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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. I think there is a lot of merit to PDs having a 'standard issue' pistol while still allowing for officers to select from an approved list of other weapons that may suit the individual better, or even better, doing away with the model list and make one with criteria that must be met for a weapon to be approved. Much the same way there is no one perfect carry gun for a civilian, I don't believe it is in anyone's best interest to limit an officer who is statistically more likely to have to depend on their weapon to a platform that they may not handle well. While it could certainly be argued that many or all deficiencies could be corrected with training, I would repose that that training time and expense would be better utilized training with a comfortable, familiar platform. As to the eventuality of officers having to share ammunition in an extended firefight, I feel like that would be a rare and getting rarer situation at least concrning sidearms. With more and more officers being equipped with an intermediate rifle, in most cases ready access to backup including but not limited to swat or other specialized teams, the good guys are doing pretty well all things considered in the firepower department. Let's not forget too the average patrol officer is carrying the better part of 50 rounds not including a BUG these days. It's really a situation with a lot of pros and cons to either side, I think the deeper you dig the more of both you'll turn up, and at a certain point I think it makes sense to look and see what has historically been more of an issue; officers needing to 'borrow' ammo during an extended engagement, or officer related mishaps or fatalities attributed to incompatibility with their weapon.
  2.     Nightrunner speaks the truth. Took the words right of my mouth even. 
  3.     My dad is a retired big city police chief. By his account damn near all his officers made more money after OT than he did with the exception of his captains. The above quoted salary sounds plausible IMO this day and age and is less than the ballpark figures he's mentioned for some of his officers. Now, he was tasked with maintaining the safety and public interest in the largest terrorist target on the West coast and maintained a relatively small department (800 officers and staff IIRC) and was known to leave bean counter wishing they hadn't questioned his budget/HR decisions, but even that aside I feel it would be plausible.
  4. Its really, really hard to beat PSA unless you want to build your own from scratch. Even then it's tough price wise unless you just have to have _____ hand guards or a barrel made by ______. And even THEN it's tough to beat unless you have yourself fooled into thinking this will be your only AR and you won't have any need or want of extra parts. :rofl: One AR. :rofl:
  5. Hurts my heart just looking at the BA Rockeye. :( I lost mine. :cry:
  6. What a monkey dick.
  7.   I   f I had to guess, the contract is likely for x amount of units over a time frame of y.    It is relatively SOP for these kinds of contracts. 300,000 pistols over say a 10 year time frame might make a lot of sense depending on who all is getting them issued and how many people fill those rolls. I remember talking to my dad when DHS was buying eleventy billion rounds of pistol ammo and he told me it was the same way he bought both arms and ammo for his department, albeit in much smaller numbers the what DHS was doing.
  8. There's an old saying that fits in well for ol' Jared... Life's a bitch. Then you get convicted of child diddling and become one in prison for Bubba. Least I think that's how it goes...
  9. Really wish I could make it. Work won't allow for it now, but hopefully there will be another I can manage to make later on.    You guys have fun though, thanks for opening your house and sharing your knowledge Spots, damn good of you.
  10. Some odd years ago my old roommate did professional lighting gigs and bought a green laser string enough to light cigarettes with. We had some fun with that thing, mostly lighting cigarettes. Burned a hole in my shoe too. IIRC the Chinese vendor had to basically lie about its strength to import it, but I could be mistaken.
  11. Went to Vegas some years back and same thing. Big ole sign on the side of the building touting them as the best, open 24 hours 7 days a week yada yada. Right underneath was a sign saying closed for filming. The shows popularity is stupifying, but not as much so as the amount of people who believe there is any reality to reaity TV.
  12. I'm having one of those days. NSFW. http://youtu.be/6nx6YggB6EM
  13. Say it with me now gang. Plan. 9. From. Outer. Space. http://youtu.be/u2ukRYsYPmo
  14.   Lot of it going around these parts lately too :(
  15. I forget who here said it first, but ole Larry could sell genoside with a smile and a short engaging story. I like him and his company and have gotten some stuff from them from time to time. I do wish their shipping where cheaper, but I usually just fill up a cart to the point where the shipping is actually comparatively cheap. I do wish that still offered a C&R discount though. They are still competitive enough and convenient enough to make it worth it though.
  16. Don Knotts was great. The shakiest gun in the west, the incredible mister Limpet, the ghost and mister chicken. Of course threes company too. Damnit, I'm getting drunk and youtubing movies that were old when I was new tonight.
  17. Im betting you can turn just about anywhere into a range with one of those bad boys. :dirty:
  18. :rofl: The best part is when he gets hit in the b@lls.
  19. He looks ready for action! :up:
  20. A good article here that highlights some of the 'joys' of model b ownership IMO. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/09/foghorn/gun-review-star-model-b/ Note also the magazine originally made to house 9mmlargo on some (all?) examples.
  21. <INSERT GARY COLEMAN PIC HERE> Whatchoo talkin bout Dusty?
  22. I like the ones with her butt hanging out. Especially with the chaps... :D Anyone got any odds/action that Rich snapped the pics?
  23. Different gas block, but the round retaining clip should still be there holding on your current handguard. Have you taken the current one off to check it out yet? It's super easy and you don't need the tool linked above though I'm sure it makes the job much easier for those doing it often. Take the handguard off and see if there isn't a round clip on the gas block end. Only issue I can see is it wouldn't leave any provision for a front sight save some kind of bolt on or clam on affair after the gas block. I built my brothers AR that way and we are looking at longer freefloat options with a top rail as the current setup leaves much to be desired.
  24. This. I was pleased enough with it to use one on my TGO build. Great piece of gear for the cash.
  25. It's worth noting that Edleys in East Nashville is vastly surperior to their location on 8th I think it is. I worked across the street from their East location for 2 years and would frequently eat there multiple times a week. Always had good eats. Went to the other location a handfull of times and never was impresssed.   Go into any other bbq joint that gets mentioned and try ordering something off the wall like a pulled pork sandwich with jaleneo ranch sauce, pimentto cheese, and a fried egg. See what happens. Best case scenario the counter clerk will look at you like an imbicile and utter 'that's not on the menu...'   You know what happens at Edleys?   You have a 100%chance of getting a tasty meal,and a 50%chance at getting your food delivered by the main cook along with a fist bump.


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