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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. Oh I could solve the national debt tomorrow, but I'd manage to piss off conservatives AND liberals alike ;)
  2.     I like that idea, alternately a soldering iron would probably heat things up enough to get moving I would think, would be a lot more precise and if I'm picking up what D is putting down, a vise, some needle nose to work the pin from the accessible area, and you might not even need 3 hands to do it. :up:
  3.     But then how did they find the first owner? :)
  4. $170.00 worth of good taste apparently.          Is he kidding, is he serious, who knows??? :panic:  :panic:  :panic:                                                               J/K :hat:
  5.       It's a woodworking trick that works on plastics too. The tape isn't to stop the bit or guide it, you place it over where you want to drill and the tape helps keep the edges smooth by "clamping" them down as you drill/cut. Sign makers use a special low tack wide masking tape when cutting custom shapes and what not to help the edges stay smooth. I think thats what musician is referring too, maybe not though.     Looking at the pics I'm wondering if drilling it out might not be the best bet? I'm thinking that if you went just as deep as the stock you could then get it out and possible yank the remnants from the tube. Any way you go there will always be a small hole there unless you fill it with something (epoxy?) so I wouldn't think that it being a step up in size would matter too much?
  6. Can we get some pics for reference? It may help the TGO brain trust.
  7. I've got mixed feelings on this. Sometimes good people do stupid shit and up in jail, I'm not trying to pass judgment on you or your wife. I think you've done a good job addressing the negatives of the situation, but are there any potential positives? Do you think your daughter may be in any kind of need of a behavioral wake up call? Going to visit folks in jail can be an excellent wake up call to ship up. So can posting bail, but mores when you go to jail and are treated to a bit of loss of humanity for yourself.    If thats not any kind of deciding factor, I would probably go a few times solo first and get a feel for the process and the place, once you know the drill you will be much better prepared to make the parental call for yourself.   Good luck to you and the wife. Tell her to read as much as possible, sign on for ANY sanctioned group that may be available i.e. bible studies, educational, work etc. and keep quiet on her personal life. Any one that needs to know anything about her real life already does and jail is no place to make friends. Generally speaking. If she gets her head right and keeps it down she'll only really do two days, the day she goes in and the day she comes out.
  8. On the more traditional one first shown I think it would be handy to have the belt loops attached with only a single rivet on the bottom with enough space to swivel a bit. That way it would be possible to sit down easily without taking it off. 
  9. I tend to agree Dolo. If they were local to me and my experiences mirrored polecats above, I would continue shopping there no problem, I really don't care one way or the other, but I know quite a few people who would see this as a sign to find a new LGS. It wouldn't have garnered the publicity that he did, but I think a better idea would have been to just put a policy in place wherein if it got mentioned at time of sale, they get a discount. My last job didn't have a veteran discount and while they weren't opposed to the idea, change happened way to slow for my taste. I just started asking people at the register, no one got mad, my veteran customers got a card good for 10% off and anyone who answered no got the pitch to buy into our discount program which would save them the same 10% after buy in. It worked so well it ended up becoming first the unwritten policy for all retail locations, and eventually written policy. And no one got mad.
  10.       Same here RD. This is my 'I give a crap face'.    :tough:
  11.   Will not work for resizing lube.    Additionally, you DO NOT want to use resizing lube in place of the astroglide.     You can learn a lot in the TGO chatroom....
  12. Came out looking great Sam!  Good work! :up:
  13.     I'm wondering if this may be an error in the reporting (stranger things have happened) and they may have been correctional officers?
  14. Even near 2 years later, the Tisas brings em out of the woodwork. :rofl:   This thread. :rofl: I love it.
  15. I like Ruger wheel guns really well and of course S&W kinda sets the bar in most regards, but that in mind one of the RIA snubbies could make it's way home with me one day I guess. I have only heard great things about their 1911s and very little about their revolvers. If they have a decent finish and internals I don't really see how you could go wrong. 
  16.     No! :angry:
  17.     I am not a number! I am a free man!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQraxqfL8SI
  18. Congratulations BG! Another step for your family tree! :up:
  19. Sure. I just think an email thats guaranteed almost certain to be read by a deciderer is a better bet, thats all.   As far as a face to face chat, thats good too. I'd rather have a customer talk to me about something than hand me a card though in that case. They could certainly elect to do both, but from my experience, anything unsolicited beside money is ending up in the trash. IF the manager gets it, it's 50/50 wether they're inclined to do ANYTHING about it. When it gets put out into the corporate world for the bean counters to see, it is GOING to be addressed. Maybe not changed, but addressed damn skippy. My .02 anyway.
  20. I'm not seeing them anywhere, I must've caught the blind. So what can we do with these numbers? Is it anything like the time we figured out how to inflate each others rep points before sending them crashing down? :D 
  21.     There is a lot to like and a lot to really ponder before plunking down the cash from my eye. I want to get hands on time with a few as well. If they are more than just cool gimmicks I could see it being worth the money, but for the cost most are going for I'm afraid I just want too much.
  22.     Disagree. Little cards are easily trashed, especially by kids making $9.25 an hour to pretend to work in between iPhone apps.    Emails to a corporate system, even sightmanager@businessname.com generally get intercepted by not only by sight managers, but corporate/regional managers as well. 
  23. FWIW, I'm not sure on using the suction cup with the hot stuff. The CA will have a fast flash point where it will start to harden quickly, maybe too quickly. Getting a suction cup stuck on the end wouldn't be much fun. I would also be concerned about the finish surrounding the crack. If you NEED the suction cup, I would recommend titebond wood glue for the operation. The cleanup will be easy and the bond should be sufficient.    Here's Dan Erlewine Showing how to clean up the super glue in the event  you get a bubble or run. He's doing it as part of the repair process for a poly finish on a guitar, but the razor blade trick and sanding is good info. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTVScFJoe24      To post pics on the main page they need to be hosted somewhere like photobucket.com or the like. You can only host them here on the classifieds. Maybe via PM. If you want to try and PM the photos to me I will host them and post them here for you. 
  24. I like it. It looks like it would make a fine compliment to a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range. I'll take ten!   Or one.     Maybe one. For now.
  25.     My momma calls it "special". :D


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