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Grand Torino

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Everything posted by Grand Torino

  1. What an innovative idea. Now if the entire industry could see the light.
  2. Ain't that the truth....
  3. I guess I need to pay those folks a visit and see what they've got.
  4. That's a crock of shit. Every day a little more of our privacy slips away. Thanks for the heads up. It's never happened to me before but I'll be on the lookout for it in the future.
  5. Jesus Christ....WTF is the matter with people? With a thought process like this it's no wonder there is no turning back to a decent America. Bend over boys and kiss your ass goodbye....there's no hope.
  6. Screw that...we've been compromising since they starting making full auto weapons NFA items in the 30's. How about just STFU and leave us alone....we have plenty of "compromise" already.
  7. That's cool...you really are making something from nothing....congrats.
  8. Phil Williams is an idiot.... :crazy:
  9. Jeebus has the media nothing else to report on? How about crushing debt, no jobs, Obozo's leftist socialist policys, the cost of Obozo care, worthless unions and politicians and so on. Oh wait.....nobody cares about that...just destroying the Constitution and everything it stands for. Assholes....
  10. No shit Joe....you'r an idiot.
  11. Think again.  http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=326946278   Gums, ammo and components are only going to go up...not down. This shit is crazy.
  12. He's a loser like his father and his father's father. He rapes the good folk by deciding what's best when it comes to your salt intake, soda needs and gun rights among others while making sure the welfare heiffers and other freeloaders get their food stamps and free medical care. NYC deserves that asshole.
  13. I seriously wish that bitch would keep her sorry ass in Kalifornia where she's used to libturds, movie stars and other trash kiss her feet at every word.  I swear she's related to that dick Bloomberg.
  14. At least he responded. We will see what he actually does.
  15. I'm with you.....pricks like that don't understand anything else.
  16. Pricks like that make me want to get this gun ban fight going right now instead of passing it down to the grandkids. I'm so tired of listening to assholes like this. He needs his teeth pushed in.
  17. Instead of "Face the Nation" they should be facing a firing squad.
  18. The Pres can suck it. Nothing that asshole does please me.
  19. Welcome aboard...
  20. In his Monday press conference, Obama said that “responsible gun owners, people who have a gun for protection, for hunting, for sportsmanship, they don’t have anything to worry about.   That lying asshole said during the Obozocare debate that you could keep your own doctor and your premiums wouldn't got up and we as a country would save money. How's that working out for you?  
  21. No for all the reasons mentioned. It still doesn't fix the problem of crazy people/bad guys getting guns and doing hidious acts. How about giving someone a manditory 30 year prison sentence eithout parol for using a firearm in an illegal act as a starting point and go right to a death sentence from there.
  22. Anyone else?
  23. For those that plan to attend the Gun Appreciation Day on January 19th I ask this question. Is it legal to CC on the Grounds of the State Capitol?
  24. Title says it all....


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