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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. I need a copy of that. I would also recommend "Fast and fancy revolver shooting" by Ed McGivern. Some good info in there and if nothing else some neat photos and stories. @Leroy, some folks still do shoot handguns that far! ;) for awhile I was getting pretty ok with a Police Positive at 100 yards. Could ring the gong usually at least once with a full cylinder. Not bad for an < 2' target. Sadly I doubt I could do it today. I bet my old shooting buddy still can though, he took to it like a duck to water.
  2. A bit high on the 22. I won't hold it against PSA. They've had ample opportunity to participate in the pricing madness and from what I've seen have held their prices. If I needed more 22. I'd be on it.
  3. Bon Aqua is a little ways away, but if Jeff at Guns&Leather moved out there, and I was in your position here in Nashville, I'd make the drive over soaking any day. If you had found this in the bottom of grandpaws tackle box and it was legitimately rusted shut, I'd say a good soaking would be in order to help clear out some corrosion. It sounds from the time of your OP that this is maybe something that was working until recently. If that's the case, have you checked inside to see if there *is* any corrosion to remove? I'd take it in. There is a very good chance at this point that soaking it in oil will just result in a gun, well soaked with oil. I can tell you one thing, if the gun had been working up until recently, soaking it isn't likely to help. If it doesn't, it's only going to be harder to diagnose quickly with it dripping oil inside. YMMV and its possible that it just needs a "deep oiling", but I doubt it.
  4. Neat, I'd never seen a "bolt action" sks assault rifle. : rolleyes:
  5. Yeah, that's how it starts. I'd bet a lot of us here at one time just wanted to defend ourselves and maybe punch a little paper once in a while. :cool:
  6. BTW, if either of you have a recommendation for a super comfy holster, I'm all ears. I've got a crossfire slimline which I like, but I'm looking for other options.
  7. Did you type that in italics just to taunt me? :rofl: Just buy it already. I think we all 3 already know that's how this is playing out. ;)
  8. I'm right there with you except my reverb pedal. Went too long without it, now I've gotta have it. Had others too, I think the only other in I still have is a wah for when the mood strikes. Which is a lot less often than I thought it would be when I bought it. Now the Alamo I play straight in with everything cranked. Although in my tinkering days it did have a two stage overdrive pedal built right in. It's true point to point with no turrets and an incredibly simple design, so there is lots of empty space in the chassis... @Lester: yes it was their vintage series with the tweed covering and the brown grill. I took their nameplate off and I think it looked quite snazzy. It was a great amp, but it kept going through filter caps ridiculously fast. I eventually traded it for the service of an amp guru. I gave him the Carvin in peices (after it developed its last case of the vibrating farts(about as best I can describe what was happening) I ripped the chassis out so I could at least use the cab and speaker. Of course the original speaker was long gone at that point in favor of a celestian if I recall. Anyway I had him rebuild the 18watt as I'd managed to make a mess of it. Told him what to look out for with the Carvin and washed my hands of it altogether. By this time I had the Bassman anyway, the search for an amp had about come to a close. Which of course has yet to deter me from buying weird stuff when it pops up cheap. I snagged a great little "portable" movie machine from the 30's a few years back. It was pretty cool as is, but really the little 1x12 suitcase looking cabinet was the real prize. Immaculate speaker, the thing must have been replaced at some point, though still long ago it seems. I could go on. This has a been a great thread. I haven't thought of most of this stuff in what feels like forever. Oh and Lester, if you want a rotating cab because you know nothing else quite sounds the same, but don't want to shell out $$$ for a Leslie, start searching Craigslist for old Kimball organs. Sometimes people just want them hauled off and they will yield you more than just crappy old speakers that sound great. The larger models had rotating foam horns. Worked really well when my friend ripped it out and mounted if into a milk crate. Now *that* I wish I still had.
  9. Cass-ollie? Case-alia? Case-a-dia??? Non Italian minds want to know?!
  10. Sounds like a great way to spend a birthday. I try to get my dad out as often as I can but it hasn't been until recently that he has felt like doing much after being laid up for 3 years. I need to get him out to the range soon. He always enjoys it, and he's a better spotter than anyone else in the family!
  11. It only counts as 1/2 of one when you buy them used. ;) It's in the owners manual, you'll see.
  12. Not in my experience. :shrug: I imagine it could congeal under the right circumstances, but I think the same can be said of any CLP.
  13. Good deal. I love my VTAC, the sights are awesome once you get used to them. I wish they made them like that for all handguns. The magazines may just be worth more than the gun at their current rate, I spent near $100 on 2 in the not so distant past. I'm sure you'll love it, if not you should have no trouble moving it. Heck, I might even be talked into a second, I like mine that much.
  14.   Not as heavy as one I'm planning out, but yeah, you know you are carrying it to be sure.      If I like the Levang I'll most likely order a Kies or two as well. That's really all I want it to do is make it more pleasant for myself and others around me. I've heard some not so great things about them in regard to muzzle climb and fireballs. I guess I'll have to wait and see what becomes of it, I'm thinking I shouldn't have much any fireball to speak of as is, but I've only shot it during the bright daylight hours. Idk, I'm sure it will be fine.
  15. Heavy doesn't begin to describe it. I'd honestly rather carry a 1/2 stack. At least most 4x12 cabs have decent handles and the head unit comes off. Whoever designed the handles on older amps to be like one you'd find on a lunch box or briefcase should be punched. For anything bigger than a Princeton or maybe vibrolux, casters are now a must IMO. Even if only in the form of a furniture dolly. I've got a few and owned a few other big amps, but I've always seen the value in a 1x12 combo. When I was younger it was a 3-6 mile walk to my friends houses. That's a long way to carry anything bigger. In fact, my first *real* amp was a Carvin Nomad which is very similar in overall design to the Peavey Classic 50. It was tote able, but barely. Made for a long walk. If I could do it over again I would have gone for their much smaller, lighter one channel 16 watt. It also has a pentode/triad switch so you can play it in a 5 watt mode. That would have been a joy to carry around in comparison. These days I still think little combos or little cabinet/head units are the way to go. Like I said, I think 10" are in my future. Of course there was the ported 1x15 with midrange horn. That thing was an absolute beast. You had LOTS of headroom on the speaker, but once it reached its tipping point, it was another one of those "run for it, she's gonna blow!" type setups. Not great for lead work, but fantastic for rhythm. You know I've kept most of my guitars, but amps and cabs I have been much more fickle with. I would say that I'd like it all back, but I'm sure my apartment wouldn't hold it and 8/10s of it I couldn't use anyway.
  16. Anyone have any experience with some of the linear compensators out there? I ordered a Levang to mess around with and just looking for feedback on what to look out for as far as noticeable, practical improvements. I noticed most people put these on short or carbine length barrels, I plan on using it on a 20' heavy barrel. My thought or hope is that it will still help push the blast forward, but with the extra weight of the rifle, I won't experience much muzzle rise either. All reports are that it is maybe only a little help on muzzle rise, but it already isn't much of a problem even with just a thread protector. I'm hoping that by directing the rifle straight back it will also help use up or redirect some upward motion. I haven't read anything on anyone using one with a longer heavy barrel so I'm just guessing. I know I could just get a brake, but if this works even almost as well, I'll be happy.
  17. Pretty much nailed both both the EV and the JBL. I will say though that either can be overdriven, but if you're attempting to with an amp over 20 watts or without a master volume, you're in for a bad time. The little 18 watt Marshall clone will shake the house at 1/2 max volume. From there it is all breakup, but it does sound great, if not a bit too punchy. The Bassman with the EV was long ago modded by being put into a 1x12 combo cab and the bass channel turned into something much more reminiscent of an overly bright Marshall. It also has a master volume so I can set it where I want it and play with it from there. I've only opened it up a handful of times as it is incredibly loud, but the EV held up well. Didn't fart out and by using the traditional volume controls at the front if the amp along with the master volume in the back as pre/post volume controls, I can keep it as clean as I want it about all the way up. The bass channel sounds great, anywhere from a little tube over saturation all the way up to a Ted Nugent worthy wall of cacophony. I can think of better setups for a recording amp from a tone perspective, but for actually playing live, I can't picture anything better. Just throw an A/B box in front for channel selecting, set the bass channel to crazy so you can dial it back to crunchy on the guitar volume knob, set the clean channel to a nice breakup where you can clean it up from the guitar. Then, throw a reverb pedal in the back through the fx loop and I'm done. Whoever originally built this thing knew exactly what he was doing. Sure, he "defaced a classic" but man did he build an awesome machine. I'm going to start messing around with 10" speakers more. I think they will tighten up the 18watt nicely and I really like how spanky clean my old teachers super reverb was. That amp along with a Gibson Firebird was a winning combination. Way to loud to play at volume often though, but even the cleans sounded great. With a Les Paul you could do anything from country pickin to jazz and all the surf you can shake a stick at. Awesome amp to say the least. I attribute electric tone as a combination of scale length, pickups, amp circuitry, and speaker first and foremost, though not in that or any order. I do believe in tone woods to an extent, but honestly I think most people blow it out of proportion. I'm building what I hope will be a cool and unique guitar, but the going is very slow. I mostly can't motivate myself to fix a few issues with the finish and then re clear coat and polish it. :rolleyes: it will have a pickup combination I haven't seen before on a guitar it's style. Once it's done, maybe I'll make a video showing off some gear.
  18. Nice! My long gun AR is about done as well. Scope and rings are in and on, now just waiting for the compensator and bipod. If you build one start to finish it goes faster, I've got 3 I've been tinkering with and everything I need for #4 is on the way except the gas block and barrel which are on back order. Habit forming doesn't cut it. These things are down right addicting. I've got a monkey on my back and his name is Eugene Stoner.
  19.   Pizza=good. Ted S for president under the pizza party!   I figure it can't hurt confirming what they should already know. If it's someone writing a paper what harm can it do, and if its someone just trolling we'll figure it out. Can't see the point in an NSA sting to get folks on a gun owners board to admit they own guns, seems redundant even by government standards. Its true what was said above though, give a little get a little. I'd be a lot more inclined to go in depth if I had an idea who I was talking too. The fact that student won't even share his .edu email but went out of his way to set up a yahoo email in the fashion of one gives me a case of the :rolleyes: . The reporter from the Tennessean used his real name and email and got people opening up candidly quickly.
  20. Hey, it's my day off, this guy wants to know some stuff, TDR already said it best, what do ya want?
  21. Speaker quality is a funny thing. I've got an EV something or another in one of my amps that is an overbuilt brick ****house of a speaker. For the rig(hotrodded 1965 Bassman) it is absolutely perfect. It has its own special kind of headroom and I've never made it fart out. I've for a great 2x12 cab loaded up with currently only one JBL ____. I've got its twin stashed away somewhere, but I like the way the air moves with that big hole in the cab. Probably my most responsive speakers in that my pick attack always seems to punch through no matter what kind of amp or guitar is behind it. I usually use an 18watt Marshall clone or a cheap 6v6 based head. I'd have to say though that my all time favorite amp/speaker combo is in my 196? Alamo Challenger. It has been through 3 speakers not including the originals which were toast when I got it. I tried a carvin knockoff of a vintage30 and it was way to clean and didn't sound right. A cheap modern Fender 12" worked a bit better, but I wasn't really happy until I put a speaker from a late 60's Kimball organ in it. That cheap old underpowered speaker is just right! The amp needs new caps, pots and tubes, badly. It pops and hisses too much to ever use live or recording, but man the thing *sounds* like its going to blow up. In a good way. Though, that's probably because it *is* going to blow up one of these days. Oh well, it will be easy to fix.
  22. Only issue I've seen with a Smith not opening was when the screwed in section at the end of the crane arm backed out and was closed. It closed fine but got caught up in the shroud. Hold int the release forward and applying some pressure got it opened again, then we tightened it up and all was well again. No idea if any of the above applies with your revolver or not.
  23. One thing to keep in mind, of the artists you mentioned ZZ Top is the only one to have used much fuzz. Mostly what you're hearing on those old albums is natural breakup from overdriven tubes. People have been trying for years (since at least the late 60's) to replicate that tone with solid state tech. After years of trying they're starting to get pretty close. I thought I wanted a fuzz at one time too, for me it was not what I was after ultimately. I would suggest that if you want to try out lots of different sounds from home, keep your Crate as the clean sounds are usually a fine jumping off point. Instead of looking for any one pedal or effect, grab a used Line 6 pod. Should be able to find one at or under $200 and while the sounds won't be 100% "right", 9/10 non musicians won't be able to notice. The pod has really cool modeling capabilities and ran through your amp will give you a lot of tones to mess with. To too it off you can plug headphones into it and noodle the night away without bothering your spouse or neighbors. If you absolutely just want a fuzz pedal, I have never been let down by electro harmonics.
  24. I read them as long as their not in the script font. I pass pretty much everything by written in that font. My phones too small to make it out so I don't even bother. Other than that though I enjoy reading people's signature lines , and seeing what they've put above their avatar, we've got some real comedians.


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