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Everything posted by JKGlock17

  1. very nice, i am just getting into knives a little bit more than the usual and that thing is awesome
  2. havent read my bible in a while after seeing those verses i think it is time to brush up
  3.     i agree whole heartily, prayers are being sent 
  4.       Oh man i feel you on this one she is definitely my fave, i believe i would try and save her first though, gotta carry on after the EOTW and all  :pleased:
  5. the golf all was one of my favorites that was better than a whole in one
  6. i used to have one of these and boy do i sure miss it A LOT!
  7. lololololololololololololololol
  8. [quote name='buck1032' timestamp='1354504226' post='854057'] Wow, good show! I am glad Michonne put some hurt on the Gov! And took out his walker kid. And having him throw Merle under the bus at the end. Wow. LOL [/quote] i kinda thought that was a little stupid because the gov beat the crap out of Michonne slamming her head into the wall and all kinds of stuff and he is a lot bigger than her to boot, and she miraculously turns into a ninja and "WACHA's" his but. i just dont see that as possible but who knows maybe the chick was a navy seal in her past life. (mocking facial expression) by the way still dont like michonne, tyreese looks cool though
  9. [quote name='JoeJ615' timestamp='1353376386' post='848545'] exactly, plus here's Greedo supposedly Jabba's top interstellar bounty hunter and he cant hit a guy from across the table lol [/quote] i just wish in movies and TV that they would stop trying to "goodguyafie" the character who is the neutral character. LET HIM BE NEUTRAL!!!! just cause your not a good guy doesnt mean your a bad guy either... you just may not have the best intentions always. for example look at "sawyer" from the show lost, great character and well written, he was a man that believed in what he believed in and if that was good or bad that was his choice
  10. [quote name='Makiaveli' timestamp='1353451588' post='848911'] Think you nailed it. Tho with Carl I think it's more like he can "pretend" he is his dad, and thus emotionally step outside himself and do what he has to do. I mean he is a kid, and unless he's going to wind up a sociopath like Merle he has to do something to cope. [/quote] Well said but it might be better for him to become a little unstable to grow up in this place
  11. [quote name='hlb14' timestamp='1353365266' post='848435'] I missed the first two seasons but got caught up when amc ran every episode back to back before season 3 started and got hooked. I have no idea how things go in the comic but I enjoy finding out. I am glad the guy in prison was able to find him some slippers for evening relaxation lol [/quote] Heard that definitely gotta have comfy feet in the ZA
  12. That is awesome, total crap when they changed it like they were trying to show Han as a good guy, he was a smuggler otherwise known as a criminal
  13. Gen 2 Glock 19 / HK USPc .45 acp I am at a tie
  14. [quote name='hipower' timestamp='1353102446' post='846824'] Congrats on the choice. But be warned....Glocks multiply in the night. You may only have one now, but soon there will be more. I think Glocks are asexual. [/quote] [quote name='JGunner' timestamp='1353184271' post='847291'] I think Glocks are also thieves too ... every time mine "multiply" my bank account has some money missing .... [/quote] Man i thought that was only happening to me, i am glad i am not alone here. i was beginning to worry.
  15. you know i would like to predict what think will happen but man i am absolutely being baffled most weeks so i am just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride!
  16. [quote name='CZ9MM' timestamp='1353336094' post='848125'] I know this is off the original post's topic, but I saw a preview for "Warm Bodies" this weekend. It looks...interesting. I will probably watch it. Look it up somewhere. Certainly different, but I think it will be worth watching. [/quote] just watched it and i thought it looked like it could be really really funny until i saw the chick running and shooting the skeleton thing all serious like, they just need to keep it funny and goofy. leave the serious stuff for the walking dead
  17. i am a little apprehensive, i thought it looked awesome when i saw the trailer the first time, but the more i watch the trailer the less like a ZA movie it is to me. i am with others who have said that the whole "i am legend" effect that the zombies have, i.e. the strength and speed etc etc etc, i am not really digging that. i wanna seea real survival horror film that is as scary as the first time i played the very first resident evil game.
  18. Get ready zombie peeps!!!!!!!
  19. that was hilarious
  20. [quote name='Ramjo' timestamp='1352691220' post='844114'] I just can't get past the fact that Daryl was all about that baby.... [/quote] heard that the whole episode was filled with craziness, i am surprised that the gov didnt just cut off michonnes head, she is kind of meddlesome and paranoid, good with a blade though. i like the governor as weird as he is, he does what is necessary to keep the people alive. the whole daughter thing was a bit freaky but everyone copes differently i guess, dangerous keeping her around IMO though, rick is finally becoming the person it is going to take in order to survive and if he keeps at it he could potentially become a character i like, merle is the stuff, beat that guy up with a one handed a$$ whoopin' LOL
  21. [quote name='The Dude' timestamp='1352499323' post='842718'] Sorry, but spreading your legs a month or so after your husband is said to have died doesnt cut it. Thats a two way road in my book. Secondly, Lori did plant seeds whether you agree with it or not. When she asked Rick about killing the living to protect whats yours, she implies to Rick that Shane thinks she is his, and that something has to be done about him. If thats not planting a seed, I dont know what is. And the look she gave him at the end of season 2 wasnt when he told her or the group about being infected, it was right after he told her he killed Shane, and Carl put him down. Thats when she got all pissy like the spoiled two faced hypocrite she is. But perhaps the best scene where Lori got hers, was with Andrea in the kitchen in the farm house. Andrea told her like it was. And rightfully so. Lets not forget about her not telling Rick about being preggo. She gets mad at Rick for not telling them they had to leave the farm, but witholds something as big as being knocked up from him. [/quote] i agree with you totally lori was playing both sides to the middle for sure and shane was already consumed by the beast within which in my opinion made him that much more likable, and if you remeber rick was in a coma that they were never sure what was gonna happen and at that point was dead weight and shane was not a doctor and did not know how to care for him outside the hospital. also if you remember there were SF guys walking through the hall shooting everyone awake or not and shane did the right thing by rick by making sure his family was safe. rick is finally IMO letting the inner animal out at the end of season 2 and also when he let the walkers have the prisoner in season 3 (although he came back). the point is that no man is exempt from the carnage that will change you living in this world so for now shane set the mold, realistically, that everyone will eventually become cold blooded, carl most of all.
  22. I sometimes think God left this forsaken country a long time ago.
  23. I'm telling you just watch, for a while you will see Shane 2.0, he will come back to humanity and it will be Carl who brings him back, but watch for Rick to get real nasty and nutty
  24. i hated to see Tdog go but i think it was only a matter of time he has been an expendable character and now that lori is gone i think you will see rick become shane 2.0 and the darkness really set in, JMO (but i was a shane fan)


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