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Everything posted by bigun

  1. It is with a heavy heart that I come to y'all with the news that Chip’s @xsubsailor wife passed away this morning. I know we all will be praying for him and sending him best wishes.
  2. Nice score
  3. Sad to hear. She was one of my favorites . R.I.P.
  4. bigun


    Up date. He has been moved to rehab. Starting to have problems with his leg swelling again and the pain has returned. He asked me to tell everyone he thanks you for your thoughts and prayers.
  5. Welcome to your future home. It's not tropical for sure but you might second guess that in the summers here in west Tenn. Winter here is rain, sun shine, 70 degrees, 20 degrees, snow, and tornadoes. And that's all in one day,
  6. Looks bad for the burn
  7. If you have an idea on what you want holster wise, give 1911 alltheway a holler. He made me a shoulder rig and a gun belt. I am very happy with both. Quick turn around time to on custom stuff.
  8. bigun


    Chip is having stints placed in his leg this morning. to get the blood flowing to heal his leg. He wanted to let everyone know he thanks them for their well wishes and prayers.
  9. bigun


    The Doctors are still running tests. He is being treated for an infection.
  10. That's not a spy. That's Ducky from NCIS in his younger days.
  11. bigun


    Just to give everyone an update. They have put a drainage in his leg. Giving him pain meds and are going to move him to the in house rehab. I don't know if everyone knows it but he had to move his wife to a rehab when he went into the hospital. She is bedridden and can't take care of herself. And to top it all off his house caught fire today. He doesn't know how bad it is yet, but his neighbors are closing it up with plywood. He should get a full report tomorrow. Please keep the prayers coming he really needs them.
  12. I've got 4 of them for different cal. They all work great. That price is a too good to be true price.
  13. bigun


    Will do. I'm gonna try to git a hold of him later today.
  14. I told y'all don't come around trying to get my boy to play no foosball.
  15. bigun


    Just to let everyone know. Chip is in the hospital having trouble with his legs. Doctors still don't know what's going on just yet. He has a lot on his plate and I'm sure he would be thankful for prayers or well wishes or both. Thanks @xsubsailor
  16. Praying for fast recovery.
  17. Welcome to TGO
  18. Does it have anything to do with the left eye.
  19. Some times I will answer Sheriffs dept. fraud division. Most of the time they hang up on me.
  20. Merry Christmas to all
  21. Praying for you brother. Holler if you need anything. I'm just a couple miles away.
  22. bigun

    Xmas Song.

    My favorite christmas song. I never feel it's christmas till I hear it.
  23. Hope they gave you some meds to help with that. Hang in there buddie I'm pulling for you.


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