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About 45FAN

  • Birthday 02/26/1962

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  • Location
    Clarksville, TN
  • Interests
    Brain Surgery
  • Occupation
    Software Support

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  1. When I took mine the instructor had 22s that people could use. Because it is easier to shoot, most people were more accurate and therefore going to pass the class. I shot my 45 and one of the instructors actually asked me to do head shots. I passed.
  2. I have a Springfield Armory Ultra compact 45 that has it built in and it makes a difference. There is the same amount of recoil the muzzle just doesn't flip up as much. In low light shooting, expect to see more muzzel flash with the gasses being projected upward.
  3. 45FAN


    I have the P90 big brother since new, about 12 years now, and have never had a jam or misfire. I wouldn't ever get rid of it.
  4. I would think you will be battling moisture. You will need a lot of desiccant and have to recharge it regularly. I believe there are electric dehumidifiers that are made to fit inside of the safes.
  5. 45FAN


    Be sure to check the local pawn shops and gun stores. Most thieves aren't very smart (thats why they have to steal) and sometime head to the closest place to get rid of it.
  6. IWB Small of the back
  7. I also have a k98. I bought it at an auction about 5 years ago but shot it for the first time last weekend. I had hadn't had any place to shoot it but recently bought 5 acres in the middle of nowhere. Had fun and put at least 50 rounds through it with no problems.


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