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About atlas3025

  • Birthday October 13

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    Powell, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    GAU-8 Avenger
  • Carry Weapon #2
    HK VP9

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  1. I have had a couple. For my second, I used my TGO lower in a long range 6.5 G build. I used a Shilen barrel from Midway that has worked very well...but not as well as a Broughton barrel I used in an earlier build. That thing shot dime sized 10 shot groups at 100. It was sold to fund some other builds just after Newtown, though. I regret letting that first one go.
  2. Looks like a prepper. There is no crime in having an un-serialized gun, as long as he didn't remove the numbers. The stash doesn't tell us if he had evil intentions, but he is well and truly f'd if he modified to a machine-gun in given what just happened in Vegas.
  3. This too, shall pass. I am very bearish on our long term prospects. Even if we stop importing liberals immediately, it's already midnight and they are diving into the running bathtub with a bucket of chicken as I type this. They out-breed us at an astonishing rate. Those AR's will skyrocket in both price and importance in the coming years.
  4.   Jack O'Connor would agree.  He was no slouch.
  5. The French leaders have invited the Uruks to live among them without requiring them to give up their barbarianism.  They must awaken Charlemagne.
  6. Shine it at your wife while she is trying to sleep.  You will see it's effect.  Make sure you don't have it mounted to your gun when you do so.
  7. I would like a titanium 308 can of some kind. Also, hoping for a Galil ACE if they ever get the kinks worked out.
  8.   Lol, you said the 6.5 had more energy...Spomer doesn't say that!  There may be a point out past 1500 yards where the 6.5 catches up to 300WM, but even at 1500 yards, the 300 WM is ahead of it. The 6.5 catches the 308 though around 1100.  
  9.   I don't have a dog in the fight, because I shoot 6.5 Creedmoor, 308, and 300 Win Mag, but I don't trust those numbers.  The Ballistic Calculators I use show the 6.5 Cr 120 Grain Hornady load in a 26 inch barrel carrying ~540 Foot LBS at 1000 yards.  190 Grain Fed 300 WM is about 1000 foot pounds, and 308 in 175 SMK is about 575 foot pounds.  I have validated the trajectories and POI vs the programs with real results, so I think they are right on.  I have not validated a 168 grain load in 308, but it can't be hitting twice as hard as the 175 load.     I like the Creedmoor alot.  If you are target shooting, it's tough to beat.  But I don't think you can argue it is superior to 308 in terms of "power" at 1000 yards.  It is certainly not the match of the 300 Win Mag (I know you didn't say that, someone else did) at that range, or really any other.     For target though, IMO the only real knock on 6.5 vs a 308 is barrel life..which probably doesn't matter to most of us here.     I think TMF is right.  I would only argue that in my experience, 300 yards seems to be a better test than 100...though wind comes much more into play at 300.  There is some ballistic funkiness that occurs at short ranges sometimes that get worked out around 300 yards.  I have a Sendero in 300 Win Mag that shoots 1 inch groups at 100, which is kind of shitty...but it shoots 2 inch groups at 300, which is much better.  I have known other shooters that have experienced the same thing.  It doesn't make sense to me...but it seems to happen. I was ready to throw my Sendero in the trash until I started shooting at 600 yards.
  10. I foresee lots of ND's.  If you are using it and don't want to fire the release round, how do you keep from discharging it?  Switching it to safe?
  11. Also, the sights on the underslung barrel are a nice touch.
  12. Elcan Specter DR on top.    On trigger, I really like the CMC Flat Triggers.  Geissele of all flavors are great too.  I just like a single stage for quick shooting and the two-stage for precision.   If you haven't looked a the BCM KMR rails, its worth a look.  They appear to be filled with helium.
  13. I...what?     It's not April 1st is it?
  14. It should be close.  I wouldn't be surprised if pressure is the same because of that ogive that the AMAX has.  


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