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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. He showed her his, she showed him hers. Sounds like neither liked what they saw.
  2. [quote name='gjohnsoniv' timestamp='1353168849' post='847194'] That would look even better with a black laminate stock and nickel hardware like your Sig and AR. [/quote] It would look even better at my house...
  3. [quote name='FIST' timestamp='1353165133' post='847153'] The author is suffering from some mental illness. [/quote] Being a dumba$$ is a mental illness now?
  4. I'm usually impartial at the worst toward ArmyVets stuff but I gotta say all this talk about Obama and his impossible third term just gets under my skin for some reason. I'll pass on reading the link for now if that's all that's being brought to the table. Contrary to what many here say I am not of the opinion that ole Barry is seeking to find a way to become the Honored Emperor of the Americas. There's really no need if he inacts all he hopes to including the appointment of a couple of lap dog Justices. He'll do his turn and then leave to make the TV/college/motivational tour at 50-100k in his pocket per stop and be celebrated by many the rest of his life. Unfortunately he will most likely IMO go down in history as the only African American fit to sit in the Oval Office and the history books will look back on him fondly long after anyone who was alive to know the truth is left the world. It's a bleak outlook but most likely at least a little accurate I think.
  5. [quote name='vontar' timestamp='1353122867' post='847016'] maybe not this time, but I suspect one morning I will wake up and turn on the news and it will be WW3. [/quote] I've felt that way myself for some time now... Unfortunately, "I know not what weapons will will be fought with in WW3, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones". (Al Einstien) I guess it's just a good thing that the worst sticks and stones can do is break my bones...
  6. Vontar I agree 100%. At the very least run the serial numbers and take note of the date received and the date turned in so the hapless owner would not be held accountable for the time between the two. Of course that may be over simplifying matters a bit but I'm sure the powers that be could figure out the rest.
  7. [quote name='JayC' timestamp='1353086773' post='846635'] Well at least they can't destroy the guns... So whatever they buy that isn't stolen, will end up being auctioned off to better homes [/quote] Not sure that's true for all departments... A lot of them do in fact unfortunately turn those turned in guns into scrap metal.
  8. [quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1353033484' post='846322'] It wasn't the threading that was his issue, it was the stock he bought afterwards. [/quote] Correct, the mil spec buffer tubes are 1.15" and the commercial specs are 1.17"
  9. [quote name='RevScottie' timestamp='1353015334' post='846176'] It seems funny with all of this in depth political analysis on abortion, religion, gay marriage, war mongering, blue laws, etc, where everyone is supposed to realize the Republican party is going to have to compromise no one feels that way about gun rights. Much of the country see's no need for high capacity magazines and assault rifles yet that is political suicide for a Republican to accept compromise there. What we are saying is its OK for compromise on anything that really isn't important to me. [/quote] The big difference IMO is that firearms are specifically protected but the US constitution while the others mentioned are not even mentioned. Firearms shouldn't be a political issue one way or the other. Actually neither should abortion, gay marriage, or religion, those are issues of morality which the government has no business dictating one way or the next.
  10. Ron Paul is usually spot on IMO and this is no exception.
  11. [quote name='vontar' timestamp='1353026482' post='846255'] Every time I hear a Police department buying guns from the public, I think of this in Austin Tx. http://deadlinelive.info/2011/02/26/first-ever-austinites-outbid-police-in-gun-buyback-counter-program/ [/quote] My favorite is still the group in Chicago who rounded up 6k worth of broken decrepit guns and turned around and took the cash to start a youth shooting camp where iirc the campers received their very own rifles. There was some pissing and groaning about the group who from one of the antis because they under minded the spirit of the buy back. I loved it.
  12. Well I just found out my Frontiers came with commercial spec buffer tubes instead of mil spec. Found out by ordering a mil spec MOE buttstock and having it not fit, my bad. Not that big of a deal, I'm going to send it back and get the comm spec but figured it may be helpful info for anyone considering upgrading.
  13. [quote name='NRA' timestamp='1353022614' post='846234'] yup only someone as dumb as a box of rocks would give up any gun for 25.00. except for maybe a hipoint [/quote] I'd gladly pay $25 for a working hi point. As to the morality of the issue, people can do what they want with their guns my issue is that a good percentage of the ones turned in are likely stolen. Now once again that would be perfectly fine and dandy if the PD would simply run a check on the serial numbers and get it back to the rightful owner. Most owners would probably be happy to reimburse the $25-$50 for the return of their property.
  14. Loved it! As funny as it was it was spot on 100% truth.
  15. I was looking at those awhile back. Only problem I had was that I'd need three of them. Looks like you've got plenty of room for about a half dozen handguns, two or three ARs and a mosin in there.
  16. Yeah I'm thinking if I can find one in the $650-$700 range I'd jump on it. As far as getting a regular model, it's an option but the VTAC sights are one of the things I was really drawn to when firing the sample I handled. I've heard about the fiber optics falling out but thought I read that the issue had been fixed. Either way I'm sure I can figure something out worst case scenario.
  17. [quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1352730069' post='844250'] Ridiculous. [/quote] That's putting it kindly. I love living in Tn but if I had to pick between being an American or living here...
  18. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352719361' post='844201'] What caliber you thinking would need an overbuilt levergun in? They make them in 500 S&W as well as a slew of rifle calibers. I can't imagine a gun capable of 45-70 not being capable of handgun loads. Dolomite [/quote] I'm not finding any lever actions on their web site. Maybe they used to make them? As for the Rossi I was t aware that the action was the same for the 454 as for the 45lc or able to handle the 45-70. See its only 6:30 and I've learned something new today.
  19. I'm going to hazard a guess and say that it's probably not a good choice for a regular load but might hold up to occasional Ruger loads. All in all I don't think I would personaly risk it. Wish Ruger would build an overbuilt lever gun though, that would be cool.
  20. TrickyNicky

    M&P VTAC

    Anyone got one? Just had a chance to try one at Nashville Armory during their M&P days event Saturday and I think I'm in love. Just curious to see what the concences is on them and how a regular M&P would stack up in comparison. I really liked the sights a lot, for those that don't know, they have fiber optics on top of trijicon. Some people don't like them because they think they are to busy but to my eyes the trijicon completely disappeared when there was enough light to see the fiber optics as I'm sure the FO will do in a low light situation. I'm looking for not only a range gun but a carry gun as well and this seems like it will fit the bill. It is easily the most accurate handgun I've fired to date so I'm pretty excited to get one when I can afford it. Anyone have any thoughts?
  21. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352690277' post='844105'] And one response she got was funny to me. My wife is selling a bumper pull, straight load so she can buy a gooseneck slant load. She got an offer to trade a bumper pull, straight load for her bumper pull, straight load. The other person's was in far worse condition. I know they were seeing if we were going to bite but it was still pretty funny. I think some people who are on CL have lost touch with reality. A guy had a MAC11 pistol for sale on there. I called and he was asking $1,750. I asked if it was by cahnce a FA with paperwork. He said no it was semi auto. I asked why so much and he said because it said Cobray on it. I told him it was a $300-$500 gun and he said he would come down to $1,500. Dolomite [/quote][quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352690277' post='844105'] And one response she got was funny to me. My wife is selling a bumper pull, straight load so she can buy a gooseneck slant load. She got an offer to trade a bumper pull, straight load for her bumper pull, straight load. The other person's was in far worse condition. I know they were seeing if we were going to bite but it was still pretty funny. I think some people who are on CL have lost touch with reality. A guy had a MAC11 pistol for sale on there. I called and he was asking $1,750. I asked if it was by cahnce a FA with paperwork. He said no it was semi auto. I asked why so much and he said because it said Cobray on it. I told him it was a $300-$500 gun and he said he would come down to $1,500. Dolomite [/quote][quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352690277' post='844105'] And one response she got was funny to me. My wife is selling a bumper pull, straight load so she can buy a gooseneck slant load. She got an offer to trade a bumper pull, straight load for her bumper pull, straight load. The other person's was in far worse condition. I know they were seeing if we were going to bite but it was still pretty funny. I think some people who are on CL have lost touch with reality. A guy had a MAC11 pistol for sale on there. I called and he was asking $1,750. I asked if it was by cahnce a FA with paperwork. He said no it was semi auto. I asked why so much and he said because it said Cobray on it. I told him it was a $300-$500 gun and he said he would come down to $1,500. Dolomite [/quote] That's one of the big problems with a lot if the sellers. Either they have some kind of sentimental attachment that they think translates into a higher worth or they just have no clue. I bought a guitar from someone who had a 1969 Gibson SG listed at $1000 once. Got there and found a guitar that had missing hardware, a repaired headstock break, extra holes routed in it and refinished on top of it all. I got lucky and it turned out that he legitimately was clueless that the issues affected the value, once I explained the issues to him and gave him a rundown on what I would have to do or how much Id have to pay to correct them he turned out to be very reasonable and I payed $400 which was actually a pretty good price considering it came with its original case which is valued at about $150-$200. The $1500 Mac is ridiculas, what are the FAs going for $3000-$3500?
  22. Ohh pumpkin bread!! Craigslist can be a frustrating thing, its a good tool but yeah you'll have to wade through buckets of crap to find one serious buyer. I've had much better success buying than selling, I think the sellers are just so relieved to have someone serious with cash there that the transaction always has gone smoothly. You might try stating only replies with phone numbers will be considered, once you can actually talk with someone it's generally easier to figure out who is serious and who's just bored. Good luck with the sale, hang in there and be patient and you'll get it gone sooner or later.
  23. [quote name='Gen. Patton' timestamp='1352646155' post='843710'] @DaveS- I was open carrying but only because I was wearing a suit and my jacket was off and I had not yet bought an inside tuckable IWB holster. @TrickyNicky-I don't discriminate on locality of birth; There good and bad people both in the South and up North. The only reason that I even mentioned the "Northern" thing is because as the guy and his family rode away I noticed that his licence plate was from Illinois and coincidently, if my memory serves me correctly, is the only state in the union with absolutely no provision for CCW. As for the "two words" thing I wasn't saying that 2 more words would have unleashed my inner Tazmanian Devil or anything lol! When I said it was going to "another level" it meant that verbal jujitsu wasn't working and it was time let him know that if he continued to behave in a way that made me and my daughter feel harrassed and uncomfortable that he would be dealt with and whatever happned after that would just happen. I was going to give him the option of leaving, again, or me and my daughter were going to leave and he wasn't going to like what I did on the way out the door. I like giving people options so that if I do end up doing something to them I can do so with a clear conscience. I would hate to have to subject my daughter to that kind of experience but I didn't exactly put us in that position, the blow-hard with a problem with guns did. [/quote] Now that's reads as much more sensible IMO. As much as I am a supporter of the 2ndAmmendment IMO it goes hand and hand with and is primarily designed to protect all the others including the 1st. If I was that bothered by the guy I would have just left before an unpleasant incident arised. Is it fair? No. Then again what's that saying about life being fair that I and many others grew up hearing, something about it being not fair I think? Any way a good strategie to try is completely dropping the conversation and ignoring the troll who thrives off the conflict. People tend to start feeling mighty small and foolish when they realize they are arguing with a person who won't even acknowledge their presence. If I'm outside having a smoke and someone walks by and gives me the cough cough glare routine they get a friendly smile and then prompt obvious dismissal of attention seems to work.
  24. I like the carrier pigeon idea, doesn't get more low tech than that. I think your best bet is to lay out a contingency plan for the most likely scenarios, if phones are down resort to Ham. If that's not an option go with the birds. Should the birds fail a physical signal such as the message in a beer can. It seems though in all likelyhood that if the SHTF both parties involved will probably be aware at roughly the same time so maybe a plan to just head out at the dirst sign of trouble will serve. If not you should probably consider a way to send communications from the predesignated meeting spot. That way whoever is first to arrive can alert the other that he is there waiting and advise him on possible issues on the way like road blocks, someone else there, bring something, etc.
  25. Yeah wish I still had my parts washer that would definitely come in handy for the cleanups.


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