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Grand Torino

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Everything posted by Grand Torino

  1. I respectfully disagree. I've been volunteering with state and local elections for years and these assholes just don't seem to grasp reality. They lie their asses off and promise the world but do whatever it is they want once they are elected. Is the Republican ideas better suited to me than the demonrats? Of course it is. But voting Libertarian is more in line with what I believe. I think it might be easier to influence someone in that party than the statist morons that are in charge of the Republican party. Stick around and see what you can do with them if you want...it's your right. Me personally...I've had enough.
  2. Somebody needs to slap that asshole O'Reilly's dick in the dirt. He gets more insane every damn day.
  3. I'm done with the GOP for so many reasons. For years I voted for them just cause they are the lesser of two evils. It's Libertarian  for me until the GOP can get their heads out of their asses.
  4. It's no accident this shit ended up scratched out on a piece of paper and I'm sure it wasn't the little kids idea. Every damn day you hear about some leftist bullshit happening in public schools. Thank the socialist unions and "community organizers". It's been like this for freakin' years and not getting any better.  It's no wonder kids turn against their parents is it? Keep sending your little ones to those bastions of truth and don't be surprised someday that the SS doesn't knock on your door and tell you they are there to take your kid from the crappy environment they live in.
  5. My boy recently returned from his 4th tour over there and he has the same tat as you do. He's told me several times about catching a lot of shit about it and has now found it easier to tell the complainers to fuck themselves. There is no doubt that these goat fuckers will have to be dealt with here on our own soil someday since they have made it perfectly clear they aren't the religion of tolerance or peace.
  6. The M4 Tactical comes standard with a Picatinny rail for optics, the M2 does not, a fully adjustable ghost-ring rear sight, the M2 does not and fixed-blade front sight and a black synthetic pistol-grip style stock, the M2 does not. An optional standard stock is offered. With features and reliability that do it for the U.S. military, the Benelli M4 is an excellent choice for your own home defense plan.   I have an M2 and it's an awesome auto loading shot gun. I absolutely love mine and would never consider getting rid of it.
  7. They do it here as well...just sayin'
  8. I haven't seen a single damn round of anything in the 2/3 Walmarts I go to in months.......no really. They can screw themselves...I'll never buy anything from them. Maybe it's policy, sleazy employees or whatever they can keep those places to themselves.
  9. Dude.....you are sooo right on the money. :up:
  10. It looks great....congratulations. :up:
  11. After living in Arizona for three years I had forgotten how far behind the times Tennessee is compared to other places. This was just one reminder.
  12. Well that's different. Congratulations on what looks to be a fine job. :up:
  13. I like to trade...been doing it for years but I always put a cash price on a piece as well. Once I've decided to let one go I seldom turn back.
  14. It's none of his goddamn business who sponsors a NASCAR race. Why is it libturd politicians feel the need to butt into everyone elses business instead of doing the job they were elected to do? It's no wonder our country has already slipped into the toilet.
  15. It will be a happy day for many when that old raggity bitch leaves office.
  16. Jesus Christ.....WTF is the matter with people? I wish these assholes that hate our country so much would GTFO instead of shitting all over it.
  17. What a bunch of dicks. It proves once again libturds have no desire to save lives...just rape you of your rights. I hate every goddamn one of them.
  18. They are only about 20 years too late.
  19. That ignorant asshole is as full of shit as a Christmas turkey.
  20. I like the new cars much better. Thet gotta do something to figure out how to pass with those things though.
  21. Chances are the rapist makes the female swallow the whistle. Then what?
  22. Mexico can't even fix their own POS, God forsaken country yet the want to stick thier noses in our business....really?
  23. You did a much better job that I would have. I would have told her to STFU and mind her own goddamn business. Like I said...you did a much better job.
  24. Is talking to anti-gun people a waste of time?   Yes...absolutely. If you are not ready to agree with these libturd assholes then they will not sanely discuss anything.  


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