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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. They do the best they can, it's not the gun owners if Ca making up the laws out there. Having been born and raised in Southern California it's no shock to me at all, there is a huge shooting population out there and I know several people who's collections of pre-ban ARs Aks and FALs would have alot of guys out here drooling. As to the post ban neutered ones, if the SHTF you could bring them back to regular functionality in a manner of minutes and using the bullet button on the range is not that big a deal. The regular capacity mag ban sucks, but CADOJ is fine with you bringing in disassembled high caps in from out of state IIRC. Heck I even agree to a certain extent with the California Handgun Safety Card. If you can't get an acceptable score to pass you probably need to reconsider purchasing any gun IMO. I was able to get 100% in mine and the same day saw a guy fail badly. Honestly that guy being armed was not a bright idea. There are several things the gun owners need to work on yet to be on par with say Tn, but they are making progress and that progress wouldn't be made if there was no interest. Best gun store I've ever been to was in Culver City, whatever they had it seemed like they had six of them new plus a few used. So anyway, not shocked at all.
  2. Even if they did want to, what are they going to send, some slingshots and a pocket knife? This thread reminds of the movie Great Ball of Fire, the Jerry Lee Lewis movie. After being deported there's a reporter at the airport asking Jerry Lee if he has any last words for England. Jerry says " Yeah, England can kiss my ass!" My sentiments exactly.
  3. That's funny, I did just the opposite last night. Bathed a mosin using a brush to knock out the bulk of the crud then hung it up and used the steamer to blast out even more. Maybe I did it backwards but the results where good so whatever. For the wood I used murphys oil soap mixed a bit heavy and a green Brillo pad sponge thing. Seemed to work ok, but I think I need to blast it with the heat gun first next time it's all taken apart then wash it off.
  4. Bam! In your face England!
  5. So after a bit of searching I've found a few threads about removing this gunk but figured it might be cool to have a go to place for posting up ideas and tips and what not. Good idea? Maybe worthy of getting pinned to the top of the C&R page? Anyway, after a bit of reading it seems there are a few different ways alot of folks are doing this. 1. Gasoline/Kerosene- removing all metal bits and soaking them for anywhere from a few hours to over night and blowing out the refuse with an air compressor. People seem to either love or hate this method, one things for sure, you NEED adequate ventilation if your going this route. In fact you might even be better off doing this outside. 2. Boiling water with simple green/ degreaser/ dishwasher soap- Same as above, strip off all metal parts, place them in a tub and let em soak. What you want to do this time is keep that water HOT! Adding new water or replacing as neccasery to keep it as hot as you can, as long as you can. This one is going to need some relatively frequent checking to keep the temps up but may a good option if your in an apartment or somewhere else with limited space. 3. Mineral spirits/paint thinner- very similar in theory to gasoline exept you use less and utilize a paint brush to spread the the solution around the metal parts. 4. Heat gun/handheld steamer- this is pretty neat, using bits of wire or coat hanger hang you metal and wood pieces over a bin and use the heat to melt the cosmoline off. May take awhile but this seems like a good idea for the stock, be sure to keep the gun a little ways away from the wood and keep it moving a bit to keep from scorching the wood. Make sure the bin is under the parts being worked on unless you want 50-70 year old gunk on your floor or lawn. 5. Oven- this seems like the riskiest of them all to me but apparently some people do it and swear by it. The first thing youll want to is wrap the oven racks in foil making a lip aroumd the edges to collect all that cosmoline and keep it off your oven floor. Pre heat your oven to desired temp, I believe around 200-250 degrees is what I've read on this. Place your metal bits over a heat resistant tray, chuck them in the oven for a few hours and blast the gunk out with a compressor after the parts have cooled but before they get cold. Apparently stinks up your house and upsets the wife. So there we have it, five very different ways to accomplish a goal that's left more than one person scratching their heads. Which one works best is probably in the eye of the beholder so to speak so try whichever ones suits your fancy and you'll know which suits you best. On a side note, some of the above methods make use of some noxious chemicals, be sure to do more research on the correct handling and use before diving in. For that matter you will probably find more detailed information on any of the methods above by doing a quick Internet search, this is mearely intended to give people an idea on the various ways to rid your old/new weapons of the slimy yellow crud that is cosmoline. Hopefully this thread gains some momentum and some people here with some first hand experience are willing to share other methods or more complete walkthroughs on the above.
  6. I've considered it a great deal and will continue to do so probably right up until I pull my car into the parking lot at the poll. It seems harder for me than it does for some I guess but I'm having a he'll of a time wrapping my mind around what the big difference between Obama and Rommney really are. Like I said in another thread ones a sh$& sandwich, the others a soggy sh$& sandwich with mustard. I dont know I think my problem boils down to wanting what's right for our country and I honestly believe both are damn bear as bad as each other. Maybe I'll have mine with mustard, maybe I'll order the soup and see what they bring me, I just don't know.
  7. Totally totally, 100% different IMO. Guns aren't people for one thing, for another I wouldn't go after my friends girlfriends, no how, no way, no where. For another thing a gun shop that can't or won't make a deal on buying a gun never had a chance at building and breaking a relationship with it. Also dont see myself giving out my name adress and phone number to some guy in a gun store parking lot. If the store in question wouldn't at least let me do what I gotta do in the lot, I likely wouldn't do it at all. Now having said all that, practically speaking I would probably have to agree to a different location in order pop money out of the ATM. Stopped carrying alot of cash after loosing $300. at the beach. Did get about $100 back after it washed back up on the beach though. But I'd still have no problem making the deal there though. One other thing, how is it greedy to buy a gun the gun store has no intention on buying? Now if you where to jump in on negotiations midway with a better offer than the stores willing to make maybe, unless the store was completely taking advantage of an unkowledgable seller offering $200 on a $2500 piece, then it would be the opposite of greed. IMO.
  8. I don't know. There seems to be different classes at play. I would agree the majority don't want trouble and will do their best to avoid it or flee but not all and is it worth making assumptions as to which you are dealing with? The North Hollywood bank robber had no problem taking action against police, they where better armed, had better armor and clearly where not afraid to die. A certain type of thug may react to the flight or fight response with an escalated level of violence as aposed to breaking contact. Hard to say what the case is with Holmes as he seems to have a defective ability to reason. I'm willing to bet his plan was to go out in a hail of gunfire, and somewhere along the line that plan changed. Maybe it was the first hand exposer to violent death? Maybe he had a moment of lucidity, maybe e didn't want to die at all. It's hard to say but one things for sure, I would never bet on the criminal element breaking away at the first or any sign of trouble. If that where the case we wouldn't need police, old timers taking a stroll with their nine irons would keep everyone in line.
  9. Just as likely actually. I think it's pretty weak minded and just plain pathetic that the retailer is getting this level of harassment as well with people calling to tell them " this blood is on your hands". He bought a few benign accessories online, if he had eat a big mac would Ronald McDonald have blood on his as well? I understand being frustrated and scared and wanting to lay blame somewhere, but how about stoping the buck Holmes the psycho responsible?
  10. While I agree with most everything Runco says I wouldn't have a problem doing a FTF transaction then and there in the parking lot under specific conditions, one of which would be the blessing of a representitive/manager/owner of the store. Also have managed retail outlets where part of the business involved buying and selling used products and neither myself nor the owner would have any problem with person A selling an item to person B on our premises provided there was no deal to be made for us with person A. I'd actually rather them do it in my shop than a Waffle House parking lot or something. Hard to sell someone on a holster/ammo/etc. for their new toy if they aren't at your shop. It's also a good way to get repeat customers by gaining the reputation of being easy to work with. YMMV.
  11. Anyone get to the part at the bottom with the dad going in and slapping a kid for doing this? Only two problems, a grown adult should not be hitting someone elses kid, plus he got the wrong kid. As to the young thug in training, I really hope whatever ends up happening to him works and they solve the problem before it gets worse. I don't hold much faith they will or even can but it's worth a shot. I also agree the kid has probably been abused at one point, at the very least it looks almost like he's trying to pull off some MMA move that IMO he should have even been subjected to viewing.
  12. Sounds interesting. I've wondered from time to time what the deal with Obama is. Don't really buy into the whole "wants to destroy America cause he's a Muslim" thing. Maybe he's just incredibly inept? Maybe people who want their freedom are now in the minority and he's doing a bang up job and we just can't tell? I dont know. I think there are some who wouldn't like him regardless of policy, I personally couldn't care less if he'd just pull his head out of where the sun don't shine.
  13. Probably once he starts selling them if he does.
  14. Yeah I'm officially sick and tired of the media ass-u-me ing a bunch of opinions and representing them as facts. They need to get on the idiot box and start retracting this crap immediately. It's like someone else said of career politicians in another thread, they will never just come out and say "I don't know".
  15. Meh, theyre just butthurt. After all an armed civilian populace wiped the snot out of their all mighty army a couple hundred years ago. Not to mention the Irish in 1916 giving them a pretty good run for the money. Anyway I'm sure there was no halt on cutlery purchasing last year after that young man got dragged out of his local pub and down the street before being stabbed to death in front of his father. They igg'nant
  16. I almos did this once when an older gentleman wanted to sell a tricked out shotgun set up for trap. The guy behind the counter was playing weary at the purchase saying he didn't have much of a market for things like that which I think was kinda true. The store offered $200 on what the guy said was an $800-$900 dollar shotgun and I was thinking "hey I haven't got anything like that, that might be cool." I decided to hold off and see what happened, maybe hold off until he left but he ended up taking the offer. In hind sight I should have just talked to the guy behind the counter, explained that the last thing I wanted to so would be to step on anyones toes, but if he had honest reservations I'd be happy to make the deal then transfer it through them so could at least make a few bucks. I think it wouldnt hurt to ask, providing your asking the proprietor and with all due respect.
  17. B.A
  18. Wouldn't vote Daffy, something not quite right about him. Now Donald on the other hand is a duck I give my support to, I always thought it was too bad the way he would invariably get short changed. And don't get me started on those conniving little chipmunks... Punks is what they where.
  19. Good job Hazmatt, welcome to the club! Out of my three revolvers(gp100, blackhawk, colt official police) and the two on semi permanent loan from my dad(s&w 66&36) the gp is IMO the most utilitarian. Reliable solid piece and my bump in the night gun. I'm sure you'll be happy with it.
  20. Not that wierd, mines the same way. I've even been mistaken for a redhead by less observant folks.
  21. By this logic just because I know I'm not happy eating a sh$@ sandwich, I know I don't want a sh@$ sandwich with mustard but because I order the soup I really wanted the sh$& sandwich? I think I'm about done talking about the election here, but I will say I'd rather vote for Donald Duck than Obama or Rommney.
  22. Lol I freakin love duck dynasty. Seems one of the most legitimate reality shows out there.
  23. Which is no laughing matter. Had a can in my pocket once when I went out riding my bike. Ate sh&$ ant the can burst open in my pants. Scraped my hands raw as well and it was no fun digging it out of pocket with all that skin missing. Not my finest moment. Once had to go to the bathroom bad as a kid. My brother was in one, my sister in the other so I decided to use my parents. Dad didn't like that too much and decided it would be funny to spray a quick squirt into the sink. I decided to hold it. Then there was the episode with the little bottle my sister started carrying around. Sone kind of off brand pepper foam. I volunteered for that one and it was easily the weakest of the three, like I was back inside watching Tv in less than half an hour weak. God, I've been exposed alot for someone with no military/LE/criminal background.
  24. Could be it won't grow in that spot. I've got a spot on my neck that just won't grow. I used to think with time it would happen but as I get on to 30 I have come to grips that it just won't happen. Also have pseudofolliculitis which is the fancy way of saying razor rash so it's either growing out or cropped with clippers.


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