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Outpost Armory

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    Christiana, TN
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  1.     Are people still doing this? We haven't been out of "affordable" 22lr in several months. I'd like to know how much of our stuff is ending up on the secondary market.
  2. We had an employee do a Form 1 on an SBR that took 31 days on an Efile.
  3. We do not sell loose screws. However we may have a one piece DNZ mount. It's probably more than you want to spend on rings and base but i think that would work well given your circumstances. If you come in this weekend they should still be 20% off.
  4. There's several guys that can do it here.
  5. What's a fair price for new Ber 92 17rd mags? 
  6. Is it new?
  7. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2014/05/firearmconcierge/exploring-ethics-retail-gun-business-part-1/     Thoughts?
  8. Actually we sell tons on revolvers.  Theyre not readily available like glocks M&Ps etc.  For every one revolver they make they can produce 1 M&P not to mention they cost less to produce.
  9.   It looks like they're listed at $689. I could probably you work you a slightly better deal, but I can't say exactly what because I'm not sure what MAP is.
  10. We have them in stock in 9mm and 40 if you guys are still looking for one.   -Daniel
  11. I can sell you a TLR-4 for $85.  its not as cheap as lapolice gear however we have all of the models in stock.    -Daniel
  12.   Depending on the load and brand between 12.99-18.99 per box of 25.
  13. The owner has recently taken a shine to 16ga shotguns, therefore we're stocking several skus of 16ga.   -Daniel
  14. If you want just some FMJ PM me.     -Daniel
  15. It's pretty ridiculous.  We sold a pallet of remington in about 4.5 hours. 


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