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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. I've been using mine for about anything I've had to use a knife for: Cutting Sandwiches, opening packages, cutting pallet wrap, sliced/diced/chopped veggies, chopped down some really tough fiberous bamboo looking weeds, so far it's performed very well in everything I've asked. Can't think of anything off the top of my head that I would want any pocket knife to do that this one won't likely do very well. Can openers and toothpicks and other Swiss Army stuff aside.
  2. We need his info.
  3. Good move. Charlie is a great guy and operates a nice range. My only regret is paying so late this year. The key is to get down there as early in January as possible to maximize your dues. ;)
  4. Doesn't know his right from left.
  5. That's as far as I needed to read before guessing FGS. I had heard the FGS was really behind EW opening. I discounted it as a rumor at the time, but as time passed there seem to be an awful (appropriate) lot of similarities between the two. What is it about Franklin, why are there no quality shops there?
  6. You've got more Smiths than me. Now I've got a complex. :D great score again!
  7. Hmmm. Something between the 300 and the 458. I do like the idea of being able to use commonly found brass as opposed to specialty ($$$) brass. Worth keeping an eye on I think.
  8.    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  9. Pissed that Hipower gets up early enough to get first crack at "the good stuff".
  10. Well that really narrows it down, don't it. :lol:
  11. Not buying anymore guns.
  12. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  13. Incapable of laughter.
  14. Hey, those are some of the best threads on here!
  15. :rofl: couldn't be me, I don't own anything fancier than a mid range red dot. And I don't even use it.
  16. I was going to say that I had a long way to go before something like this became a crucial factor in my shooting. Now I'll spend 1/2 my next range trip wondering if I should pull out my lighter to try to improve my shooting. :rolleyes:
  17. A very wise man once told me the easiest way to get what you want is to know what that is.
  18. Give Jeff a call at Guns & Leather in Greenbrier. If he can't do it he most likely can refer you someone who can. Good score on the gallery gun, those little buggers are super cool. :up: Welcome to TGO!
  19. Hey guys, my father bought himself a shield last weekend after months of debate, and generally loves everything about it. He's going to pass on the Apex trigger and honestly I agree that stock it's already just fine for what it is. He would like to change out the sights however and that's where I'm needing some advice from those of you who have upgraded. What have you got, how do you like it? He's going back and forth between night sights and fiber optics, I seem to recall a company paints over FO with a glow paint, but can't recall who and no idea how effective they may be. Any feedback welcome, doesn't have to be from a shield as long as it's from a company that makes a model for it. Thanks guys!
  20. I gotta admit BigK, when I think about someone buying/selling rock the first thing that pops into my mind is
  21. Nice group, welcome to TGO.
  22. Sorry for your alls loss Doug, that's a real shame.
  23. You can tell they are. They've got dirt, er, "organic residue" all over them.
  24. Some of those are actually very nice. As to the value, I don't know. A friend of mines parents had a palm tree in their yard you could see from blocks around. A landscaper saw it and offered them $15,000 IIRC. It didn't happen as the tree was just too massive to move without driving a crane onto their neighbors house, but they still call it part of their retirement fund. People will pay stupid money for stupid stuff.
  25. The idea is that there was a legitimate assassination attempt but that the fatal shot came from a secret service agent by way of ND. All very possible, but also debatable. There is strong evidence contrary, three gunshots and three spent cases found in the book depository. Theory is two are from the shooting that day, but the third was either a round fired previously and never ejected until just before the shooting, or a spent round being used as a chamber plug or snap cap. It does do a very good job cleaning up the whole magic bullet theory. Once you see the real layout of the car it all comes together. It's worth watching if for nothing else


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