and we will see if it pans out. Select the one you like the most, even if you own several different ones.    
  20. I can help you out in the quality knife department, a custom could be exactly what you want. If not esee, becker and mora are all very good production blades with good fit and finish. Ill post the link Ive used to wrap a couple as quick as I can
  21. That thing looks amazing. You did some awesome work man. That thing is gonna get a lot of use on these cold winter nights in the woods
  22. Ballpark? Without having any pictures, or other info, $500 is right around average for a great to excellent condition 1918 MK1 with good scabbard. High price would be $650-700 for perfection, $200 for an unrestored orginal in fair shape. These are all rough guesstimate, nothing concrete.
  23. Collins and Council both marked their axes like that. The 3 1/2 should be the weight. Put a good quality edge and a fresh handle in that sucker and you'll enjoy a good quality made axe for years.i love old axes, we have 10 or 15 single, double, broad and hewing axes, and they are all older than 40 years.
  24. Can't wait. I haven't watched since the first season, anywhere I can get caught up?
  25. South Clinton Pawn are some great guys to work with. Congrats on the find


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