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Everything posted by Tobashadow

  1. Tobashadow

    Non-NFA SBR?

    The vertical forward grip on that setup will get you tho. You can use a slanted grip like the magpul ones tho.
  2. If you can shoot at least once on the same range at the same distances. My wife aced her shooting test after only her third time out shooting the gun she carrys.
  3. If you all are too chicken to shoot it I will and I'll even supply the ammo.
  4. I've got one in 22 that I've had for almost 20 years that ain't a bad shooter, sure isn't the best but at least it works.
  5. [quote name="Dolomite_supafly" post="1141803" timestamp="1398225247"]Be aware that some optical coatings actually keep you from seeing the dot. I have a Millet red dot that I cannot see my green laser through. I suspect a red dot might also be affected.[/quote] That's what took the extra time was verifying and cross verifying for that issue to the point of me holding the bore sight and looking thru the sight and waving it around to make sure it wasn't being filtered.
  6. Picked up a SightMark ultra shot to replace my junk Bushnell and since range time is rare right now I used one of those fake shells with a laser in it to try and get it close last night. I set it up and shot the dot on a piece of paper on a tree across the yard and turned on the sight and me and my son spent the next half a hour trying to figure out why we only seen one dot thru the sight. Because?? It was already on the dot and they were both red and the same size. Doh!
  7. Paid app, running Adaway, not seeing anything
  8. I'll tell you how crazy it was, the second meeting I went to where they voted me in and I paid the $100, we left and went to Wal-Mart in Athens and I collapsed and ended up in Athens hospital and never got to go back even once that year.
  9. Tobashadow

    Bersa .380

    [quote name="bersaguy" post="1137433" timestamp="1397260627"]I have a 380 Llama I enjoy shooting more than the Bersa's and I am far more accurate with it but I already know why. After caping off about 3 or 4 magazines from the Bersa I catch myself easing off on my grip just slightly enough to throw my accuracy off a tad. Can't do that with the 380 Llama because it has a lemon squeezer grip and if you ease off the grip it won't fire so I have to hold it more firmly which helps my accuracy with it.[/quote] So your a limp wrister eh? Don't worry we've all been guilty of that, I blamed my keltec till someone told me to stop holding it in my hand like a girl and grip it lol.
  10. [quote name="enfield" post="1137416" timestamp="1397258977"]Call or email the club president and tell him your situation. He's a nice guy.[/quote] I might get around to it one day, I just figured they'd take me as someone trying to get free membership or someone wanting to use the range but not come to their mandatory meetings. I'm using my family farm to shoot now that I'm healthy enough, but with the latest drama of someone thinking they can boss me around on my own property out there that place in Athens has been in my thoughts again.
  11. Tobashadow

    Bersa .380

    I've got a Bersea series 95, bought it new in 95 (see a reason for the name? lol), which is the gun the Thunder is based on and it's large compared to the micro 380 pistols on the market now but is one of the best shooters for 380.
  12. The Athens one is nice, I joined a couple years ago and went to a couple meetings and paid but never got to use my membership due to fighting a sudden alien outbreak (thyroid cancer) I figure I'm not welcome anymore for not showing up at anymore meetings that year or paying dues the next year. But it is a very nice place.
  13. [quote name="Sam1" post="1135781" timestamp="1396992036"]sure it sucks, but it made me grow up real quick and appreciate things I never did before. The guy on that second bike didn't make it through though, he was only wearing a brain bucket when he hit the ditch and passed the next day in critical care next to my room. Also shows you that proper gear WILL save your life, 60+ feet down a cliff and I'm still breathing... other dude hit a small ditch at 15-20mph and lost his life.[/quote] That truly sucks, what happened? As in did you or him slide and catch the other or too far out of lane? And not to dig further but what was the after affect to you? While we were there someone on a bike didn't make the curve after passing a truck, I didn't stick around to see the aftermath since there was too many onlookers already and they was getting proper care at that point. I stayed with the flow of traffic and made sure to use every pull off I could for bikes especially. The wife's ain't stock by far, she wanted a four door with cargo capacity but drives like a car and sporty but she's also short lol so a truck was out. So a bit of fab work later it's stiffer lower and custom turbo v6 powered. So honestly no one waited on me but I made sure not to be in the way either, I dove off at even the slightest exhaust noise behind me before they was even in sight. We was in the area and the wife had never been on it.
  14. [quote name="Murgatroy" post="1135467" timestamp="1396929868"]I don't know if you are being facetious or not, but it means turn your headlights on in the rain. State law in many places. Tennessee included if I remember correctly.[/quote] Took you that long lol, Yha they could have worded it a bit simpler tho.
  15. I am a bit confused with a sign I seen coming over the skyway into North Carolina tho, it said if raining I must burn my headlights. That high temperature plastic might be hard to ignite lol
  16. That's why the wife says no to taking my truck over there, it's small low and extremely powerful and handles like a Porsche. She'd rather I'd stick around a bit longer for some reason.
  17. Did it in the wife's minivan to prove a point and kept up. Even tho it is setup a bit tight and has the sport package but still lol.
  18. [quote name="Symbolic" post="1133339" timestamp="1396491711"]Be sure to post a pic. I'm curious to see what we're workin with here.[/quote] Oh it's not a horder stash like some of you but the 1 inch thick five foot long shelf is starting to bow pretty mean so it's into stackable floor boxes under wife's orders before I can buy more.
  19. [quote name="TrickyNicky" post="1133325" timestamp="1396490669"]Holy cow , a pallet of ammo cans?! I've got ammo stored loose in a can, in boxes in a can, boxes in a cabinet, and loose in a pretzel jar. :)I like loose storage for the 22.s I shoot most which are Calibri, I've got those in an old pretzel jar. I just grab a handful and go. Bulk plinking ammo that's getting used relatively soon also gets tossed in loose, I just grab the can or fill up a zip lock bag. Anything "specialty" stays in the box. Anything being set aside for the hoard stays in the box. Of course, there are exceptions. As to what to do with it all, I'd say that your might want to think about storing some off site. I keep some spread around at a few different places. A little at my brothers, a lot here, a whole lot at my parents as that's the rendezvous point for the family and I spend a lot of time there anyway. It works out pretty well.[/quote] Scuffed or wrong color, all new paid shipping only, one time deal.
  20. Hi my name is Tobashadow and I have a ammo buying problem lol. My ammo collection has come to the point that in box in safe storage or shelf is out. I got a deal on a pallet of the smaller stackable Plano boxes that will be here tomorrow and want the opinions of the group cause I'm at a dilemma. Of course pistol ammo stays in individual boxes but what to do with bulk ammo like 22 or 223 or 7.62x39. Do I use a crap ton of ammo boxes or do I just dump them loose in the boxes and mark the box for content. And yes it's one caliber only per box or boxes.
  21. It was just a marker swipe, my ocd had it cleaned off before I hit the car
  22. Not much room, some good prices and some really bad prices lol, I could have brought one of my 525 round box of Remington 22 and traded for a stripped lower I wanted for the prices they was wanting for 22. Really wish I grabbed a lower but don't feel like paying the entry fee again.
  23. Car-parts.com
  24. Same weekend as the Sweetwater one, bad timing for me.
  25. What's the steps for getting it if you want to just go in person?


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