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Everything posted by HvBikeWlTravel

  1. Well, I guess I coulda said, has anyone tried the Fed. 45 Guard Dog Ammo?   I'm not gonna jump thru the hoops to post pics, but I saw 3 different videos on U-Tube for those that are interested. IF you're looking for reliable defensive ammo with minimum penetration I would say take a look at those Vids. 
  2. Years ago I had a custom Colt built by an Armorer that eveidently knew what he was doing 'cause it would shoot sideways or upside down with no FTF. But I eventually traded it. The P220s have worked fine when I feed 'em decent reloads(read my fault). And I'm starting to have confidence in the 2 Kahrs.
  3. Federal 165 gr. .45 ACP Guard Dog Ammo is interesting.........................and effective. Wish I could post pictures.
  4. Signed. You really wouldn't have to be a Dog Lover to see the injustice in this. Just a little common sense should tell ya the Duck Owner is more at fault than the Dog or Owner.
  5. Which .44 Ruger are you referring? SBH SBH(SL) RH RH(SL) SRH?  All of them?   Stronger how? Able to withstand higher pressure loads? I'll actually concede the Super Redhawk. No debate from me on that one.
  6. My question; why doesn't Smith...........or Wesson drop the fluted cylinder option on most of their big bore revolvers. The "fluting" process has to add cost, with no benefit IMHO. I can understand shaving weight on an ultra light concealment piece. But Target and Hunting Firearms?
  7. Well, I guess I could stir the pot and recommend 3 0r 4 Tauri.  After thinking about it, I've got less money in the 6 Taurus revolvers than the 2 target "N" frames.  I love sqeezing off rounds on all my revolvers but for the money  you get a lot of bang for your buck with the Tauri! Jus' sayin'!
  8. Recommend you compare the BALANCE of a 686 to a GP-100. Especially in 6". And the action as well. I've had 2 686 6"-ers and 3 Pythons. No GPs. I do like my little SP-101 3" for all-around carry and home protection.
  9. Lessons to be learned! Thanks for posting the Rossi photos.   PS: My PT111 has performed flawlessly as well. Never had a Rossi ..................but it looks like a real adventure.
  10. The main reason I use a full synthetic is for sub-freezing start-ups and long periods between start-ups. And I change the 4-banger oil every 7-8,000. The seldom used V-8 Tundra every year +/- The company Chevy HHR has gone 10 grand between changes on organic with no noticeable ill-effects in 282,000.  Surely a Toy engine can equal that.
  11. My sympathies to Commuters affected. And the Family and Friends of the Truck Driver. I wonder if they'll be able to determine Medical Issues. Personally, 65 south was my 3rd quickest option in the afternoons but I hadn't tried it since the widening project started. I'm dealing with both my #1 and #2 quickest ways home closed or under construction. I will NEVER understand why TDOT or Williamson Co. Highway Dept. works on 2 routes that are alternates at the same time. They did it out on the west side of the county 2 years ago and now they've done it in Brentwood. Very intelligent!
  12. Took a trip last weekend to check out a late model Jeep. One of the revelations revealed to me by the owner; 2012 and newer Chrysler products have Proprietary Diagnostic systems. If a Code gets thrown, only your "friendly" neighborhood Chrysler Dealer has the electronics to read it. Can anyone confirmed what I was told? I didn't buy the Jeep.  
  13. Agreed! They were both outstanding in that one.
  14. Owned a couple of "souped-up" Nova SS's(327 & 350) and a 68 ragtop Goat(400 block). Fun times because there was less traffic and more places to explore. Rode in and drag-raced(mainly as passenger) some of the baddest local muscle cars of the 60's and early 70's. Great acceleration in a straight line but I'll never forget my first trip in a 70 Z. 240 that is! We took a cloverleaf on-ramp at 70mph, rolled on up to 130, then clamped up those 4-wheel discs and decelerated faster than we accelerated. For me that marked the slow transition to vehicles that were the complete package performance-wise. Fun to drive all day and in any circumstance; not just for cruisin' or puttin' to the grocery store. The American Muscle Car has obviously stood the test of time way better than the early Z cars. 60's Chevys, Fords, and Chrysler products are out there in numbers. But try to find a Datsun 240Z;  forgetaboutit!
  15. I stand corrected. A comparison of weight between 445UL and Smith Scandium reveals the Smith to be half. I'll happily continue to shoot the .44 without complaint and leave that little wrist-breaker to braver souls than I.
  16. Welcome David. I too was taught the right way to handle a Gun by my Dad. Very appreciative of that fact since it has served me well these many years.  Too bad not every Dad imparted the same Gift.
  17. I believe my Taurus alloyed frame .44 Spec. can top that. But, speaking of .38 snubbie comparison; an old Taurus 5-shot steel framed 38 is way more punishing than an old alloyed frame Colt Cobra I inherited. Both with stock wooden grips.
  18. It might be a combination of very minute differences. The Sigs chamber seems to allow the offending round to slide just a little further forward and perhaps that allowed the slide to jam the case into battery. Also the fact that the Lee sizing die may be gradually wearing could have been the cocktail for eventual failure. New Gun/chamber + old dies = problem. Lee Carbide Crimp Die = solution.
  19. Me too! I guess the Kahr has a bit tighter chamber which brought the issue to the forefront.
  20. I'm gonna havta go ahead and agree with ya. Used it this morning and all produced ammo slides right into gauge.                                                                          Problem solved!                                                                  Thanks to all for the info.
  21. Dang! You'd think there'd be more Gun Shops down there with all the TGO'ers. And welcome to the OP.
  22. Bought Lee Factory Crimp Die today. Probably this weekend before I'll have time to try it.
  23. I think if you are not a financial contributor to one of the 2 dominant parties you will sometimes fly under the radar. I used to be a supporter. No More!  And I noticed a huge reduction in political related interruptions.


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