In a similar boat right now, put in an application on quicken to compare VA and conventional loans for a new place in Vegas. Make sure to apply to multiple places. You have a 14 day to 30 day window where you can apply for multiple mortgages and it only counts as one inquiry on your credit report later. Think I have 5 in right now, and there are substantial differences between fees/points/interest rates.
Do not decide based on a single company's opinion. Good thing is they all require basically the same info, so after you apply once, you already have all the documentation to send to the others.
Also... if you are buying new construction, and haven't signed with a realtor, check with the construction company, sometimes they will knock 2-3% off the house for not having to pay those fees. The new stuff I was looking at in Vegas was 2% if I went through them, + 2% if I used their bank for financing. Thousands $ saved right out of the gate, just by not getting a second realtor involved.