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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. I didn't even read the article, the headline was enough to have regretting clicking the link.
  2. Very well said and 100% correct.
  3. [quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1352608200' post='843581'] Crappy hours, too. Must be his hobby. [/quote] Probably. I have to admit if I was retired comfortably but still wanted to keep active and maybe make a few bucks a small time gun shop would be high on the list of possibilities to consider.
  4. Hopefully their inventory is larger than what's shown in the photo on their site. I've seen larger personal collections.
  5. Those thoughts are totally normal. They will continue to persist until you break down and buy one. They don't stop there though, they just change from "buy one, buy one" to " buy one more, buy one more". Of course by this time you are hopelessly addicted and Betty Ford couldn't get you to stop. The good news is as rifles go they're easy enough on the budget that you may still live a long life with some semblance of quality to it.
  6. Sounds like some kind of La Eme voodoo or something. Weird.
  7. That's what I was thinking that the Yugo or Romanian or wherever might be a tad looser. Some of the clips are hard to load ammo into but I haven't had much trouble unloading into the rifle. Thanks for the feedback guys, maybe I'll buy a Yugo to go along with the extra clips.
  8. The populace may be stupid but they still vote. As far as the relationship between the media and the general displeasure with Bush its really a moot point, it is what it is and that's all that it is. The reasoning is immaterial and I'm not trying to get into wether Bush was a good president or not but simply stating that he has made people a bit weary of the GOP which in turn is going to hinder the likelyhood of having a Republican president.
  9. I'm leary of introducing that much water to the wood, seems Ike it could warp but then again I'm sure most of these things have seen their fare share of water, mud, blood and who knows what, so who knows.
  10. Just bumping this up in case it can be of any help or anyone wants to add anything.
  11. Hmm I could have sworn Romney lost because of the 1% of the population that held to their principals unlike myself sadly, and voted third party. The fact of the matter is: 1. Like it or not GWB left a bad taste in the mouths of the populace that will take time and honest effort for the Rebublican party to wash out. 2. While Obamas team was out setting up base camps in the major city's of the country to communicate with the everyday people on a day to day base. Romneys did not. 3. While he handled himself brilliantly on the first debate he shot himself in the foot making stupid statements about the 47% he wasn't even going to bother with because he saw a lost cause. Nobody likes being considered a lost cause. 4. The liberal media. Nuff said. There are plenty more reasons but those alone would effectively spell the end for just about any candidate. If we're going to wrestle the White House away from the Democrats the Republican Party needs to not only come up with better candidates they need to leave personal interests out of the picture and forget about gay marriage and what women do with their lady parts for a while. Do a little research on the face of modern America and reform to gain the highest possible demographic while remaining true to important issues like foreign policy and fiscal responsibility while butti g out of people's home lives. IMHO of course.
  12. Or save up the $100 or so bucks and keep your crappiest gun. I mean seriously $100 for a good shooting gun! That's insane. What's even more insane is not owning one.
  13. Just did. A little bit of all purpose degreaser and warm water took care of the oil can no problem. For the ammo pouch since it was leather I sprayed a little balistol which a CLP like product on and wiped it off. The sling and ammo pouch were pretty clean already though so all it really did was shine them up. I have no doubt at al that the degreaser would have worked well on the pouch had it needed it. The stuff I used FYI is called LAs Totally Awesome and can be found at dollar stores, a little goes a long way when mixes with water at a 2 part water 1 part cleaner ratio. [IMG]http://i1074.photobucket.com/albums/w408/TrickyNickyII/99FA39E1-CE84-45CA-B8CF-58DAAC93CEA0-635-00000751DF342F61.jpg[/IMG]
  14. Haven't tried the simple green yet but I did buy four bottles of my favorite degreasing all purpose cleaner to see if works for next time. I left all the mosin paraphernalia in the bag it came in. I don't see myself using it anytime soon and my shelf space is already crammed with stuff so I've got three bags of the stuff stuffed away in a closet to keep like new in case I sell it. Maybe I'll go try to clean some of it up for ships and giggles.
  15. [quote name='Lumber_Jack' timestamp='1352480457' post='842514'] No shame in filing for unemployment. That's why it's there, it's when you live on it permanently that it becomes shameful. Hope you find something soon. [/quote] Well said, having been in a similar position I can say from experience you will have mixed feelings when your first payment comes in. You will most likely feel like a cad for taking a "handout" but on top of that comes a seance of relief knowing that rent will be paid and you will have food in your stomach. One of your happiest moments will be when you cancel your claim and get on with your life. Good luck with this losing a job can be very trying experience for the best of us and I wish you well.
  16. Dang that's a lot of primers! I think next time Mr David's in town I'm going to stock up on components even though I don't reload yet. Seeing all that stock on hand is getting my gears turning...
  17. [quote name='NRA' timestamp='1352513158' post='842847'] are we still feeding this troll? [/quote] Apparently. The guys come and gone and out of the three posts he's made in the thread two were identical. Clearly he's not interested in discussing the issue but probably having a great time watching the heads explode. Trolls live off attention.
  18. Gen Patton, I believe this second thread may be in part a rebuttal to the response I wrote in the other thread. First of all allow me to apologize for coming across as a smarta$$ naysayer, perhaps I spoke out of turn. Your post here reads a lot differently from the one I first read which made no mention of any kind of hostile negative attitude on the part of the man in the restaurant. I still disagree with getting two words away from violence especially in front of impressionable children (you had mentioned initially his, but made no written issue with "handing out an ass whoopin" in front of your own). I realize how frustrating situations like this can be and I'm glad everything worked out for you and once again apologize if my response was a bit harsh, it sounded to me like you had made an biased assumption that the man was out to cause problems, which seems not to be the case in light of the information give above. Hopefully there are no hard feelings on your end as there none on my end. Of course my reply should probably be taken with a grain of salt as I am one of those low down dirty asshat Yankees and thus apparently devoid of both common sense and common curtesy as we all(Yankees that is) apparently are. But hey at least I won't ever question anyone right and desire to carry.
  19. Thanks Duce.
  20. That's a nice looking .22 there. Mind if ask roughly how much? Christmas is coming and I know a certain older gal (mom) who would love something like that. She's a BA.
  21. That looks awesome like that. "Tactical" and practical
  22. [quote name='Ramjo' timestamp='1352502852' post='842751'] Not to dis on your hobby Outlaw, but I think all these guys doing this will end up like Ali when they get older. [/quote] Some of them went into it like Ali... Present company excluded of course.
  23. [quote name='monkeylizard' timestamp='1352499767' post='842728'] You can tell because they never rot. Even when the vine is as wrinkled as a Sun Maid raisin on Aisle 5 and drier than the saltine crackers on Aisle 6, the melons are still firm and perky. [/quote] Wait are we still talking produce here?
  24. There's a thread on here I made about the many different ways to rid your self of cosmoline that may help you out. My favorite way is to soak all the metal with mineral spirits in a long shallow tub for a few hours, the longer the better. Then when most of it has dissolved int he spirits hang it up and blast away with a steamer. I've got one of those Shark steamers that does a good job of getting all the nooks and crannys clean. Lightly oil the metal and reassemble. Don't forget to strip the bolt down and clean it inside and out, a lot of crud is hidden in there. While its still apart it also wouldn't hurt to chuck a shotgun brass brash into your drill and go to town on you chamber, a lot of what looks like melted enamel may start coming out witch if left in can heat up and make the bolt hard operate. For the stock I use a heat gun to get it hot then wipe with naphtha repeating the process a few times after the naphtha evaporates. Be careful with the heat gun because it can ruin the finish if your not. Be especially mindfull around the naphtha as it is lighter fluid. Finish it up with a little Murphy's oil soap mixed to recommended dilution and applied with a kitchen scrubby thing, scouring pad I guess. That seems to get all that can be gotten I think. Some people have easier methods but I like doing it that way, it seems very thorough and will give you a good look at what you got. P.S your but plate maybe painted black, so you may not want to put that in the mineral spirits but instead just wipe down with the naphtha.
  25. [quote name='hipower' timestamp='1352497621' post='842686'] Tool?? Well, maybe. I did labor under the impression the Senator was female. I could be wrong. But I thought perhaps a different phrase more applicable to Ms. Feinstein. [/quote] I'm comfortable with my assessment.


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