Really? Get a grip......nobody is forcing anything on anyone. All anyone has to do is put it on ignore for a few seconds to allow those that want a prayer to do so. It's not rocket science for Pete's sake.....I ignore bonehead speech and and anti-religion...and other agendas of the left everyday. Should I be able to silence everything everyone says that I don't agree with? Wouldn't that be wonderful. :rofl:
This is it for me on this topic....I've found you can't reason with anyone that can't see both sides of the topic and have any respect for others ideas and beliefs. Once again.....nobody is forcing anything on anyone...nobody is making anyone believe of practice anything they choose not to. It's called respect for others....cutting a little a guy a break....taking a step back or what ever other phrase you'd care to throw in there.
And no comments were not aimed at you so don't take offense....they were just general comments about Godless non-believers in general. I fail to see how letting a few people pray for a few seconds forces anything on anyone. In my mind at least those that believe this way have some greater fear and cannot deal with it.
Have a great day everyone....I'd say I'd pray for all of you but I wouldn't was to offend anyone.