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Everything posted by bigun

  1. bigun

    New baby

    Congratulations. Girls are the best. We had a boy and a girl. The girl is 33 now and still has me wrapped around her little finger. As for the boys, just shoot the first one and the word will spread. HAHA.
  2. My first was a Ruger SR1911. My second is a remington R1. Really like both and the trigger on the remington 1911 R1 is great. Surprises alot of people.
  3. Great idea the grandkids are going to love it.
  4. I'm in. Anybody got change for a penny?
  5. I use a remington 870 with a 18.5 barrel. and I agree I'm only going to clear the room I'm in. I live out in the country so I load 8 rounds of 00 buck. But it all depends on what you feel comfortable with.
  6. This keeps happening when the city leaders ie, Mayor,Chief of Police, etc. get on TV and say they don't know what to do with these kids. This will keep going and sooner or later somebody is going to shoot these punks. Then Momma will be on the news calling for the head of the shooter.
  7. Welcome to TGO
  8. Is this going to be your everyday carry? I like it.
  9. That's some good stuff. Can't stop laughing.
  10. Congrats.... pretty pretty girl.
  11. Welcome to Tenn. and TGO. Glad you was able to escape the land of fruit and nuts, And move to the land of red eye gravy and grits.
  12. He is risen and the debt. is paid. Happy Easter to all here and your families.
  13. What in the h_ _ _ is wrong with people these days. The little boy is more of a grown up than the ones running the school. BTW this was a standard issue haircut when I was his age.
  14. bigun


    I got fired from my job last week at the pork and bean plant. It was a good job I was in charge of putting the beans in the can. But they said I was putting them in upside down, giving everyone the hiccups.
  15. Let's hear it for karma
  16. That's so true. I don't shop at the blue store because of this. Very funny way of putting it.
  17. Nice job. Glad to see you back in action. :up:
  18. Back on your game. :rofl:
  19. :koolaid:  :koolaid:  :koolaid:
  20. I think it is an Unwritten law to not give a Social D to a Sprung Monkey but San Diego is a different country.
  21. Reeses peanut butter cups. They must be eaten asap.
  22. I'm going to put this under the heading of TMI.
  23. bigun


    A young wife was watching her husband reloading some rounds for an up coming hunting trip. After a while she speaks up and says, you should sell all your reloading equipment, your guns and all your fishing gear. The husband looks up and says you sound like my ex-wife. His wife replied I thought you said you had never been married before. To witch he replies not yet.
  24. :stunned:  :stunned:


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