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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig P365XL
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    CZ 75B Omega

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  1. I am very happy with this one. I even decided to get the full sized version also. CIA has a few in stock. After I finish my AR build, I plan on ordering the 98DA to go with my 98DAC. They seem to be well built and they fit my hand perfect. Great value if you ask me.
  2. Well, I went to the range and I couldn't be happier.  It shot great.  It ate whatever I ran through it, including steel case ammo.  I had a great time and I'm extremely satisfied.  If you are a Hi Power fan, you may want to look into the Arcus as an economical alternative. 
  3. I have been looking for a 9mm for a while. I have always been a fan of steel framed pistols. I really love the S&W 5906, but its a bit bulky for a carry gun. I am also a big fan of 1911's but .45 ammo is kinda high compared to 9mm. I started looking at the Browning HI Power. Seemed to be the best of both worlds for me. I fondled a few at the local shops and shows and really liked it a lot. I started reading up on it and watching videos. It wasn't long before I discovered the world of Hi Power clones. Then, I ran across a video for the Arcus 98. I was impressed. I did some more research and the more I read and watched the more I liked it. I found one on Gunbroker, put in a bid and about 2 weeks later.... guess what I ended up with for under $340 after shipping, transfer and TICS.... You guessed it... A brand new Arcus 98DAC. This gun is made in Bulgaria. It is an improvement on Arcus' previous Hi Power clone, the model 94. The 98DAC is SA/DA with a 4" barrel. It's 7.3 inches long and just over 5 inches tall. It weighs in at just under 2 lbs. It has rubber Hogue-style grips. It came with 2 13 round mags. I also purchased a 17 round aftermarket mag for it. It accepts the original Browning Hi Power mags. The full sized version, the 98DA doesn't take the original Browining mags as it is about a half inch longer in the grip. It has it's own 15 round magazines. Now, I haven't been to the range just yet, but I am going either Thursday or Friday, depending on the weather. I am really looking forward to shooting this one. I know it's not a very common pistol, so I figured I'd share some pics.
  4. Anyone heard anything about any crates of Mosins anywhere? I'm still looking.
  5. There were a few out of maybe 30 total that weren't too awful bad.
  6. There were some at the gun show in Murfreesboro yesterday for $149, but they were pretty rough.  What kind of shape are the ones in Goodlettsville?
  7. No call for me. 
  8. Where are they located?
  9. Still looking.  Please let me know if you hear of any wholesalers that have them in stock.
  10. Such a shame...
  11. I buy the 300rd cans that are already on stripper clips.
  12. I do understand that. Thank you. I never said I wanted to sell them. I also know I can sell them if I wish to. From the ATF website : [b]Q: Does a license as a collector of curio or relic firearms authorize the collector to engage in the business of dealing in curios or relics?[/b] No. A collector’s license only enables the collector to transport, ship, receive, and acquire curios and relics in interstate or foreign commerce, and to make disposition of curios and relics in interstate or foreign commerce, to any other licensee, for the period stated on the license. A collector’s license does not authorize the collector to engage in a business required to be licensed under the Act. Therefore, if the acquisitions and dispositions of curios and relics by a collector brings the collector within the definition of a manufacturer, importer, or dealer, he shall qualify as such. A dealer’s license must be obtained to engage in the business of dealing in any firearms, including curios or relics. [[url="http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/usc.cgi?ACTION=RETRIEVE&FILE=$$xa$$busc18.wais&start=1498909&SIZE=106824&TYPE=TEXT"]18 U.S.C. 922(a)[/url] and [url="http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/usc.cgi?ACTION=RETRIEVE&FILE=$$xa$$busc18.wais&start=1605739&SIZE=44909&TYPE=TEXT"]923(a)(1)[/url], [url="http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div8&view=text&node=27:"]27 CFR 478.41©(d)[/url]] [b]Q: What does “engaged in the business” mean?[/b] The term “engaged in the business,” as applicable to a firearms dealer, is defined as a person who devotes time, attention, and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms,[color=#ff0000] but such term shall not include a person who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.[/color] [27 CFR 478.11]
  13. If I'm not mistaken, the hunting license part you are referring to is in reference to aliens, not U.S. citizens.... assuming you are a U.S. citizen, of course.
  14. Looks like $1800 is about the going rate at Classic Firearms. Then you have to pay freight shipping, I'm trying to find some a bit cheaper if possible. Good luck. Let me know if you find any.
  15. I am looking for a gunsmith to restore my great grandfathers 1897 Winchester 12ga. I want to shoot it, but it is in rough shape as far as I can tell. I am looking for someone in the middle TN area to at least give it a once-over and tell me what needs to be done or how much work it actually needs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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