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Everything posted by Tobashadow

  1. Athens Wal-Mart had some 45 and 357 but was hidden behind the counter, i just happened to see the boxes from a angle and asked about them.
  2. He got called to the front for not answering the question on the paper and refused to answer five times and she kept pressuring him to answer and he said it was none of her business and she got mad and said is it yes or no and he said it was none of your damn business. If he said he said it trust me he did. Thats one thing hes never been afraid of good and bad is to speak his mind.
  3. What purpose does the teacher have to need that information anyway??
  4. I told him for years if you want to keep what you have, from guns to xbox's, no one needs to know what you have. One of his friends had his house broken into and his stuff stolen a few years back and i asked him if the guy bragged about what he had at school and he said yes. And i explained you never know who is listening and the meaning stuck.
  5. Sweetwater High School Teachers name is xxxxxxxxxxxxx, she asked them this afternoon in a form if they have drugs in the household and he answered no, and then she asked if we have guns in the household and he wouldn't answer and then finally after being pressured repeatedly he told her it was none of her damn business. I hope i get called to school, he is 17 for another 2 months so i still get called for his trouble. What do i need to be fully prepared for the fight other then a copy of the 2nd amendment????
  6. The episode with the AK with the (never been done before) sniper barrel had me face palming. Hmm unless i am wrong i think the Russians have been doing that for 50+ years.
  7. Can't give you any money but ill give you all the pieces of lead you can handle.
  8. Got a new mailbox on order heading my way, cost me $70 which sucks but its 40 pounds of 1/4" stainless steel that looks exactly like a standard box that im going to paint it different just to show off its new and sit back and listen for the scream when the punk hopefully comes back and punches it again.
  9. My mailbox after 7 years had seen better days, mailmen where rough on it, weather beat it to death, hit by cars twice. So i decided to replace it this week and wanted something custom and i bought a new one and spent around eight hours sanding it and hand painting and was very very proud of it. So Tuesday after work i mounted it and had a smile on my face seeing it when i left for work Wensday. Came home last night and noticed the door on it was down so i walked down to it to close the door and noticed someone had beat the %*$(# piss out of it on purpose. Didn't even last 24 hours.
  10. Keltec P32 even got a second magazine in my blue jeans front pocket and no one can tell.
  11. I bought something like that about 10 years ago it was about $10 for a half a gallon at kmart. I had it in the trunk of my car that didnt have a working gas gauge, i had to use it one time after my wife drove the car and didnt put any gas in it. It said plainly on the bottle that it mixed with the leftover fuel below your pickup tube and allowed it to get high enough to be used. Worked but the car ran like crap but it did get me to a gas station.
  12. It's not Free! $28 donation to get on the list to get a spot in class then a $15 range fee.
  13. So they have usb wireless cards for Internet access and wired network also for local file share? Ewww thats just a slew of problems rolled into one. A file shared on the network is treated a little stranger then some people think, when you open the file it is cloned into a temp file on the local computer which means it has to be fully transfered to be opened on the local machine and that includes every time it is saved the file is fully transfered back to the remote machine. There is two methods you could use to speed up access to the file. A: Remote desktop into a local machine that has the file on it and make the changes over remote desktop so that you are not transferring the file to make changes to it. or B: Make two QuickBook files, a combined large file and a weekly or monthly file depending upon your needs to make it smaller and at a agreed cycle based on the smaller file have someone use a combining utility to move over the data to the larger file, i have used the software here to do that - QuickBooks To QuickBooks Data Transfers
  14. Bad bearing?
  15. More down to earth! I could roll into Zombie home camp and stop and eat lunch!
  16. Dang comparing the specs of my massive Ruger P95 compared to the weight of the smaller Jimenez is amazing! Is it made out of lead?
  17. Must buy! Must buy! Must buy!
  18. CVS and Walgreens at first seem a good choice except that if you think about where they are located, main roads right on the road and on corners. Not very good to hide out but a good choice for supplying up. I'm thinking industrial plant off the main road more like a smaller factory in a small town off the main highways. Cons Min Food on hand Large building to fortify Pros Usually a complete surrounded parking lot to give buffer room for target to be in the open to get to you. Most have flat roof areas for food growing. Machine shop and tools on hand. Most have water filtration and storage on hand for industrial use (clean it up of course) Any factory worth a darn will have a tornado shelter for the employees (hint hint) ready made fortified interior safe room that can be easy beefed up. With a bit of piping and building materials you can build a internal blackout shelter for fire for cooking and warmth without giving off light to outside world and easy enough to dissipate smoke if you know what your doing. Plenty of room for internal grow rooms if the warehouse is equipped with skylights. Storage, Storage, Storage If your worried about security when you hit up places for supplies grab some of the motion sensing solar light setups and pull the bulbs and wire the dc outputs to anything you wish internal that are low amperage dc like child toys, no need for ac power for security. Well crap gave out my ideas.
  19. There you go the answer to the problem!! Find a place to shoot it at and charge to do it! I'm sure there are quite a few people here that would love to test penetration on a SUV and espically the motor block then sell the rest to one of those we pick it up and haul it for you scrap places when done. Ought to bring enough for a craigslist beater!
  20. Your in Oak Ridge according to your location under your name and they use a Motorola Type II SmartZone trunking system so yes jumping on your system there would be risky but not impossible. But For systems not using trunking, nothing more then ordering a radio that can do the proper freq and can use PLL tones to activate the input on the repeater would allow you to cause havoc on a system and there is little you can do other then implement a scrambling system in hope they don't figure it out or change PLL tones which will only slow them down unless they are a moron and don't have the brains to cycle thru the PLL tones till they find the working one. I knew one person that decided they where going to play with the police freq's but did not understand the PLL system and i sure as heck did not tell him it required one to get on the repeater and he lost interest quickly when it didn't work. He did tho decide to mess with the Ham's with it and found out quick us Ham Op boy's when provoked are motivated and do signal tracking for fun.
  21. you could just use a zip or rar program like the free 7-zip or even winzip or winrar and make a file with a password on it and just add what you want inside of it. It will allow you to open and modify the files and save the new copys.
  22. A massive failure in my book is anytime you pull the trigger and nothing happens. Would you still call it a minor failure if a BG was on the other end at that moment?


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