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Everything posted by The Big Guy
In a candid moment, "Biden's" wholesomeness and playfulness was captured for the world to enjoy. -CNN if the roles were reversed Media networks and fact checkers soon: Fact check false! Autographs sold for 8,000 not 10,000 as stated by the president. The lying, liar is at it again. Spreading false hopes and misery to the right-wing extremists, terrorist chumps, and allies. Trump radicalized at least 7 more children before rampaging away from the scene for the day.
I agree with the first part in bold. I'd like to know what you mean by unhealthy hate and unhealthy debate. Who the hell is whispering in his ear? I believed presidents were fall guys before Trump was elected. When I saw the media unite against him, I knew he was a true "maverick". When he won it gave me faith that the system, despite its flaws, still works. I included "maverick" above because I will never forget how the media tried to paint McCain as a "maverick" lol. What a bold and pathetic JOKE! People eat that crap up though, and that's why our country is so screwed.
Dude, that's a great book!!!
I could probably say the same if I spent more time on reddit or the democratic underground, or the comment sections of various Alt-Left "news" outlets. Not really a surprise given the demographics at play. This really doesn't take anything away from my quote, btw. The watchemen, the journalist, the reporters, the "news" companies have a responsibility because they, together, wield so much power. Instead most of them have taken truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, and fairness to the chopping block, and replaced them with lies, inaccuracy, subjectivity, bias, and ruthlessness towards their opponents. I voted for Trump because I saw the "news comedians" and the mainstream media all turn on him, instantly. If it wasn't orchestrated, it sure looked like it was. Trump for me was a giant middle finger to all of those people that believe they run the show. The same people that one day will demand I show them the location of my boating accident so they may seize my property (guns), or tell me I need a background check for ammo, or cannot reload ammo anymore, etc, and on forever. I'm tired of my culture being under assault. We can coexist but not the way things are headed. The Alt-Left's little heads are being filled with garbage making them incompatible with the rest of the free world.
I get that but it also says something about their audience and therefore our culture. I think what you highlighted is a symptom of the disease but not the cause of the disease. The symptom is also making the condition of our culture worse and worse, sort of like a brain disease may cause someone to neglect proper nutrition, or hygiene, or increase stress or something which is causing the immune system to suffer, furthering the illness and making the person more sick. Not sure how else to put that (not a Doctor so don't be too harsh with my silly analogy), but that's the way I see it.
Yep, I was talking with my GF about this yesterday. She has a friend in Washington state, and some local friends in TN that were making this claim. I don't watch TV so not sure where they are getting that from but I would suspect it's coming from there; late night "comedy" "news" shows, mainstream media, and the rest, or content from these sources are bleeding into their social media. Regardless of where they are getting the idea from, they are absolutely convinced this will happen. It's pretty sick how mainstream some conspiracy theories have become. Once upon a time the media would scoff at conspiracy theories. Now they embrace them, and perpetuate some of their own. It's pretty dangerous too, considering how much credibility MSM still has.
I think they want to make a mess of the election so they can paint Trump's next 4 years with "He's an illegitimate president" and perform investigation, after investigation, etc.
Maybe that's how I should have put it. I have conservative family that lives in the North, and they know tons, and tons of conservatives the area. I also know some conservatives in Los Angeles and they know of tons of people that are conservative in that county, and around the rest of the state. Unfortunately they are dominated by the left, election after election.
Found this video randomly. Was instantly captivated by the story... Very cool! May have to make (or try to make) a homemade bow too!
Long live Linux!
It would be great if California split in three. The north would finally be free of authoritarian rulers and lemmings in the south.
This guy's collection of firearms is amazing!!!
She's a good comrade doing what comrades do best; use rules in new ways to punish people she disagrees with. I agree. That would piss me off as a parent too.
Glock really is a great design. Easy to field strip. Easy to work on. Parts are everywhere and many are quiet good and improve the design. I used to run a Glock 17 in IDPA. CZ's are really amazing. I have a CZ 75 SP-01. It currently has about 20,000 rounds through it. It's only malfunctioned twice. It choked on the same brand of ammo with and without a weapon light attached (Geco ammo for those that are curious). It eats all my reloads and anything else reliably. It's broken a trigger spring 1 time and after replacing it with a Cajun spring, and changing it out every 5k rounds it hasn't been an issue. Same with slide stop; changed it out every 10k rounds or so. Also replaced the recoil spring at around 10k rounds. It just keeps running. My CZ 75 Compact has about 3,000 rounds through it without a single failure. I kinda like it better than the full size lol.
Wow, the CZ looks plain next to that Beretta lol. Thanks for taking the time @tercel89 it gives me a good feel for the size differences. I was looking at this website last night and it wouldn't let me turn the guns so they face the same direction. https://www.handgunhero.com/compare/cz-75-compact-vs-beretta-92-fs-compact
Had the same experience with the CZ 75 Compact. Great handgun. Shoot it just as well as the full size, at speed too. Love it so much it's given me an itch to explore Beretta's compact line. It sure is an appealing looking handgun.
I would do that too but I lost everything gun related in an unexpected boat accident
I doubt they'll ever cover this story from every possible angle, even the court case that followed like they did the Trayvon Martin story. They could if they really wanted to. They have some exceptional actors reading teleprompters as we speak. But they won't, it's not on the agenda. I'd love to be wrong about all that but I'm not holding my breath. Edited to add: Pretty sure this story broke locally on Monday or Tuesday this week. I've seen people all over the internet outraged that the media isn't picking up the story. CNN probably gave it some attention just to save face.
Yep, I saw this too. If the races were reversed this would be a national outrage with all the help coming from the "news" media. We'd probably see more "protests". More cities would burn, etc. How the media has maintained even a shred of credibility to this day is fascinating and terrifying to me.
Eagle-1 enforcing a no-fly-zone.