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Everything posted by 45guy

  1. I do not see any filters selected.  Any other ideas anyone?
  2. When I come to this web-site and login I usually hit the view new content button,  lately when I do it says "no new content".  If I log out and do the same thing as a visitor it shows all the new content as it should.    Any ideas?
  3.   I think you are probably correct about why they are open carrying but does that really matter.  If what they are doing is not illegal they should not be harassed.  Also the cops should know also that they are probably looking for a confrontation and should be extra careful with their interaction.  There are several YouTube videos of thinks going both ways, cops being respectful, asking a few questions and moving on.  Then some that the go really bad for the gun owner.  I personally would never open carry if I thought it would cause the cops to get involved.  My experience has been even if you are right the cops can make your life a living hell.  I have seen people arrested and their face plastered all over the news only to have the charges later dropped, but the damage has already been done.      I am not anti cop, I am pro citizen.    
  4. There is something about being questioned for no reasonable suspicion that bothers me.  What he was doing was perfectly legal.  I am not in favor of being a jerk at any time but at the same time I should not have to explain to a cop that I am not doing anything illegal.  When I worked in a grocery store if I suspected someone as a shoplifter and I stood in front of them and impeded their moving in the store I had made an arrest and was subject to a law suit.  I was taught never to question/approach  someone unless I  witnessed them concealing merchandise.  Cops have a tough job but we still should not have to explain ourselves for no apparent reason.    I am not anti cop I am pro citizen.
  5. Does anyone know if it is possible to upgrade to a lifetime permit holder before the permit needs to be renewed?
  6. My only concern is I try to NEVER have a weapon pointing towards my junk.
  7. Welcome from Bluff City.
  8. I have both. Between the sr9c and the 27 I would have to say you should own both. The Ruger has a great trigger and higher capacity, you can find them for as little as 350.00 bucks, the 27 packs a little more punch along with plenty of aftermarket products. Both are keepers in my book.
  9. I would shoot a PPQ in 40 before buying one.  I have the 9 and the 40 and the 40 is very snappy.  I would consider the G27 if you want a 40.  If you live in the Tri-Cites area you can try my PPQ and G27 if you like.   Welcome
  10. Very sad today to find out a buddy of mine died this week. I met Craig at the gym we work out at. We had a lot in common. Guns and politics. He always had a new joke or two to make me laugh. This was a guy you would want looking after your six in a tough spot. "Craig Edward "Odie" Terry, USA, Retired, of Bluff City, Tenn., went to his heavenly home on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, at the age of 53. Craig graduated from Sullivan East High School in 1979, East Tennessee State University in 1984 with a B.A in Criminal Justice, and Webster University, Pope Air Force Base, N.C. in 1997 with a M.A. in Security Management. Craig enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1982 and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant at ETSU in 1984. He led infantry and special operations soldiers globally as a military officer for over 23 years during peace and wartime. His most recent assignments were Chief, Training Division, Army Aviation School, Fort Rucker, Alabama, 2000-2002; The Battalion Commander, ARMY ROTC, East Tennessee State University 2002-2005; Craig initiated and served as the first Senior Army Instructor, Junior ROTC, Tennessee High School, 2005-2009. He was presented the following Honors and Awards during his service: Honorable Order of Saint Michael, Army Aviation's Association of America, 2002; Honorable Order of Saint Maurice, National Infantry Association, 1999; Colonel, Aide-de-Camp, Governor, Phil Bredesen; Colonel, Aide-de-Camp, Governor Don Sundquist; U.S. Army Ranger Tab, Senior Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, Drill Instructor Badge, and multiple ribbons and medals for military service. Craig was currently serving the community as Constable, 5th District, Sullivan County, Tennessee". According to his wife he was tormented by his experiences in the military, particularly the brothers he lost in combat. She describes nightmares to the point of him not wanting to sleep. It reminded me of the sacrifices so many have made, even though they came home they are forever changed. His wife said “finally no more nightmares”. It took a gunshot to the head to get him the peace he was looking for. I think of men and women that love this country so much that they would give it all even a life of torment. To think of those that would want to desecrate the same flag these folks died for and are dying for, well I understand not putting up with that.
  11. As I was reading this tread there was a clock going off in my head 3, 2, 1. Done. I have not been around much lately man have I been missing some "good" stuff.
  12. Do any of you AR guys familiar with this trigger option. $395.00 seems like a lot. Just wondering if it is worth it. http://tacconautotrigger.com
  13. Sullivan County is a big county so it depends what part you will live in. I have one on my property and have had no issues. Amber Torbett lives one mile from me and she has been to my house many times.(we buy eggs from her daughter). I have nobody that lives close to me to complain. The closest has his own range also.
  14. I guess I missed the part of the story where GZ attacked Martin and Martin was just defending himself. I actually thought Martin was the one that attacked GZ. I never really thought about attacking someone that was following a innocent person around. I think if I was Martin and worried about GZ I would have run and hide or run home where I new I would be safe. Circling around and jumping someone is not what I would have thought to do. But hey that's just me.
  15. I think we would all be wise not to take what we read or see on the news about someone to serious. My guess would be maybe half of what is reported is true. If for some reason you are really not liked by the media that number goes way down. How about this, instead of reading or hearing something about someone and instantly making statements like “stupid ---------- fill in the blanks, or many other statements like we know exactly what happened and this person is an idiot that had it coming to him. We take a minute and consider that it just may not be true or maybe there is more to the story than is being reported. If you have ever been on the other side of that I can tell you very little of what is reported is true. I had a friend that had a story written about him and theygot more of the “facts” wrong than they got correct. One example was his blue Mercedes sedan was described as a black SUV. As smart as you folks are on this board you have to know this. Maybe it is because we want it to be true and that is why you are so quick to jump to conclusions.
  16. Now that's funny. I don't care who you are that's funny right there.
  17. I know several people in the buy here pay here car business. They have done very well. The down payment required pays for their cost in the car. The payments are all profit. You will need to be prepared to repo some cars. You must have your contract in really good order. Buying the cars really cheep is the key. If I wanted to start a business I would look at ANY of the service businesses. I can tell you no matter what you choose. Showing up when you say, doing what you say when you say it will be done and doing a good job at a fair price you will have all the business you want. Keep in mind this is a marathon not a sprint.
  18. I have been self employed fo close to 20 years with 2 different businesses. 1 I bought that was already operational 1 I started from scratch. We have always lived conservatively so I did not need to make much money(good thing to). There are a lot of highs and lows. I have always been in a B to B business. Running a business is much diferant than working for someone else. Meaning you may be a good painter but be very bad at running a painting business. Most of the time failure is caused by underestimating all the cost including the TAXES. Do your home work. Get a good CPA. Put a detailed business plan together and then have it looked at by others. Then add 10% to all your cost and see how the numbers come out. The work you do ahead of time can be the difference between success or failure. It will also save you a lot of money. Good luck.
  19. My FedEx driver carries dog treats, I think my dog likes him more than me. A simple solution and may not work every time. I ran a paper route as a kid and learned how to make friends with the dogs. Of course I could not have gotten away with shooting them so making friends with them seemed the best choice. Same rule applies with dogs as with humans shooting one should be the last option.
  20. I love my Stihl saw, weed eater and blower. I will not buy anything else. I also use Stihl oil in all my 2 cycle stuff. If it will keep a Stihl saw running it will keep anything running.
  21. That's some good advice right there.
  22. You never know what was done to the firearm after he made the trade. He could have left it on the roof of his car and drove off. And sure once it hit the road a few times it may not work. He may have taken it a part and lost a piece. Who knows. I normally check the function of a weapon before trading. If not and I get screwed it is on me.
  23. Yea, I had it attached to a short flexible tripod that was rapped around the handle of the jet ski. Hit a wave and it snapped right off the tripod, hit my leg and plunk into the deep blue yonder. Hard to believe I was that STUPID.
  24. I picked up a Hero a few weeks ago. Used it a few times with the head mount while shooting. I also bought the screen attachment just because operating using my iPad was cumbersome. What I did not get was the floating attachment thinking the tripod attachment was secure. Well I learned differently when riding a jet ski in the ocean and watching the camera fall off into the abyss. Still sick about it and I am punishing myself by not buying another one for awhile.
  25. Welcome from Piney Flats/ Bluff City.


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