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About tng27

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    Hamilton County
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig M11
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  1. According to Cooper, the guns did it. Shocking
  2. Wonder what this will do to form 1 processing time. That’s assuming this insanity makes it past it’s first court hearing
  3. Call it what you will, they’re right this time. Feel free to go to the source https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/goodbye-car-ownership-hello-clean-air-this-is-the-future-of-transport/
  4. All this debate gas vs electric may well be a waste of breath in the end “The World Economic Forum (WEF) published a paper that calls for an end to “wasteful” private car ownership in favor of communal sharing to lessen global demands for precious metals and fossil fuels.” https://www.breitbart.com/environment/2022/07/22/world-economic-forum-ditch-your-car-and-save-the-planet/
  5. In an interview on Fox business this morning, a liberal twit said after the overturning of Roe v Wade “Americans woke up feeling less free.” Imagine how NY gunowners feel.
  6. +1 on GT Distributors. I ordered a G19M blue label. It came in less than 2 weeks later. Incredibly easy people to do business with.
  7. Go to AR15.com, AR15 forum, build it yourself section. All the info you'll ever need. FYI some equipment is required,- jig, router, drill to actually complete but it's not difficult at all
  8. The fact is you're more likely to be killed by a falling coconut than a gun unless you're suicidal, a black male ages 17-35, or hang out with said males.  If you want to differentiate between handguns and long guns, you're even safer statistically.  Let's not let reality stand in the way though.
  9. http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2016/jan/24/more-people-shot-death-tennessee-killed-vehic/346298/
  10. Thanks teecro. I'll give it a shot
  11. I use Norton did a scan Last night. Would that find it or is there something better? Like you I've used paypal a long time & never have a problem. It seems odd that both incidents involved recent forum subscription renewals. Those aren't the only paypal transactions I've done lately but haven't seen anything on those. Weird
  12. Crap sorry guys, I copied the wrong email. I got another one exactly like this except it says tngunowners instead of clubfrontier and the subscription amount is correct for tngunowners. I would guess the leak is on PayPal's end. Just wanted to give a heads up if anybody else got one.
  13. I said it references the subscription. The scammers picked it up from somewhere - here, Paypal, or somewhere in between. I'm no interwebs expert


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