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Everything posted by HvBikeWlTravel

  1. If you're reloading you should have a good Reloading Manual. LOTS of great information to be gleaned from reading all sections.  The history and chronological development of different cartridges fascinates me most. Prior to the less than impressive .223 rd. there was the 218 bee, 219 Zipper, 220 Swift(well named), 221 Fireball. 222 Rem(perhaps most accurate), 222 Rem mag, 224 Varmintmaster 225 Win, etc etc.  I believe all spit out a .224 diameter bullet.  Not to mention my personal favorite; 22/250 finally commercially produced after years of wildcatters swearing to it's suberb characteristics.
  2. Just got off the phone with Charter Arms. They will E-Mail prepaid label.  Shipping problem solved! Now if I can get the defective firearm issue solved.
  3. Somehow I knew this was gonna be an ordeal. FedEx, or at least one of their employees says I can't ship it. Only an FFL holder will be able to thru their service. UNLESS I have a Prepaid Label. Which Charter will not send.
  4. Well, according to Charter Lady, FedEx has 2 Day option which is cheaper. Can report if that is true after I send gun off.
  5. Excellent info, as always. The reason I even asked is because the Lady at Charter commented the reason for the Charter 2000 address is so no one knows it's a gun.
  6. Have to return defective Charter Arms Revolver under warranty. CA recommended FedEx(cheaper). Do I have to inform of content? Address will be Charter 2000.
  7. Good info and well said. But don't delete the Posts. They are both educational and entertaining. To varying degrees for all I'm sure.
  8. Thanks for the reminder.
  9. I can't say whether air was working, but it really wasn't uncomfortable to me. Left around Noon. Was warmer in the dining area or I may have eaten something there. All in all very good show for me. I seldom attend any. This was acceptable.
  10. Anybody got the admission price?  And location for the only person that's never been to an M-boro show.
  11. OMGosh, is that stuff still around? I used it 40 yrs ago to polish alloy wheels and M/C parts.
  12. http://www.armslist.com/posts/3117110/knoxville-tennessee-handguns-for-sale-trade--rare-new-500-cal-hand-cannon   Armslist ad posted yesterday.
  13. Can someone clue me as to how they test fire a stainless revolver and leave no powder flash marks on the front of the cylinder?  Smokeless powder that burns clear?
  14. Thanks for the link, and the other info. Unlikely I will ever even hunt with this piece since I have a 6.5" ported 629. Frankly, since I discovered it "unfired" I'm a little hesitant to load the thing and try it out. I usually buy shooters that I can go out and ....shoot!
  15.   OK, somebody give me the bad news about Smiths' internal lock system. Just picked up my "dream" N-Frame off GunBroker and now I read this! It's an unfired 7.5" 657 made in late '07. Don't remember the Dealer listing that it had the lock......or that it was unfired.
  16. I'm thinkin' I still have more than enough here in the front "yard" as well as the back acreage.
  17. I can testify that Avon SSS kills Mosquitos. I was wondering if anyone uses Gold Bond Medicated Powder, especially as a chigger repellent. It seems to work for me. Hard to prove the effectiveness since I don't know for sure if I'm walking thru chiggers or not. But I'll keep using it, 'cause I really hate Chiggers. 
  18. Nothing to do with present day, but I bought one of the first 3 to hit Lex. KY back in 1980+/-. I specifically remember the price; $289.99.....for a 6". Bought 2 more at good prices in later years. Don't have any of 'em now. What was I thinking?   I do have an older model 3" SP101 that's a keeper.
  19. I'll second that. A pleasure with which to do business. 
  20. Offhand, I'd say there are several more options to drop a kayak in the water than places to go shooting. But if you buy the right property you might be able to squeeze a trigger off your back porch.  I live just south of Fairview and like it for the gnarly twisties, both in my neighborhood and neighboring counties.
  21. EXACTLY  what I was thinking. There are WAY TO MANY other Bikes out there unless this was a one-off custom limited production guilded in Gold special no other one on the planet version.
  22. Completely agree with the sentiment, but can't help feeling we/I need to do more to assure all Veterans receive first rate health care and attention when they return. The recent revelations may be "new" but we've all known for a long time not all Veterans are receiving adequate care. It's true enough that Government bureaucracy deserves blame  but are not we the people responsible for that government? I just feel like there needs to be a groundswell of disgust and disapproval to the powers that be, whether it's our politicians or VA administrators.  
  23.   Good group!   Put me in the chambered always camp.........................................................but I don't mind what others do.   I've been surprised 3 times working in late night dangerous area situations. Only once was I able to get the firearm in hand. Fortunately none of these street people meant harm. Just amazing how quickly someone can walk up on up when you least expect it.


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