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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. I missed the boat. I coulda gone to college through loans, then expect others to pay them back? I done plain missed out. Of course, not as bad as my sister, poor chump (chumpette?) actually went and got loans for her education. :rolleyes: and to top it off, she's PAYING it back? WTF?! With interest!?1!! What a sucker :rofl:    I guess just joining the work force, being debt free and well paid was really the beginning of the end for me after all. Screw 10 years experience in a field managing college educated newbs, I missed my free education!
  2. Glad he's going in. I'm afraid he will end up in a protective unit or some such, to general population where he belongs. Wish the judge had been able to sentence him to 18 years though, maybe after serving a sentence like that the number would sick in his head a bit better. Of course, we may get some sweet, sweet prison justice and he'll be more concerned with things sticking where the sun don't shine than just in his head. JMHO*           *For Bersa
  3. Dang, hopefully the rest of the trip goes much smoother. I can understand a reluctance to switch careers for our friend though, as I recall they took good care of him when he had that medical issue and good work is always going to have it's ups and downs anywhere. He could have just as easily been shot and robbed driving through east nashville. That said, I doubt kidnapping would be much risk, and if I have to get shot at all I'd much rather it happen a few miles from Vandy than in some rat hole country.   Tough decision.
  4.     The real trouble with the higher education scam, er I mean, system. Everyone needs a degree, jobs optional.
  5.     Asian spaghetti. :D
  6. Damn, thats no good on a lot of levels. Hopefully those responsible are found along with the inventory. Friggin thieves.
  7. My dad wore one for 30 some odd years in numerous makes. He like the Renegade holsters the best, not much of an online presence IIRC, but a very nicely made holster suitable for duty use.   Further research tells me they are closed. too bad, their product was really great. Here's one that is very similar looking, uses real sheepskin lining like the renegades did too. http://www.thewilderness.com/ankle-holsters/the-wilderness-renegade-ankle-holster/
  8. Dave, we've had differences in opinion, but I wish I could like this post twice. Very well said, thanks for sharing your experience. :up:
  9.         Depending on the barrel diameter I imagine a guy could put a clamp on or pin on gas block with a rail to mount the sight. if one was feeling froggy I think the ARMS folding front sight/gas block would be great too, providing it fits of course. Worse case just do like FTE says and have a short radius, couldn't be much shorter than a stock AK pistol and regardless of how much ummmph the round has, at the end of the day it is a PCC and probably won't be making anything beyond 100yard shots I would think.
  10. I've been using it for the last few years and will keep using it. It doesn't score the highest marks for corrosion resistance or cleaning, but it does a good enough job at both that considering it's multiple uses for other hobbies and around the house, it makes a lot of sense to have a can or three around. I use it on my locks at home ,just spray a little on the key and work it in and out and turn it a few times, on my weather seals for car and home, obviously on my guns,on my belt, holsters kydex or leather) , and I've found it;s a great item for the guitar player as well. I spray a little bit on my nuts and then a bit on about an inch of the strings where they rest in the slots. It makes a great fretboard cleaner and I have even used it to clean up a pair of old strings rather than replace them, didn't make them like new, but I got a few more days out of them.   I still keep some hopes around and use it for nstalgias sake mostly. I also still keep a few other oils and greases, and foaming bore cleaner as well, but for most things the balistol does well enough that I don't give the potential performance of alternatives much thought.
  11. Hope things look up for you David, let us know if we can help.
  12. Something told me, some little nagging feeling, that if I counted all the 'ums' and 'ughs' it would be worth a laugh. I couldn't make it past the blitzkrieg of the first minute of her talking. Wow, the only good news comes from the sense that she might be among the best and brightest in her cause.
  13. Glad they made this happen for the guy. I recall a similar situation happening when they made the other three films, in fact they even made a movie about it.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4-PWNqCsYs   Cute movie.
  14.     :ugh:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjwWjx7Cw8I   :rock:
  15. I might still go the yank and replace route, at least with a few, I'mm gonna let a Dr. set out my options and see where it goes from there, i'm not opposed to any treatment option at this point, just want to get started. 
  16. I'm getting my mileage out of this one, twice in a week. :D [URL=http://s1074.photobucket.com/user/TrickyNickyII/media/A093D6A2-B0D4-46A1-9840-16518F340E48-742-000000B4447E5F92.jpg.html][/URL]
  17. My parents have a fig tree that would probably foot the bill in your case, not sure if it is supposed to ned pollination, but they only have one and this year it started producing too small of fruit to eat, but it is producing. I want to say we planted it maybe 3 years ago? If you like figs this could be a good way to go. I'd also recommend peaches if you are lucky enough to have another close by in the neighborhood, they do well in out zone and are delicious. Dot get too big with proper management, produce relatively quickly f yu are buying from sapling, and in our case, don't drop too much fruit too quick.   I would always recommend a fruit tree over a decorative one if you are only going to have one ,the key is finding out whats nearby so it can be pollinated. With that in mind, is 2 trees completely off the table? it's a firly minimum added expense for setup and maintenance, and it really opens your options. Cherries would satisfy both of your needs for example, beautiful blossoms and delicious fruit.
  18. You want to talk about a strong dislike, I'm a native Californian :cool: Yeah, I win. :rofl:    As far a s the wisdom teeth go, I've heard from a few people it wasn't so much the pain as the visual of seeing the dentist go to work like a carpenter trying to pull a screw out of a 2x4 with a claw hammer. I'll cross that bridge when i get there, but the idea of going under gives me the heeby jeebys. I have never gone under from IV, but I know from experience with nitrous oxide that I get physical when I start going under  :ugh: . I'll cross it when I get to it though and be sure to advise the anesthesiologist of that in any case.
  19.     To be fair, theres a world of difference between the average cop, and the average 67 year old lady. 
  20. Amen to that. I think a lot of it is because we are a forum made up primarily of Tennesseans. Though we are not all neighbors in the traditional sense, there is a sense of real community that I think only manifests itself due the fact that we do in fact share our communities. Sure we all have a common interest, but it goes way beyond that here IMO.       Ok, here is some info passed along to me that is going to make the difference between shopping around for dental schools or clinics, and getting the work done by a pro in a timely manner.   First, https://www.aetna.com/individuals-families/dental-insurance-through-work.html is getting insurance. The copays will still be there, but if it lowers the cost even a little, a plan like this will be worth it. If it lowered my cost by even 2% it looks like it would pay for itself, so it is really a no brainier for the amount of work that needs done.     Second is Care Credit. This seems to work much like a credit card version of an HSA from what I understand. If the totals for the work cost $1,000 or more then 12 months no interest payments help you spread the cost out over a year. For under $1,000, you get 6 months. Since mine will be pricey, the year of no interest works well for me. I try not to do anything by credit, but I've made exceptions and worked it out fine, I'm definitely willing to gamble with this one. Worse case scenario I'm in the poor house forever and ever and ever. With working teeth. With the new job starting soon I'm feeling really good about being able to work it out.   Third, is a referral to what sounds like a great, no-nonsense dentist who knows how to prioritize and won't BS around. With this too came the understanding that should have been common sense, and is for most people. I don't have to get it all done at once. I know that sounds incredibly dumb ,but sometimes things can build up to a level in your head where they are larger than life I guess. It's easy for things to seem insurmountable when the list just keeps growing and growing. did I mention my wisdom teeth need pulling? Thats the kind of thing I mean, at some point it seems like a walk across the Sahara desert, impossible. But one foot in front of the other, one step at a time and all that.       Hopefully this can help anyone else who is having similar issues. It seems like a petty thing but it really isn't, it flat out sucks to be excited about going into debt for something like this, but it beats the hell out of sitting around doing nothing.
  21.     I hear you Murg, it is embarrassing, especially when we make decent money and CAN conceivable do something but don't. It is equally embarrassing to air out the fact that I can't pay a professional to do their job. The realization just hit me last night if I don't do something, it's only going to keep hurting, hurt worse, and ultimately still lead to a high dollar expense, dentures aren't as expensive as fixing, but they're not cheap either, especially with broken teeth which seem to be a bitch to pull cleanly. Screw that, I'd rather look a fool and get my mouth on order.   The pain is bad, all the time, but especially bad sometimes, incapacitating is accurate. Last nights flare up had me seeing spots so to speak (and not my homie Spots either) but it wasn't near as bad as one last month. That may have been the worst, you can still do things physically, but your strength is zapped, and your brain won't work right. It sucks a lot. It also sucks having to turn down delicious foods because you know what you are in for during and after eating. I want to eat a Snickers bar again, I want to be able to eat a plate of nachos again.   You want embarrassing? by worse broken tooth shattered on a chocolate chip in some ice cream. A chocolate chip.      I got some real good info last night via PM Murg, I got some stuff to do for an hour or so so have to jump off, but I'll be back to post the gist of the info here in case anyone else is in our boat as well. I will say that thanks to a few members here, I now have options I didn't know existed. Options are good.
  22. 3600 Posted :     Main problem I have is she will see her mom in a jail jumpsuit and other inmates and even guards that could be intimidating . Is that ok for a 14 year old to see? Seeing Women behind bars basically? Nicky Posted :         I think so. It's hard to say without knowing you or your wife and daughter but generally speaking, I would say best to go yourself a time or two and make the call when you know what to expect. I wouldn't say it will be the best memory for either of them, but it may be an important one nonetheless. Too, your wife may need to see her daughter at some point to be strong.    I would say that I'd take my kids, but I can't. I haven't got any so it's hard for me to give pertinent advice on the matter. I think Petes post is definitely worth reading twice though.     All the best,    Nick     3600 Posted :       My daughter said she would like to visit  I hear in addition to seeing her mom, she can learn a lot from a visit. What do you think are the main things she can learn?   Nicky Posted :      She'll learn the main thing.   Actions have consequences, and that never changes no matter how old you get, what you do for a living, or where you go. I'd bet a nickel she also learns she never wants to go to jail for anything but a visit. I bet she also learns a lesson that I didn't learn until well into my 20's. Her parents are mortal, regular people susceptible to the real world just like anybody else. It's a bit of a shock as I'm sure you know, but it may a bit early to learn the lesson, or maybe not.    Other than that I'm just not sure what else there is to learn from jail from a visit. Maybe a bit of humility, and it will reenforce the fact that life is not always peachy. Most 14 year olds know that already, some 30 year old don't however so it's a mixed bag.   Also keep in mid I have not been incarcerated personally, nor have I a LOT of experience in the matter. A few friends have been in and I've learned much from them as well as my father who was a jailer at the onset of his career.      3600 Posted   :    My daughter definitely is wanting to ask her mom what it is like there. Is it a good idea and for my wife to be open about it ?       To which Nicky replied  :     Man, I just don't know. It's a hard thing for sure and I wish I could be of more help, I really do, but I think at this point you need to assess all currently available information, and make your choice. I'm not a church going man, but if you are can I suggest talking to your pastor/priest/rabbi/minister? I think this is something that you CAN and should ask strangers for some feedback, but you need someone who knows your family to really help make that choice if you need help making it.       ​Earning the following response from 3600  :   Your previous responses were pretty interesting  The reason I am asking online is because I feel less judged in a way To which I answered  : Lol, I'm an interesting guy I suppose. I get the anonymity, it's one of the internets high points and one of the reason I'm befuddled and a bit upset over the current trend to link everything to everything else so what I say on youtube can be easily seen by anyone who has my email adredd, and it will automatically send it to MyFace, and then everyone there will get email updates just to know that I liked a video of someone playing a song and told the "Good job dude". Thats important stuff there and the world must apparently know all about it.  :rolleyes:   People are going to judge though, it's our nature. People are judging you know over a post they only half read and can't possibly empathize with. It's our nature and an important part of it too for better or worse.      So lets work this out a bit. You know your family and most of ll you know your daughter, is she ready to hear about this is really the question. Can she comprehend and make sense of situation in an adult way? What will it likely do for her and too her to hear some cold hard truth? I've known 14 year olds that have children of their own and have been locked up in detection centers, I know an 18 year old off to college this year who is by accounts feeling overwhelmed by the fact that even her small private christian school offers more opportunity for failure and bad choices than she's had her whole life. Hell, I know a lady who was in her 50's and signed the pink slip to a highly collectable, damn near mint 60's Lincoln Continental over a promise to pay later because  The man worked (as in past tense, at some point) for the same company I get my insurance from, he HAS to come back and pay the money he's not legally obligated to pay. He has to. Right?"    Where does your daughter fit into all of this?    If Dolomite is right, and I have every confidence in him, it may be moot as you may have to use video phone in which case the real question isn't what will your daughter be exposed to, but rather what will you and your wife expose her too. She doesn't have to know everything, but what gets shared is subjective to her and her maturity I think.     This is an interesting question, and not an easy one. Thanks for putting it out there.     3600 replied :    My daughter does but seem nervous at all. In fact she seems a little excited  My daughter made some jokey comments as I mentioned in my previous question Also this visiting room does not use phones. It is a table in a common area          Thats where I started smelling fish and stopped answering. This all took place from 3:20PM - 4:45PM. It seems that the messages are the same, however the order in which they are given is different, and some are just different enough to make me think human, while others are identical. I'm thinking bot or as mentioned college assignment. Given the fact that it is spread out over such a long period it would only make sense for the former if this where a pet project of a professors and he has given different students or classes the same script. I don't know.     Report Edit       Report Edit             Report Edit        
  23. The more I think about this the more it upsets me. Really, really hope the OP stubs his bare toe on a brick at a full run. :angry:
  24.     I hear you loud and clear Pete. Truth is though I've been expecting things to come to a head for awhile, I've never taken the kind of care for my teeth I should, and my old dentist in Ca warned me before I left that I had some serious stuff brewing. I trust her 110% she is friends of my parents from church ,has always given us the parish discount and is a highly trained dentist. She got her first degree/doctorate in the soviet com block, when she and her husband fled and gained asylum in the US, she was unable to bring anything that would point to their leaving as being permanent, and her old country was unsurprising uncooperative with confirming her education when she got here. She had to start from scratch all over again.   She was awesome too, I would complain as a kid over cavities and her nurturing responses always made me feel better. "You think this is pain? You do not know pain, this is not pain." :rofl:       KKing, that would be excellent, thank you so much for looking into it. :)           I've framed this post about a 1/2 dozen times in the past few months and deleted it instead of posting it out of sheer embarrassment, I should have pulled my head out of my ass and asked you all a long time ago. I've already gotten a PM from a member who is going to try and offer advise, and the more the merrier for sure.     I'm not sure if my left eye is tearing up from emotion, or the sinus pain. :)


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