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Everything posted by Tobashadow

  1. Well if all the meetings go on during the week at night at most lodge's then i guess i'll have to wait till one day when i can finally be on a day shift job. 2nd shift suck's with having kids that hardly see you when school's in during the week and for doing anything that would be fun and rewarding like the above.
  2. It will come don't worry mine took 8 weeks, you can always stalk the mailman like i did. It all started at the 4 weeks wait timeframe since the DOT of course told me on average it takes about 2 weeks so i gave it a extra 2 more before i started watching heavly for the mailman to come. Mine actually got to the point he asked what was so important i was looking for after about 2 weeks of it going on since i had never waited outside on the porch for him to come thru everyday before (comes within 30 mins or so at same time everyday) and all i said was a important envolope from the DOT and let him guess in his head what it could be. He actually honked the horn and waved at me and pointed at the mailbox on the day it came. Oh and to the wal-mart run. Did that yesterday but they was out of nacho's. First day i had it with me going everywhere i was jumpy about making sure it was well covered every few mins even tho i could carry it open no problem it was like i was worryed i would get caught with it or something. But i noticed today all i did was make sure it was well planted in the holster every little while since i don't perticuly like the holster i'm using since it doesn't grip the handgun it just sit's in it, but i can't justify spending the money on a new holster for a weapon that will become a at home backup weapon after May the 16th when i will have the money to spend on a kel-tec p3at and proper holster.
  3. Thought about joining but don't know anyone in it or how to.
  4. Well look how my little thread got going. hehe
  5. Thanks guys that explains ALOT. Anyone got the belt clip for it? and how far does it stick out past the back of the clip like for say in your pocket or iwb using the clip, pics are helpful too if you have time. Any recommended owb belt holsters for it that in perticular ride high so that it stays under a basic t-shirt pulled over it. Oh and i aint a rich man so a less then $30 holster is recomended. :-) I just want something comfy since it probably will not be a front pocket buddy unless it's rare since i keep alot of my normal day to day things in my right front pocket because of a left hand problem. Unless it's in the back pocket which is the reason for the question on the belt clip if needed in that position.
  6. Warning - I tend to draw out my question's sometimes, sorry. I've been looking at the P3at model and plan on getting a smaller carry gun about middle of next month and before other's chime in that the ruger lcp is out, i'm on my second fullsize ruger and if it wasn't that it was fine i'd sell it off since my experince with a ruger's warrenty suck's, and i really don't like a company that pulls the copy then take credit for it deal either. Ive heard over and over everywhere on the net that the kel-tec warrenty is almost second to none, but that they seem to sometimes have quality problems but it seems the factory will take care of it if needed no problems. The question i have is safety? For instance my ruger p95 and my bersa thunder 380 have a decock lever and a safety so i feel safe with one in the chamber for it since it's just click and fire. Where as my 22 pistol has a somewhat safety which is actually almost impossiable to turn off with one hand becuase of it's postion and makes it utterly useless to use since it would be faster to try to pistol whip the guy with it then try to click off the safety, so i'm a bit touchy with it as far as keeping one in the chamber. In a matter of words i don't. but don't get me wrong i love the gun i just don't feel it's safe with one in the hole. Where in lies my question. I see no safety on the kel-tec at all and i was thinking going down the road recently and thought what if my wife was driving and someone came to her window and for example pulled a knife or gun out on her (typical car jacking). First instinct would for me to use my left hand to hold her back out of the line of fire and put my hand between her and the soon to be gunshot victim to act as a makeshift shield. But that would mean i only have one hand to operate the gun so that puts out pulling the slide. The problem is ive been able to hold one but not shoot one. And the only place for me to shoot one before buying is a long long drive from here and the last two times they didn't have one to try out for one reason or the other. And the local shop with no range beats the other place in price even before counting the extra for gas and he even throws in a second clip in on it. Buying it without shooting it first is no big deal to me since i understand it wont be a plinker anyways. It will have a job to do and thats it so harsh shooting style would be no concern to me if the SHTF anyways. Could someone explain more in detail the safety and usage of it's double action trigger in your experince please Thanks I just hate to buy one and not feel safe to have one in the chamber on it and always be back in the hunt for another pocket buddy.
  7. Got the carry permit in saturday (much to the joy of the mailman i bet) made a excuse to goto the store on saturday night just to finally let the bersa have a walk. All was cool everything great, found out i need a better holster tho but i'll deal with it till then, but plan on a kel-tec mid may but lesson learned. Went to work this evening (2nd shifter) and ride to work was different with it in the passenger seat under my coat. Then on the way home tonight at midnight i'm almost home and see a car pull out and get behind me. hmm Next turn i get a good glance at it. a LEO Oh goody here comes the light's. Pull over and do the hands on wheel deal (thanks for the reading on here guy's it helped to keep me on track and calm) explain to him i had a Valid carry permit and a weapon in the vehicle making sure NOT to use the term handgun before carry permit so as to not scare the guy. He asked to see it and i handed him the permit and dl. He looked at it and said hmm issue date of 3-28 just got it did yha? Then he congradulates me on it and ask's me what im doing out this way this late at night. I ask if he's new on night shift and i get a yes. Find out he got me just becuase he thought it was odd for a camaro running around that late at night and wanted to check it out. Guess he know's better now. He acted real cool after he seen my HCP, now i see what you guy's are talking about all the time.
  8. 8 weeks and 5 day's later! The mailman is happy! No need to stalk him anymore. Btw: Yes i did phone and talk to a nice helpful lady last friday to check the status. It seem's they are way behind on them and for some reason are holding them without issuing but calling get's it issued if it's approved, but i would highly recommend to be very very very nice to the person on the phone and not to call unless it's been atleast 7 weeks or more. Because they really don't have to bother with us. For those that are waiting it comes in a white envolope with Tenn Department of safety in a large upper left window of it.
  9. I got the same quote last friday from them. 7 day's is today I feel sorry for the mailman today, i'm liable to run to the mailbox and wait for him when i see him coming. Heck i might even jump in and start digging thru the mail truck to make sure he didn't lose something important from the bundle. My Bersa is itching for a trip to wallyworld for some nacho's. hehe
  10. I was wondering what was taking mine so long. Everything was finished on Feb 3rd and a few guy's at work are shocked i haven't got it yet. Now i know why, you guy's should have waited your turn until after i got mine so there wouldn't have been a backlog and mine would have already got here. Oh well back to stalking the mailman. Btw: mail just ran for today
  11. I didn't want my first post here to be a negative one but i can't keep from saying my peice on my day. As a new HCP inductee (hasn't arrived yet but it's in the mail headed this way) but a long time firearm's owner and 2nd amend supporter. I've never had a day like this in a gun shop. Having money burning a hole in my pocket and needing a new IWB holster for my Bersa Thunder and wanting to pickup a Kel-Tec P3AT or a P9 i decided to checkout a gun dealer ive heard alot of good about in my county but ive never got a chance to go to since it's 30+ min's in the wrong direction from where i always travel. I show up at Farnsworth firearms and the place is a mess, everything covered in heavy dust and stuff piled so high on the counters i couldnt see what was in the cases without about sitting on the floor. Found what i was after and was looking at the P9 they had in the case and hollered at one guy behind the counter for help and he never flenched. Then i tryed to get the attention of the other guy and he just ignored me. I layed the holster on the counter and just left. Guess i'll just go spend it up at Coal Creek in knoxville this weekend. It's a shame too i heard so much good about them and made a point to go out of my way today to go by there. Well back to stalking the mailman!


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