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Everything posted by HvBikeWlTravel

  1. Thanks. I'll "Save UP!"
  2. Standard diameter for .380 is .356 for Lead, .355 for copper jacketed. Has to do with hardness. And 115 gr. is doable, but not ideal. As previously emphasized, work heavy bullet loads gradually.
  3. I'm gonna havta go ahead and agree with ya on this one! Couldn't have said it better. What I keep hoping for is a viable 3rd Party Candidate.
  4. He lost ALL credibility as a Biker when I saw his choice of footwear!
  5. Just speaking for me; I refuse to go to ANY Goodman Event! Dickson Show NEXT weekend. I'm sure it's not as BIG, but it likely doesn't cost as much either. I'm just looking for "deals" walking around with private individuals. Not likely to buy much off a Table.
  6. There's no ONE scenario, ipso facto, no one weapon to use in every situation. IF I have a little room to run AND I can spray a Bear in the face I think I'll try the Bear Spray. Kinda depends on the size of the bear as well. And what I perceive as his intentions. AND IF I'm holding a .414 SuperMag. And on and on and on!
  7. 2 phunny! When I typed out success, I thought about how Calipari and the Cats FINALLY got the monkey off their backs.
  8. Success! And BTW; YAY Wildcats!
  9. Can someone give further explanation to "link where deal was made"? That seems to the obstacle preventing me from posting.
  10. Agree with the wounded Bear scenario! Even with a Big-Bore Revolver at hand, a face-to-face shot would most likely escalate the danger. I was in a Tent off the Foothills Parkway back in late Fall of '05. Just me, my Bike, and that .41 Tracker. Sometime around 1:00AM I hear something sniffing on the otherside of that sheer Tent Canvas. Could NOT determine what it was. No shadow. No indication of the size animal. Gun in hand, I just sat there with the thought; IF it's a Bear and he tries to inspect the inside of my tent, the first round is going to be just over his head in a effort to discourage his advancement. Bottomline; sniffing stopped but I never heard it leave. I did hear some commotion at the locked metal dumpster multiple yards away. Probably a Coon but I couldn't find any tracks near the Tent. I agree with the Bear Spray suggestion. I'll pick some up IF I ever camp again.
  11. I can't answer to the choices presented but the options I've had in my Tent are a 629 Trail Boss(in Col.) or the lighter 5-shot Taurus Tracker(in the Smokies) chambered for .41 Mag. I camp off a M/C, or more accurately, USE TO!
  12. Really? Have YOU ever dealt with a wounded animal?
  13. That statement is a bit dated. There are more powerful options for hunting certain game and I prefer the .41 Mag for recoil, accuracy and penetration. But I do like and maintain a 629 Trail Boss usually loaded with 44 Spec. I think the conclusion to this discussion is; IF you reload the .44 Mag is very versatile, affordable and just plain fun to shoot.
  14. Well, that was true in the 60's.
  15. Well, I was referring to 45 ACP since it is the most commonly bent of any calibre. ANY side split is not reloadable IMHO. And 38 brass is way less precious than .45 IMHO.
  16. Personally, I've re-used numerous "bent" cases. If it resizes back out without cracking I'll use it for light target loads. But that's just me!
  17. They use to have a fairly good Gun and Knife Show 30 yrs. ago. I guess Mule Day goes so as the Country goes!
  18. Hi back! I ride thru the Fork about everyday. Did you catch the mule drawn wagon train yesterday mornin'? About 60-70 of 'em going west on 46 with State Police escort. Rolled across Shoals Branch around 11 AM.
  19. Glad to find this site! Recommended by neighbor. I like the more local flavor. Started hunting with my Dad at about 10 and always had a passion for firearms from there. Furthermore, I've always recognized the need for weapons in our society. Not for aggression; but to deter it! I reload(handgun, rifle,shotgun) and always keep a pistol or 3 handy.


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