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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. Absolutely positively ridiculous. Father was active LE all my life up until retirement. Can't count all the times he allowed me to satisfy my curiosity about his duty weapons. This was always done in a safe environment with an unloaded weapon. Surprisingly enough there was bever any mayhem or carnage to speak of, in fact the only long term outcome was that at a very young age I had a better understanding of gun safety than many adults I know now. Imagine that.
  2. CNN? Liberal blogs? Who's the one making the accusations here? You can read as much crazy crapolla as you like. If you honestly believe in Obamas third term then you calling me uninformed is the kettle talking to the pot. Crazier things have happened in the world but I personaly won't waste much thought on the subject, remember Dubbaya was going to declare martial law and retain the presidency too... Doesn't all that foil get expensive?
  3. [quote name='ThePunisher' timestamp='1354423122' post='853702'] Haven't you heard that Obama is already planning on a third term. The sheeple loves him so much that he thinks that they want to keep him in the WH forever. [/quote] It's funny, the only people I've heard that from are you and a few others on this forum. It's almost like you guys WANT these things to happen. Maybe some people crave the validation of their sour grape delusions? Don't get me wrong, I'm not an Obama fan by any stretch of the imagination but my reasonings are based firmly in reality, at least to my way of thinking. Fiscal matters along with a terrible foriegn policy are ACTUALLY happening, our nation is actually becoming more and more divided on a day to day basis. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to be upset about the current administration, all these delusional rumblings do nothing more than distract from the real issues which do not include some kind of Hitler youth type civilian army. IMO.
  4. I've been happy with the quiet. At about 18-20 yards from a bipod I can dump 20-30 rounds in a hole half the size of a dime. Then I get bored and quit. I'm not the best shot so groupings like that are enough to make me one happy camper.
  5. Honestly between D&T, G&L, and Nashville Armory all of whom are great to deal with and have great pricing there's just no need for me to step foot in there again. It is tempting to go in and fondle stuff others may not have in stock but that's just not something I'm into doing. I'd rather buy something on a whim sight unseen than go in there and have to ask for help again. Really glad these chuckle heads are not vendors here personally. They'd stink the place up.
  6. I can see both sides of the issue on this, there are all kinds if goofy laws that are difficult to enforce on a large level. If you had a large plot of land and a devil may care attitude who's to know or stop you from building an SBR out your AR pistol and rifle? Having said that the way I see it though is why take the chance? It's so much easier in this case to be in full compliance, plus in many instances the compliance parts are upgrades anyway.
  7. Man you guys having good customer service stories out of FGS must be doing something right that I'm not. I've had experiences that range from ok to down right poor. Last time I was in I had 4 things in mind that I wanted to buy, after being ignored for a while someone eventually asked if they could help me out. Upon asking for the first item, one of those 10/22 roto-trigger units(birthday gift for someone who really wanted one) the guy literally turned his back on me and over his shoulder said "no we don't stock those" while walking away from me tword another customer. I followed a few steps and asked if he had the second item on my list, all I got from that was "nope" without him even turning to look at me this time. So on my own I found item 3, a spam can of 7.62x54R. The same can AIM sells at 69.-79. They wanted I think 120. No thanks. First time I went in was to see about having a front sight insert installed on my fathers S&W 36. Instead of a quote on the work I got a lecture that it was a useless repair because I probably couldn't hit anything out past 10 or 15 yards with a snubby anyway so why bother? Even tried explaining that while yes I could, this wasn't for me but my retired LEO father who has been shooting the thing probably since about the time the clerk was hitting puberty and qualifying with expert ratings at his department. Of course I said it a bit nicer, but the guy just looked at me like I was boring him and wasting his time so I packed it up and left. Their selection is incredible but I think the last thing I bought from them was a 50rnd box of cci quiets. I believe I paid about double what Academy sports sells them for. I am not a FGS fan and do my best to encourage the shooters I know to stay away.
  8. The nova tacticals are great shotguns. We used to fill 5gal buckets up with sand and pop em from I guess 50yrds or so. That shotgun can do a little bit of everything and do it well.
  9. Sounds cool but just FYI bing still shows guns and supplies on their shopping feed.
  10. [quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1354209289' post='852461'] You don't have the option to leave. Once you start the security screening, you have to complete it or face arrest. [/quote] You of course have the option of leaving. You have to complete the screening process first but completing the process and surrendering your property are two very different things. You can and many people have, complete the screening, and have your property returned if you leave.
  11. [quote name='musicman' timestamp='1354201781' post='852402'] Hey, I'm sorry but I'm going to drop out of the passaround. We've had a recent death in the family and I'm just out of free time for awhile. Y'all have fun without me! ;-) [/quote] That's rough buddy. Sorry for your loss.
  12. Could be a good move. Can't see the jihadists lasting all that long surrounded by the Arian Brotherhood. Hell ship them all of to prisons in NY, wonder if they get to meet Allah if they've been raped to death?
  13. [quote name='Will H' timestamp='1354192447' post='852348'] Yeah, I would think this is most certainly government theft. This stuff belonged to people. The government confiscated it and then SOLD it. That is theft no matter how you cut it. They could have tagged the item and then placed it with the crew until the plane reached destination. Seems complicated, but they could come up with a system for it. They could, as mentioned, allow people to mail the stuff home. They could also take the stuff and throw it away, but instead they are selling it. Pure and simple theft. [/quote] Not theft at all. You have two very simple choices, willingly surrender the paraphernalia or turn around and leave. The options may suck but to call it theft is simply inaccurate. The flat rate box idea is a good one though.
  14. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1354183735' post='852332'] I will clear up the pistol->firearm->pistol gray area today. Need to check on something anyways. Dolomite [/quote] Any chance you could ask your guy about the magwell grips on a pistol? I'd be very grateful to get some solid info on that.
  15. [quote name='CZ9MM' timestamp='1354122103' post='851960'] Well, perhaps this is an issue that we will just have to disagree on, but here it goes. If TSA tells you that you cannot bring such objects on a plane, and someone tries to bring them on the plane, I do not see this as stealing. I would argue that in many cases it would be best if TSA returned the items to their rightful owners, but we all know this isn't the case. Once in possession, what is TSA supposed to do? They auction them off in lots, some of which make it to Ebay (people buy the lots at auctions and then place them on Ebay). I suppose it would be better for TSA to place photos on the internet of 10,000 SAK's being turned into scrap metal? Post a photo of police agencies scrapping guns and then everyone cries "I'll take them! I'll buy them!". Most of those guns are probably stolen, used in crimes, etc. [/quote] Yeah it's funny how often you hear the phrase " play stupid games, win stupid prizes" yet when it comes down to something as simple as leaving your knife/scissors/gun/ collapsible baton/etc. at home or even in your checked baggage somehow people want some "justice". IMO attempting to bring any of the above into the sterile area of an airport is definitely a stupid game worthy of a stupid prize. Maybe people want the TSA/airport police/airlines to just offer to ship the verboten item back to the noodle heads house? As with so many things in life there are enough legitimate problems that I won't give piddly little issues like this much if any thought.
  16. [quote name='FJCrusing' timestamp='1354132144' post='852030'] I saw this deer on Wilson Pike near the park a few years back and pulled over and took a few pictures of it as well. Just glad it didn't dart out into traffic and went on into the woods. [/quote] I live right behind Crocket park and have seen the white deer a few times very close to the back yard, beautiful animal. We're thinking about putting a lick or even a feeder out in the yard to get a bit more deer traffic but they seem to be pretty content with the peaches, apples, and what have you. It's funny, we have six or seven fruit bearing trees in our yard and I have yet to sample any of the fruit. The deer get them before they're ripe. I'm not complaining mind you, I think it's awesome to go out back and have my morning coffee and see wildlife ten or fifteen yards away.
  17. I'm in the 900's post wise with about 1100 views. I seem to vaguely recall having about 7-800 posts and views at the same time. It only struck me odd as they were so close to equal it almost seemed every post I made someone was checking me out.
  18. Well I trust you enjoyed an afternoon of casual plinking? I'm telling you, you just can't beat a good .22 for some things. Let us know things go when you get your scope up and running, I resisted scopes for a long time but have come to really enjoy them, especially on a good rimfire.
  19. I've never heard of an apartment that DIDN'T allow firearms? Anyways what business is it of theirs and how would they know?
  20. [quote name='tarheelbball' timestamp='1354141911' post='852096'] Their are 2 guns that I wanted to added to the collection. An AR15 & a snubbie. I'm on the lookout for a lightweight snubbie. thanks [/quote] Unpossible if your signature is an accurate tally. You haven't got a single mosin yet, no collections complete without one or two or twelve.
  21. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1354162239' post='852273'] I don't fly because of the TSA and their extreme stupidity. They can kiss my ass. [/quote] I feel the same way, almost. I don't like the head aches associated with flying any more than the next guy and will only fly as a last resort. But at the same time I know the rules going in and don't sit around complaining about some kind of imaginary airplane right either. Also don't try to fool myself that an organization I don't care for is completely useless just because I don't like the way they do things. mcurrier, I hadn't seen that before, I'll have to do a little reading before passing judgment but that does sound pretty effed up. Once again not defending policies, just think its absurd to claim something's useless just because it inconveniences me a little bit.
  22. [quote name='Rowdy' timestamp='1354161739' post='852269'] I believe guns and knives would have been found with a simple pass through the metal detector. My complaint comes with random "pat downs" of the elderly and toddlers. [/quote] You mean the same elderly and toddlers that have been used for decades as drug mules right? I guess that makes sense.
  23. I'm envious to some of the 10/22s I've seen on here. We've got some very imaginative and skilled guys in here building some sweet rifles. Having said that mine is mostly stock, I wanted a bull barrel target model but for the price of a 10/22 barrel I got a Rem 597 instead that pretty much scratched the itch.
  24. Just out of curiosity, the TSA has found and confiscated many knives, and lots of guns yet so many here are convinced they don't do their job. Maybe all those guns and knives were accidents, maybe everyone they've caught had noble intentions? Maybe some people just expect a terrorist to be wearing a t-shirt that says "terrorist" when they get caught at screening? Anyone else not wearing said shirt obviously is just absent minded enough to try going through airport security with a gun or razor blade post 9/11? Sorry this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine, there are all kinds of ill informed misconceptions out there regarding aviation security and for me at least it got old fast. Nothing and nobody is perfect but IMO our system works about as well as any and those that don't like it should remember there is no constitutional right to flying, and yes you do waive your right to privacy going into the sterile area of an airport. And BTW, no, the undertrained underpaid goon working the new body scanners cannot see your wife's goodys or your package. Rant off.
  25. [quote name='DaveS' timestamp='1354153117' post='852175'] I think the little punk got what he had coming. I'd be boycotting the store for firing the clerk! What was with the dudes in black BDU's wearing red berets, they some kinda Klan? Dave S [/quote] Could be more to the story. It said the owner was supportive of the clerks right to defend himself, maybe they mutually agreed it was in everyone's best interest if the clerk went to work elsewhere.


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