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Everything posted by HvBikeWlTravel

  1. I don't understand what the upside could be to calling that often. Who would pay someone to be that inefficient? Where's the pay-off?   And many years ago I got a call from some salesperson while I was on the back deck plinking with a .243.  After a few minutes of annoyance I let a round go and pretended to have shot myself. The person on the other end coulda cared less. Didn't even stop their sales pitch.   Also since I registered on the Do NOT Call list years ago, I get very few disturbing calls.
  2. Wow, that does sound like a business model that could work in your larger metropolitan areas. Similar to Bowling Alleys.
  3. Kahr and old Sig P220.
  4. Didn't take him long to "settle in"! Thanks for sharing.
  5. When Mitchum played a tough guy I don't think he was acting!
  6. Kinda convenient if your camping on the Foothills Parkway Camp Ground.
  7. Yep.....they may be a little worn.
  8. I did visit the Green Dragon in Fairview last Tues. evening. Pleasant experience. Fairly well stocked. Could not find holster I wanted but quite an effort was made by the owner. Good guy. He is closed on Mon. but open 10-6 on Sat. I believe.
  9. That would be difficult to impossible for me. Old Canon Powershot does not do Macro. No i-Phones either. Some rounds will enter gauge and then get tight 1/4" from full chamber. And yes I am full-length sizing. But I may just need a new set of dies. Maybe those $150 bench rest dies will do the trick.
  10. I turned my seater/crimp die down to where it was not allowing the ram and case to reach it's peak. Seems like I might need a new crimp die.
  11. I'm having a harder time producing reliable ammo. Outside case diameter seems to be too large in about 20% of my reloads. Noticed it first in 230 gr RN lead reloads. Thought I'd run a batch of jacketed 187's to help the situation. Still getting tight to too tight chambering. I am using wide variety of cases from military to FC to WW. And many of these cases have been reloaded no telling how many times. I bought a Lyman Case Gauge to 100% the produced batch. About 5 outta 25. And the cases are WCC, WRA, WW, and military. Same Lee carbide dies I've used for 30 years.
  12. Liked my P220 grip for years but now that I have the Kahr CT45 it's the go-to carry and home defense weapon. Never carried P220 as EDC. EMP, Nano, SP101, Colt Cobra .38 were the EDCs. Grips pretty small on all those. CT 45 has  Pachmayr Tactical Grip Glove on it.  I think age and/or hand strength has played a part in my preference change
  13.   Everyone reacts differently and it could vary widely with time and circumstance, but I believe the best course of action when a 22 or .25 ACP round whizzes by is to get proactive IF armed with more serious firepower. Maybe I have a shorter fuse than most but I take getting shot at, or for that matter even pointing a gun my way, personal. I subscribe to the theory, He who hesitates might end up dead.  Just my way. To each his own.
  14. Received Promo Magazine Sat. with no delay or hassle. First-rate handling by Kahr. Makes the gun purchase even sweeter.
  15. Well I'm not sayin' I don't like my EMP-.40, but it may be For Sale sometime later this year.  I picked up a Kahr CT45 for less than half the price and if I can get Nite Sites on it and test it's reliability a little further I may just drop the .40. Always preferred 45 over 40 but a lot of 45s were objectionable because of grip size and overall weight. This Kahr has satisfied my requirements. I have been happy with the Springfield from finish, function and accuracy point of view. But really seems they could have priced it in the $7-800 range and still profited.
  16.   I'll very likely duck for cover after the first 240 gr. whizzes past me. But a 40 gr. zipping passed is just going to give me an excuse to unleash holy hell on someone.
  17.   The .41 AE was the perfect combination....................................................for ME!  12 rds. of 210 gr. at my disposal.   Let the debate continue >>>>>>>>>>>>>
  18. I might mention for anyone on the fence about purchasing a Kahr, they are currently running a promo for a free extra Magazine until Oct.31st with purchase of Firearm. I sent in paperwork last Tues. and got confirmation that my Mag is on the way today. Pretty good turn-around time.  And this CT continues to perform well, except for some of my reloads. I may need new dies.
  19. Now let me get this straight; you wouldn't be pissed-off if a firearm you bought didn't function?  Must be "oriental discipline".
  20. That's a bold statement!
  21. A small machine shop might do it cheaper but if you are young and have a place to put a small press, I'd say you'd get your money outta it over the years. I certainly have. And your welcome to use mine, if your in this area.
  22. FYI: ESPNU is replaying the Championship Games right now.
  23. I'm very happy for Vandy fans, the Team, the School and the fact that the SEC rules yet again in one of the Major Sports. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving group, IMHO.   Thanks for a very entertaining end to my baseball watching season.


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