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Everything posted by Tobashadow

  1. Your missing the part about them installing a vertical grip which disqualifys it as a pistol regardless of the sig brace and since it's no longer a pistol the sig brace serves no purpose other than to use as a stock in that design. If they had left off the vertical grip they might have gotten away with it.
  2. I seen at least two ex snipers when I was there last Saturday.
  3. They make cheap ones that fasten behind the plate using the plate holes and shine over the top. Real easy fix and cheaper than factory replacement lights.
  4. See that changes the factors, you have a mill that I'm sure you use for other things, unlike the standard Joe doing a 80% lower. But if your buying a commercial jig then the cost savings is way in the red. And yes I'm a tinker / fabricator and well capable of building a lower from a bare block but other than to say I did it i just see zero advantage. If the cost of a 80% was 1/3rd the cost of a stripped lower id be all over it but at that price range I have to weigh the cost of time away from my many other projects.
  5. At $49+10 background check for the last two ready to go Anderson lowers I've bought, it's going to take awhile for that jig to break even in cost.
  6. You got that right, I've been down that path before long ago. Buy a product and then they decide to outlaw it because a corporation says so and the government raids the stores and websites and then you get the corporate lawyers sending letters to the people they got shipped to accusing them of wrong doing for owning a product that can be used for one illegal purpose out of hundreds of legal ones. Yha my long standing policy of not accepting registered letters saved me from the hassle of proving I was doing no wrong on that one. Anyone that signed for it (my step brother did) got a letter the next week from the lawyers office wanting a settlement and admission of guilt. It took him months and a lawyer fighting it to get them to piss off. I'd hate to go thru that with the government which kinda made me gun shy for awhile on the Sig brace I bought.
  7. Is there really any point other than hiding the fact you have it from the government? I can't find a 80% any cheaper than a ready to go stripped lower. Once I'd account for the time and special tooling and blocks I'd have two separate builds done conventionally.
  8. Buds sells uppers?
  9. The letter that comes with it only says it's a brace it doesn't cover improper usage.
  10. Let's say I ordered a Brace and installed it on my AR pistol what printouts would be handy to put in the pistol grip compartment other than the one sig sent to have on hand incase I am questioned about improper usage? Would I be out of line to write the ATF for a personal letter on the components and usage?
  11. Classic is where I found the barrel last week, I guess I did choose good so far.
  12. My son turns 21 in a few weeks and has adored my AR for some time but can't afford one and wants one of his own, he's not had his own firearms due to some rough teen years and to be honest he was a little slow in maturity but he's far out grown it and started working this year instead of laying around like some his age and I know he won't be our I won't be around forever so I'm getting in what Dad time I can. I'm going to surprise him and build one with him as a starter gun (he doesn't know it's for his birthday lol) that he can improve as time goes for him to enjoy some shooting time with me using his own rifle and learn it's internals. I've got the lower and the parts kit is ordered and the following parts picked out to order this week. 16" Heavy barrel Anderson stripped Upper Gas block Forearm grip Upper parts Sights (I've got a spare red dot be he's a irons man lol) What has got me stumped sourcing is the following Buffer tube kit with a stock in Mil spec And the BCG The prices at online places are either all over the place or don't list enough specs to make me comfortable. I ain't made out of money right now so I've been sourcing cheap but safe good starter parts to budget around. Let me make this perfectly clear this is not some kinda handout thread this is a point me to affordable reliable sources I may have missed so I can stay on budget thread. Thanks
  13. I would too if I went by Academy more than twice a year, and at $20 in gas to get there the savings ratio changes a bit.
  14. Confirmed it is $11.97 plus the 10 cent tax per box. I picked up three last night at the Sweetwater store, there was no shelf tag for it. Steel case non corrosive with very nice quality fmj bullets and primers in a two row plastic snap on holder.
  15. Tobashadow

    My first AR

    You can always save space and stack that box with your holster collection box lol.
  16. Tobashadow

    My first AR

    Try building one from a stripped lower lol. This one is my first build instead of modifying a bought one and it's nerve racking. Options beyond options to decide between.
  17. Tobashadow

    My first AR

    Just wait till you notice all the accessories lol.
  18. Tobashadow

    My first AR

    Hi my name is TJ and I'm a addict. I've bought a lower to make my third AR. Please help me in my times of great addiction, By telling me where to get more parts! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. More, need More
  19. Well I guess I could give Farnsworth another try, it's still a little drive but closer to me then others. It's been about four years ago since i made my two attempts.
  20. So I got to be a Asshole to buy a gun? Nice, just what I don't want to be known as lol. At the gun shows the only ones that want to talk to me without having to use a cattle prod are the ones you just know are trying to rip you off and tell them that.
  21. It's either bad selection and over priced little Shop. Or its a snobby tactical shop that has only $1,000+ top of the line AR rifles and everything else is hipoint quality to them. Or its good selection and prices but the people there would rather talk to people they know about their latest hunt or the weather and then walk away into the back when that person leaves ignoring me. A couple of buddy's of mine have had the same reactions in those places. It makes me wish I could open my own place but id be my own best customer tho lol. I really miss the shop that was in Athens but they folded. I spent plenty there and they was always willing to discuss any gun I wanted to look at to the point of breaking one down I had questions about and had a broad selection from new to old and they never cared what you chose from a Desert Eagle to a Jennings to them it seemed just as good if that's what you wanted. I've been in a hunt ever since, the Dunham's out there does me good but they are extremely limited due to what they are and a bit pricey but I've bought three thru them. Only problem I had was with one guy that was a smart-ass because I wanted a $200 shotgun to play with to see if I could handle it with my medical issues (former post of mine here) instead of the $1000 Auto Benalli. He didn't last long there. I go in, I look around and spot what I want to see and quietly and politely wait nearby at the case on the person to finish his conversation, I'll make sure to make lots of eye contact and a gesture or say excuse me as they finish and the person will just stroll away and help someone else that arrived after me or go wander to the back.
  22. I would if I could find one. Of the local ones One shut down due to "spousal" problems between the two owners One down the hill from me is run by a retired guy who has no ammo and maybe five to ten run of the mill bolt actions. I like the guy and bought a pistol there years ago but he has nothing to offer me and has told me that, he won't even do transfers last time I asked. One little Shop a couple towns over I had hope for is dirty and the guns for sale are nasty in the bore, none are clean at all like they are shot for hundreds of rounds. And way overpriced. One is the "Tacti Cool" shop of laughter in Maddisonville with the people wearing the carry badges lol, I shouldn't have to say more. Farnsworth, ignored me twice a few years ago even when I tried to get his attention to buy a gun he had. Frontier Firearms I had hope for but they talk down on me if I even make a mention of surplus battle rifles which is my other love. And that just burns me that they don't realize not every person only like brand new guns and by laughing cause I asked if they had any or parts for some just turned me from them at that point. They even made the point to laugh at me for buying a pink set of houge grips my wife wanted. I told them to just forget about the pistol I was looking at. I had spent over 2 grand there the week before so I wasn't a lurker. Other than that it's all pawn shops around me unless I want to drive a hour or more.
  23. I've noticed the following. Gander Mountain - Ignored even while directly talking to someone infront of me to the point it even pissed off my son. Academy - Not even acknowledged I was there. Frontier Firearms - Had to about beg for help then talked down upon for my choices. Buds - Had to get customer service to get the same people ignoring me to help me. Dunham's - Would just about hang from the rafters if asked to make a sale for me.
  24. Got a Anderson lower for $49 at Buds in Sevierville today to start the project. Nice quality and I had my pick of about a dozen.
  25. A bit of a drive also but the one in Athens can do it and I've never had to wait more than 15 mins sitting in a chair. When my wife did hers they did all the paper work and out the door in ten minutes with a number to call and a address for prints. I called the number in the parking lot and drove about five minutes down the road and she did the prints.


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