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Matt in TN

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Everything posted by Matt in TN

  1. ROUND COUNT: Anyone who has shot Legion before knows this can be complicated as you have a few different options. Let's start with simple: If you shoot every target as I intend (and how I plan to shoot it), you will need to make: 5k: 56 rifle hits & 30 pistol hits 10k: 69 rifle hits & 50 pistol hits If you've never done this before, I highly suggest carrying around TWICE that number to leave room for misses and problems. If you've done this before - you're on your own to decide how much you need! Any rifle targets could theoretically be neutralized with pistol (if your rifle goes down, for example), but it will take 5 pistol hits to neutralize a torso target that would only take 3 rifle hits to neutralize. And you may need extra handgun ammo elsewhere if things go badly for you. So a little extra handgun ammo is never a bad idea. Pistol targets can NOT be engaged with rifle for safety reasons - sorry. Tier One guys can carry whatever weapons they want in that giant pack, just keep in mind pistol targets need pistol rounds and rifle targets need rifle rounds. You can use a shotgun to engage pistol targets as well, but you must use nothing bigger than birdshot. What else am I forgetting? Any questions? Photo by Lisa Stennett
  2. Samson Manufacturing (https://www.samson-mfg.com/) has supported every match I've put on, and the Run N Guns at Rockcastle literally would never have happened without Bryan Ray's help getting me started. So I'm honored to announce that not only is Samson returning to sponsor yet another match, but with a bigger donation to the prize table than they've ever done before! If you need high quality handguards and accessories you should look no further than Samson. I'm a lifetime customer and you should be too -
  3. Some things you need to know: Shooters will be disqualified (DQ’d) and not allowed to finish the course for the following violations: having a loaded rifle anywhere EXCEPT on a shooting stage after the “beep”, dropping a loaded pistol, pointing a loaded weapon at someone, or having a Negligent Discharge (ND). It is solely the judgement of my Staff that I trust if these should occur, and if you argue with an RO you will lose. You will have a maximum of 3 minutes to complete each shooting course of fire. Any targets not fully neutralized per the COF will add 10 seconds each to your shoot time. Any "no shoot" targets hit will also add 10 seconds each to your shoot time. In the civilian word hitting a "no shoot" carries a much stiffer penalty, but SF has different rules. "Good guys" are not always that good, and if there's any question one might shoot you in the back later it's best to be safe. That's all I'm going to say about that. This will be specified during each stage briefing, but in general torso targets take 3 rifle hits or 5 pistol hits to neutralize (oh yeah - and D-zone hits don't count). SF would never just put two hits into someone and move on - they shoot until the target is no longer a threat. Since we can't do that here, I asked them for the average number of hits they made in the field to accomplish that task. That's where we came up with the 3/5 rule. Some steel targets will only take one hit to neutralize - but again, it will be made clear during the stage briefing. Pay attention. Your net run time (finish time minus start time minus any wait times) will make up 50% of your total score. All of your shoot times combined will make up the other 50% of your score. So you most both shoot well and run fast to do well at this match. Any questions???
  4. I am thrilled to announce Barrett has just signed on as a major sponsor and donated an MRAD to be given away at this year's match. This is a $6,600 rifle and is especially fitting because it's the civilian version of SOCOM's new M22 Advanced Sniper Rifle. More to come as I nail down a few last details, but you will have an incredibly unique opportunity at this year's match because of this partnership. I suggest bringing lots of cash (to be donated to SFA as a part of this opportunity), brushing up on your wind reading skills, lowering your heart rate, and stabilizing your breathing while pulling the trigger smoothly. If you're coming to the Legion Match for the prizes you're there for the wrong reasons - so I don't want this to start the wrong kind of hype for this match. But it is just such a perfect fit I can't help but share the good news! Be sure to thank Barrett for their support of this match, but more importantly for creating awesome weapons that help our guys crush the souls of their enemies! https://barrett.net/
  5. Now that the Oklahoma match is over - it's time for another hint: one of our stages will be based on an event in the life of OSS & Marine Colonel Peter J. Ortiz. The OSS in many ways was the precursor to modern Special Forces, and 5SFG wants to take you on a tour of SF History for this match. There are literally entire books written about Ortiz, but here's a short article to get you started: https://sofrep.com/specialoperations/marine-col-peter-j-ortiz-oss-career-reads-like-fiction/ A blurb to get you to click the link and read more: "His legend grew, there are several stories of him waltzing into German occupied towns in full uniform and having a go with the German troops. While the stories vary, they reinforce the fact that he was not afraid to go anywhere in his operational area. In the book “Herringbone Cloak–GI Dagger: Marines of the OSS” written by LTC Robert Mattingly, perhaps the best version of these events unfolded: Ortiz, in particular, was fond of going straight into the German-occupied towns. On one occasion, he strolled into a cafe dressed in a long cape. Several Germans were drinking and cursing the maquis. One mentioned the fate which would befall the filthy American swine when he was caught. (The Nazis apparently knew of Ortiz’ existence in the area with the maquis) This proved a great mistake. Captain Ortiz threw back the cape revealing his Marine uniform. In each hand, he held a .45 automatic. When the shooting stopped, there were fewer Nazis to plan his capture and Ortiz was gone into the night." I know these all sound like crazy Hollywood movies, but take a minute to reflect on the fact that these men actually existed, and these stores actually happened. And around 50 years from now when they finally get declassified, maybe we'll be lucky enough to read some similar stories about the fine young men we'll run with in September. I have no doubt they are doing all this and more.
  6. Everyone is always curious to see how the competition is shaping up, so below is the Division breakdown as it stands now. The "heat" as usual is in Lightfighter. However, many of the 5SFG guys don't sign up until the last minute once they know they won't be deployed or in a training cycle, and most of those guys go Tier One or Operator. Has anyone started training yet???
  7. Wow - the 10k sold out in 3 minutes, and the 5k filled up in 43 minutes. Thank you all! If you didn't get in, be sure to get on the waitlist. I'm holding several slots for 5SFG personnel, and if they can't come I'll release these slots to civilians about two weeks prior to match day. And we do always have a few cancellations - Be warned: the bad (and good) part about this location is that it's in the middle of nowhere, so lodging will be tough to find. Start looking now. You can "primitive camp" (no water or electric hookups) onsite for $10/night. The closest hotel I'd recommend is the Mountain Inn & Suites in Dunlap, TN (17 miles away). Cookeville and Chattanooga have lots of good options for lodging and restaurants, but they're a bit farther from the range.
  8. Edited first post with new payment and cancellation details. Reposting them here to be sure everyone sees the change: How to Sign Up: The registration fee for the Legion 9/11 Memorial Run N Gun is $100 for the 5k and $150 for the 10k. Registration will be limited in number so all runners can finish the course before dark. Registration will be handled through Practiscore, Dead Zero will have you sign a waiver the morning of the match, and we will collect full payment (CASH or CHECK ONLY – NO CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS WILL BE ACCEPTED AND THERE IS NO ATM ONSITE). Make sure you are familiar with all of our rules and procedures before signing up. All participants must register under their true names. Tickets are non-transferable. Pre-registration is mandatory, and no walk-ons will be allowed on match day as space and time is limited. Several discounted slots are being held for active-duty 5th Group personnel. If you are 5th Group, please email mstennett@twlakes.net to confirm your status and claim your reduced competitor slot. All proceeds from the match will go the Special Forces Association, Chapter 38. Learn more about them here: http://sfa38.org/ Cancellation Policy: Please cancel your registration through Practiscore as soon as you know you can’t come. We always have several people on the waitlist, and if you don’t cancel early enough not only can they not get in, but the Special Forces Association won’t max out the contribution we can make to them. DON’T BE THAT GUY who just decides not to show up and doesn’t tell anyone.
  9. Registration will open on Practiscore one week from today on Saturday, June 13th at 10:00am Central Time. In the past these matches have sold out in literally minutes, so if you want in - plan to be near your computer right when it opens. We've had some online payment complications, so to simplify I will only take full payment on match day. Only cash and checks (made out to the Special Forces Association, Chapter 38) will be accepted. No credit/debit cards will be taken, and there is no ATM onsite. Please plan accordingly, as if you don't pay you can't run. Also please be sure that if you register you really plan to come, and if you have to cancel do so online with as much notice as possible. We always have MANY shooters on the waitlist who would like very much to get in - and if you take up a slot and don't show up it will both keep another shooter from getting in and reduce the amount we can donate to the SFA. DON'T BE THAT GUY. Here's the registration link for the 5k: https://www.practiscore.com/5k-legion-9-11-memorial-run-n-gun-2020-1/register Here's the registration link for the 10k: https://www.practiscore.com/10k-legion-9-11-memorial-run-n-gun-2020-clone/register
  10. If you've never been to a Legion RNG before and are having trouble visualizing what you might expect - here's a short but great documentary put together by GunStuff TV (https://gunstuff.tv/) who joined us last year for the 5k. Keep in mind we're at a completely new facility this year so all of the details will be different, but the general idea will be the same. There are LOTS of Legion videos out there now, so if you'd like to see more just go to youtube and search "Legion 9/11 Memorial Run N Gun".
  11. We are deeply saddened to announce the passing on Friday of 5SFG Medal of Honor recipient (R)Command Sgt. Maj. Bennie G. Adkins. We mourn the passing of a distinguished member of the Special Forces Regiment. Our thoughts and prayers are with CSM Adkins’s family during this difficult time. De Oppresso Liber Take a minute out of your day to read the story of an amazing man we just lost: https://sofrep.com/specialoperations/march-9-12-1966-csm-bennie-adkins-awarded-medal-honor/?fbclid=IwAR0DyerNfHctTEZUbBbKtzO_MScklHghtADPUZ6ubDnCUU2-isnIBpPpFMI A small snippet to get you to click the link and read more: "During the 38-hour battle and 48-hours of escape and evasion, Adkins fought with mortars, machine guns, recoilless rifles, small arms, and hand grenades, killing an estimated 135 - 175 of the enemy and sustaining 18 different wounds." I used to think I was a badass. Then I started learning about these men and I quickly realized I had no idea what "badass" even meant. Think about how on earth a Match Director might take a situation like this and turn it into something that MOST people can finish in 3 minutes. And that ROs can reset with minimal time and effort 200 times in a weekend. And then you'll have an idea what you might expect for just ONE stage in this match.
  12. You might be surprised - we have people of all levels come shoot with us. If you can be safe with a firearm during strenuous activity (good muzzle awareness and finger off the trigger while moving) you'll be fine. And you have plenty of time to get into shape!
  13. I am pleased to announce the Legion 9/11 Memorial has found a new home, and barring a total breakdown of society and/or declaration of martial law by then, is back on the schedule for September! The best place to learn more and see all the different conversations is on the event page at https://www.facebook.com/events/277920603202750. Click "Interested" or "Going" and you'll be notified any time there's new information there. For anti-FBers I'll try to report what I think important here and in a few other public forums. There will never be another Rockcastle, but at Dead Zero Shooting Park (with the generous aid of a few neighbors) we have 2,250 acres of property to play on, up to 1,000 yd rifle range, an actual marsh, mountains, small river crossings, and much more to come. And as always, all proceeds from the match go to benefit the Special Forces Association, Chapter 38 (which provides for soldiers and their families from the 5th Special Forces Group out of Fort Campbell). Prepare yourself. Intro: The 2020 Legion 9/11 Memorial Run N Gun is a centerfire biathlon – competitors will complete a 5k-ish or 10k-ish run combined with a shooting competition. The event is a test of man and equipment alike. It is intended to give participants an idea of how being hot, cold, exhausted, and challenged by the environment affects their shooting, and to test the effectiveness of their gear under field conditions. This event is not intended for inexperienced shooters – all participants are expected to be familiar with the operation of their firearms, and to observe basic principles of firearm safety at all times. With the exception of emergencies, Range Officers (ROs) are not allowed to help participants in any way. Good attitudes are a must. If you are the type of person who gets upset when minor changes are made to a plan or when you don’t always get your way, this is not the event for you. Basics: Participants will receive both a score for their run based on how long it took them to complete the course, and a score for their shooting based on how long it took them to clear each course of fire. The run score and shooting score will be equally weighted in determining the participant’s final score. This is true run-what-you-brung field-style shooting. For the most part, if you want to carry it for 5 or 10 clicks, be our guest. There are three equipment classes to reflect the different ways Green Berets fight: “Lightfighter” in which you can carry whatever you want, but are limited to one pistol and one rifle; “Operator” in which you must wear body armor with plates installed (front and back at a minimum), and are still limited to one pistol and rifle; and “Tier One” in which you must FINISH the race with a pack weighing at least 45 lbs (not including your main rifle and pistol) – but that pack may (and should) contain ANYTHING that can give you an advantage. The only limit is that pistol targets must be engaged with pistol rounds, and rifle targets must be engaged with rifle rounds. Want to carry a PCC? Be our guest. Think a scoped bolt gun or different upper in 6.5 Creedmore will give you an advantage? Go for it. You can even carry a shotgun to engage steel pistol targets if you want (birdshot only). Any weapons carried must be IN ADDITION to a primary rifle and pistol, and weight of the pack must be stand-alone (a plate carrier would not be included or required, for example). Packs may be removed prior to shooting, as that is how 5th Group would generally do it as well – but this will be done on your run time and BEFORE any wait time starts. Shooters are expected to have all their firearms sighted in and all their gear ready to go on the morning of the shoot. There will be no zeroing at the event. Think of this as a test of how you and your equipment would perform in a Second Amendment situation if you had to go take care of business at your current state of readiness, whatever that is. Run order will be more or less random. We will try to be accommodating to participants who wish to share firearms or equipment (we can have one person run in the morning and the other in the afternoon), or to partners who wish to run together. Due to issues with back-ups and large groups in the past, only two runners can start together. Equipment: The only equipment that is strictly required to participate is a safe center fire rifle, a safe center fire pistol, enough ammo to clear the course (at least twice the minimum required hit count is recommended), eye protection, ear protection, a flashlight, and some form of stopwatch. Rifle targets must be engaged with rifle rounds (no larger than 30-06), and pistol targets must be engaged with pistol rounds. In everything but the “Tier One” class, competitors must carry one rifle and one pistol. Everything else is up to the participant. Shooters may use any type of gear they want to carry their equipment with, the only requirement being that pistols must be carried in a secure holster that covers the trigger if they are to be carried loaded. Rifles may be carried any way you like, as long as they remain pointed in a safe direction. You may not use tracers or armor piercing bullets that have a hardened penetrator core, as we will be using lots of steel targets that we don’t want to see damaged. To be safe – if your bullet attracts a magnet or has a green tip, leave it at home. Rules: First and foremost, all participants will be expected to comply with basic firearms safety at all times. If you demonstrate inability or unwillingness to follow basic firearm safety, you will be asked to leave, with no refund and no apology. Muzzles must be pointed in a safe direction at all times, and fingers must be off the trigger unless the firearm is pointed at a target. Long guns shall only be loaded when a shooter is at a rifle stage, after the RO has given the “fire” command. Shooters may leave their handguns loaded at all times if in a secure holster. However, loaded handguns must remain in that holster unless the shooter has been given the “fire” command on a shooting stage. Some stages will be active, involving moving and shooting. Firearms may remain loaded during movement, but strict muzzle discipline must be maintained. Shooters will be disqualified (DQ’d) and not allowed to finish the course for the following violations: having a loaded rifle anywhere EXCEPT on a shooting stage after the “beep”, dropping a loaded pistol, pointing a loaded weapon at someone, or having a Negligent Discharge (ND). It is solely the judgement of my Staff that I trust if these should occur, and if you argue with an RO you will lose. Procedures: When a shooter approaches a station, he will be required to show a RO an empty mag well and empty chamber on his long gun(s). If another shooter is currently on the stage when he arrives, the one who just arrived will be instructed by a RO to start his stopwatch to keep track of his wait time (this will be subtracted off the participant’s run time when his run score is calculated). It is purely the shooter’s responsibility to keep track of his wait time. The ROs have no responsibility whatsoever to help you do this. Even if a RO offers to help you keep track of your time, you have no one but yourself to blame if this is not done. When the shooter is ready to shoot the stage, the RO will record his wait time if any. The shooter will be given a quick summary of the course of fire. The RO will ask if the shooter understands the course of fire. If the answer is yes, the shooter will be given the “fire” command, at which time he may load his rifle and/or draw his pistol and begin shooting the stage. All stages will have a zone where the shooter must fire from -- either a particular hole in a barricade that you must shoot through, or a marked zone on the ground, in which every part of your body or equipment which touches the ground must remain inside of when you fire. Hits made from outside the designated area will not count toward completion of the course of fire. Every shooting stage will have a 3 minute time limit. This is to keep the runners moving and to prevent large backups of shooters waiting to shoot a stage. At the end of that 3 minute period, the shooter will be stopped and time penalties applied to their score for any target not fully neutralized as per the course of fire requirements. If for any reason the “cease fire” command is given, you will immediately cease fire, holster your handgun, and unload your rifle. You will do likewise when you complete a stage, or time out. The RO should tell you your time for the stage. The RO will record your time on their iPad. You may want to carry a pen and notepad to keep track of your score in there is a mix-up with the scoring. Every shooter must show a RO an empty mag well and chamber on his rifle before leaving each stage. A RO will give directions on where to go to continue down the trail. Shooters are NOT required to leave their rifle’s bolt open during the run… this is actually discouraged, as it will allow lots of that beautiful Tennessee red clay to accumulate inside the action. There will be ample opportunity for this to happen on the course. The Run: The path for participants to follow will be marked with brightly colored flags and/or tape. Shooters must stay close to the marked path. Do not cut corners. Failure to follow the marked trail may take you into the impact area of a hot range!!! If the trail takes you through some difficult terrain, this is on purpose! Parts of the trail may be down a road. Keep to the left edge of the road and watch for traffic. Your Fitness: This event is in a remote area, and you need to be aware of over-exertion. We should have some folks with medical skills on hand, but your health is your responsibility. If you start having problems, slow down... drink some water... listen to your body! There is no shame in walking the course; know yourself and your limitations. Accommodations: Dead Zero Shooting Park is in a remote area south of Spencer, TN, so lodging may be challenging. Primitive camping will be allowed on-site for $10/night. Call Dead Zero at 423-800-7758 to make a reservation to camp. Cabins and campgrounds will full hookups are available at Fall Creek Falls State Park about 15 miles away, but the Mountaineer Folk Festival is being held there this weekend so most of these sites are booked well in advance. The city of Dunlap is less than 20 miles to the south and has a couple hotels, restaurants, and a Walmart. The cities of Chattanooga and Cookeville are within about 40 miles and have all sorts of nicer options for food and lodging. There will be people on site all day Friday, as the ROs will be running the course. Registration opens at 6:30 a.m. and closes at 7:30 a.m on the morning of the match. The safety briefing begins at 7:30 a.m. Anyone who does not get signed in by 7:30 will not be allowed to participate, so be on time. The first runner will be sent out at 8:00 a.m., and another runner will be sent out in a uniform interval thereafter. The ROs will have run the course the day before. They will be scored along with all the other contestants. After the last runner has crossed the finish line, we will calculate the results. The winners will be announced, and trophies and prizes will be awarded as 5th Group sees fit. How to Sign Up: The registration fee for the Legion 9/11 Memorial Run N Gun is $100 for the 5k and $150 for the 10k. Registration will be limited in number so all runners can finish the course before dark. Registration will be handled through Practiscore, Dead Zero will have you sign a waiver the morning of the match, and we will collect full payment (CASH or CHECK ONLY – NO CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS WILL BE ACCEPTED AND THERE IS NO ATM ONSITE). Make sure you are familiar with all of our rules and procedures before signing up. All participants must register under their true names. Tickets are non-transferable. Pre-registration is mandatory, and no walk-ons will be allowed on match day as space and time is limited. Several discounted slots are being held for active-duty 5th Group personnel. If you are 5th Group, please email mstennett@twlakes.net to confirm your status and claim your reduced competitor slot. All proceeds from the match will go the Special Forces Association, Chapter 38. Learn more about them here: http://sfa38.org/ Cancellation Policy: Please cancel your registration through Practiscore as soon as you know you can’t come. We always have several people on the waitlist, and if you don’t cancel early enough not only can they not get in, but the Special Forces Association won’t max out the contribution we can make to them. DON’T BE THAT GUY who just decides not to show up and doesn’t tell anyone. Directions: The start and finish line are both located near the Pro Shop at Dead Zero Shooting Park, 1195 TN-111 Scenic, Spencer, TN 38585. Chattanooga, TN has a small airport and is less than an hour’s drive from Dead Zero. Nashville International Airport is a little under two hours’ drive.
  14. We were lucky to have Scott Kiefner and GunStuff TV join us on Saturday to run the 5k a few weeks ago. Check out their outstanding Documentary Short they put together about their experience! https://youtu.be/xNVvyswKtuY
  15. Pictures are up! As always, feel free to share them with friends and family, but credit Lisa Stennett if you do. Permissions and credit REQUIRED for commercial or promotional use. She works hard on this, and all she wants out of it is a little credit. Help me make that happen. https://www.flickr.com/photos/163548466@N06/albums/72157710819148023?fbclid=IwAR2P8PkhAjxtkFoff-uHj7shyPo6h8RjYu9c8kOpWRDhrU--X36JBiXQL9E And because I had many people ask about it, the two film crews on site were from Lucky Gunner Ammo (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCznXfC7LthNEPUSvDydDPAw) and Gun Stuff TV (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjN1gH5Tm_UzqZqM-iX1wuA). It will likely take 2-4 months before they finish their editing and publish anything, but I will post something when they do.
  16. The downside to working with SF guys is that they are always on the move - as soon as I get to know them, they get deployed and/or move on somewhere else and I never hear from them again. The upside is that there is always a new group of guys who move in to help, so I'm always meeting more and more amazing and humbling Green Berets. One of this year's group had a great sig-line on his email I had to share. When I asked where the quote came from, he said he saw it on a wall at one of their ranges in 2006, and had no idea where it came from. I think it fits us perfectly though: "The extreme among us believe in all or nothing, go big or go home. For the extreme, average is not enough. There will always be a boundary to break, a limit to push, a goal to demolish, and more to achieve."
  17. And the final mental test: establishing bona fides. In the morning safety briefing shooters were told if they saw a man in a red hat, they should approach him and make up a reasonably natural sounding sentence using the words "licorice" and "red" to establish their bona fides and good things will happen. Two of these guys (for redundancy) were located between stages 6 and 7 (or 4 and 5 if doing the 5k), and if you established your bona fides correctly they simply said "Get in the back of the truck" and gave you a ride to the next stage. More than half the competitors walked/ran right by them and never engaged. Some even talked to them directly, but failed to notice the red hats or remember the correct words.
  18. SFC William M. Bennett is remembered by colleagues as a man of contradictions: a fitness buff who enjoyed a good cigar, a challenger of authority who respected decisions he disagreed with. Master Sgt. Jeff Mason said Bennett came across as cocky when they first met, but he soon learned: “Bill not only talked the talk, he walked the walk.” Bennett spoke his mind, but his loyalty was never in doubt, Mason said. During a firefight on Sept. 12, 2003 in Ramadi, Iraq, Benet was involved in intense urban combat, conducting constant raids against extremists, some of whom we now know as Al-Qaeda. The fight was brutal, pre-dawn, and after a dry hole the assault force encountered a well armed enemy with prepared fighting positions. Still, to a man the Team kept the momentum and despite its losses, eliminated the threat. In this stage test your ability to observe critical details, apply them, and demonstrate your ability to ‘put it all together, regardless of contradictions. Stage brief: On the buzzer, search the last three bays to find and neutralize the HVT using only your pistol with a single shot to the CENTER of his head. The number of the house the HVT is hiding in was given in order along the trail. Any enemy you find while searching MUST be neutralized. If you are shot while searching you must CRAWL to finish the stage – Green Berets never give up. Any questions? (answer questions) Ready? [BEEP] 6 small houses were set up in the back corners of three pistol bays, each marked with a 4-digit "address" using the digits 1, 2, 3, and 4. On the trail between stages 2 and 3 were signs with these four digits on them, with about 100 yds between each sign. If you noticed and recorded the order of those numbers, you had the address to the HVT and only had to make one shot to the head to finish the stage. If you entered the wrong house, you might have to neutralize 3 bad guys, see 3 good guys, or be hit with a 50 cal machine gun simulator and have to crawl for the remainder of the stage.
  19. Stage 6 (10k) or 4 (5k): THE SHARKMEN GAZA VALLEY, AFGHANISTAN (Powerline cut) 2014 In the days following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the Defense Department sent two teams of Army Special Forces soldiers to Afghanistan to bring down the Taliban. Years later, SFOD-A 5125, the “Sharkmen,” named for their ability to conduct underwater infiltration, continued the missions that generations of the Legion conducted before, in Gaza Valley, Afghanistan. 09 Jun 2014, the Team was conducting a high-profile, multi-day mission when they came under fire by enemy forces in large numbers. Scott Studemend, Weapons Sergeant, and five other Green Berets were killed after an incorrect grid was passed for a bomb drop. 2, 500lb bombs landed nearly exactly on their position. Prior to that, the men were engaging at distances of 200 to 500 meters to allow the remainder of the team to maneuver against overwhelming numbers of enemy forces. Maximize use of cover, keep your nerve and don’t forget anything important. Stage brief: On the buzzer, shoot the numbered targets through the corresponding ports, in the order of the enemy radio frequency. Any questions? (answer questions) Ready? [BEEP] A VTAC board is set up with numbers assigned to 6 different ports, and six targets are scattered across a hillside from 100 - 300 yds with a number next to each. The competitor must make a hit on target #1 through port #1, and so on until they complete the 6-digit radio frequency they should have seen in the cave. No target distances are given, but there is a range card (with distances to telephone poles, rock outcroppings, and a road) on the VTAC Board. There is also a 7th target marked with a #15 jersey they were told to watch for as an HVT during the morning shooters' briefing. Recognizing that and making the hit would remove 20 seconds from the shooter's stage time.
  20. Stage 5 (10k Only): MARLOW’S MARAUDERS SOUTHEASTERN SYRIA (RED BARN) RECENT* 2019 In Southeastern Syria, Special Operations Detachment-Alpha (SFOD-As) continue to pursue the remnants of the Islamic State. They will not tire, they will not falter, and they will not fail. The reward of persistence, planning and preparation is an unfair fight for the enemy. The delicate balance between these three aspects of operations is tempered with training and specialized techniques. Retaining information, attention to detail, and applying that information appropriately to any operational environment is the key to success. Whether a simple link up between forces, or crucial intelligence to complete the mission, or the cognitive application of training. Through careful reconnaissance, observation, planning and preparation, a team from 3rd BN, 5th SFG (A) found such a success in a cornered and hostile enemy, fleeing members of the disintegrating Islamic State. Through careful, but hasty application of precision fire this contact resulted in over 40 enemy killed in action. Use attention to detail, stay mentally sharp, and retain information under pressure to shoot the most effective course of fire. The mind is the best weapon. Stage brief: Begin with your rifle unloaded on the deck. On the buzzer, engage the far target (645 yds) with two rounds from the long rifle (provided). Retrieve and load your rifle, and hit all the rest of the targets (20 in total, ranging from 100 to 340 yds) one time each. A far target miss can be made up with your rifle. Any questions? (answer questions) Ready? [BEEP]
  21. Stage 4 (10k Only): TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS NORTHEASTERN SYRIA (CLUBHOUSE) 2019 At 6-foot-5, Jon was a towering warrior, and physically intimidating even without a Green Beret and a chest covered with medals. But to those of us who served with him closely, Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jonathan Farmer was more than a decorated soldier, more than six overseas combat tours, more than a giant. He was a leader, a mentor for those who wanted one, a "Viking" who was as generous with his knowledge as the huge hugs, which he was known to offer freely. He was truly a warrior-philosopher, a paragon of his profession, and—above all—a good man. He was a friend, a father-figure and to many, a legend. For most of his career he was an engineer sergeant for Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha, whose motto is "Taking Care of Business," according to teammates. Farmer took care of business, but he also took care of others. There are no words to describe his character and his impact on so many people's lives. While many missions involve secrecy Green Beret’s like Jon are willing to put their lives on the line for their country, no Green Beret will leave another behind. When the suicide bomber struck and the call went out, the closest support happened to be Jon’s Command Team. Both the Task Force Commander and Jon’s Battalion Commander immediately responded to the scene, without hesitation moving on foot to render aid. The Soldiers of the Legion share fond memories of Jon, as a testament to the warrior profession and as a man of character. In this stage, assess the situation, react immediately. Remember Jon during the stage, and after the match. “Often, for undaunted courage, Fate spares the man she has not already marked.” -a Viking proverb Stage brief: On the buzzer, advance up the hill and locate your team-mate who was just injured in the blast (arty sim fires while competitor advances up hill). Drag him (a 180lb Rescue Randy) to cover, and neutralize 5 pistol targets. Proceed down the hill to the helicopter (wobble platform) neutralizing pistol targets along the way. Mount the helicopter and neutralize three rifle targets in the woods.
  22. Stage 3: HOSTILE UNDERGROUND PAKTIKA, AFGHANISTAN (the CAVE) 2011 Eastern Afghanistan often pitted U.S. troops against waves of insurgents who attacked from bunkers and caves. Enemy networks use subterranean caves and tunnels to avoid aerial and satellite detection, as well as provide protection from various munitions. On June 22, 2011, American forces had to be reinforced several times during the two-day firefight in southeast Afghanistan's Paktika province. The sole U.S. fatality in the attack was Army Master Sgt. Benjamin A. Stevenson, a highly decorated member of one of the Army's special mission units, and previously of 5th SFG (A). In the Paktika raid, U.S. and Afghan troops attacked an insurgent encampment under cover of darkness last week, killing nearly 80 foreign fighters -- mostly Arabs and Chechens brought into Afghanistan from Pakistan. But as they searched the site in the daylight, they were attacked by two more waves of insurgents who came out from underground bunkers and caves. Additional U.S. forces were called in several times as reinforcements as the firefight stretched on. The target of this raid was a camp full of fighters from the so-called Haqqani network, responsible for many recent attacks in Afghanistan and is closely tied to al Qaeda. The presence of so many foreign fighters among an insurgent group that typically relies on local Afghan and Pakistani populations indicated a High Value Target, or enemy combatant of high importance. MSG Benjamin A. Stevenson was 36, from Canyon Lake, Texas, on his 10th tour of duty in the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq when he was killed. In this stage, test your ability to keep your cool and engage threats in a constrained, low-light environment. Stage brief: Role Player Outside Cave: Al Queda’s head commo guy is in there with great intel. Hand me your rifle and go get him! Stage brief: On the buzzer, move forward WITHOUT USING ANY LIGHT (stage is dimly lit with green chemlights) while manhandling your POW in front of you as cover and neutralize all enemy targets. There are no friendlies in the cave. Any questions? (answer questions) Ready? [BEEP] In the back of the cave is a stash of weapons (two RPGs, a Dragunov, and an AK) surrounding an 8" x 10" sign that says "Enemy radio frequency: 154.620 MHz" This information should have been noticed and recorded for later use.
  23. Stage 2: JUST DOING MY JOB Shaddadi, Syria (Cowboy Town) 2017 On 16 February 2016, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launched an offensive to capture the strategic city of al-Shaddadi and the surrounding countryside, with a force of about 6,000 fighters and a few, embedded USSF advisors. SDF forces attacked mainly from two axes, from the Abdul al-Aziz Mountains and from the al-Hawl area, advancing towards Shaddadi from the northwest and the northeast. With advice and assistance from accompanying USSF, SDF forces captured 48 villages and hamlets in a matter of days. Over 79 ISIS militants were killed, and another dozen wounded in the clashes. USSF, and Coalition Forces quickly established a foothold in the strategic location, with an inner perimeter to protect its Command and Control node and an outer perimeter manned by the SDF, who would rather die than risk a Coalition wounded in their fight to defeat ISIS. Despite this, two specially selected Green Berets, K and J, named JEDBURGHs in honor of WWII heritage, remained “outside the wire,” to embed and integrate with the SDF’s Command and Control and provide real-time coordination and ground truth to the Command element. However, wounded but not defeated, ISIS attacked the newly established Forward Operating Base with 8 suicide bombers and a force of over 22 militants. K and J quickly assessed the situation, hastily retrieved additional grenades and ammunition, and raced to the contact on and SDF vehicle to support the crumbling SDF defense. Operating in tandem, they provided suppressing fire for each other and unknown SDF to bound between fighting positions and engage the suicide bombers before they could breach the inner compound. K, realizing an enemy attempt to break through, used multiple grenades to disperse the enemy, allowing J and the SDF to finish the fight. They continued to pursue the enemy and then coordinate Close Air Support, resulting in multiple Enemy KIA. Countless SDF and Coalition Force casualties were prevented as a result of their actions. While K and J both received valorous awards, they asked not to be named here, simply saying “I was just doing my job.” Be prepared to work as a team, adapt to your situation, close with and destroy the enemy. Begin in the back of the truck. On the buzzer, load your rifle and make three hits on the far target while driving forward. Dismount the truck to the right and perform a successive bounding maneuver with a real live Green Beret as your partner to move through two cover positions into the barn. Once in the barn, lob a grenade out the window (RO throws a grenade sim to provide an actual explosion), then exit and neutralize all targets, and call in an airstrike with the radio you find there. Any questions? (answer questions) Ready? [BEEP] Competitor calls in airstrike RO Answers On Radio: DARK6 is RIFLE, break contact and move to support 555, .5k West at cave complex from your position. Abu Jas’m standing by with target packet.
  24. Because sharing these stories and appreciating their sacrifices is one of the most important parts of the match, I'm going to create a separate post for each of the vignettes here. Below the vignette I'll give a brief description of the shooting stage so anyone can get an idea of how we gave competitors just a glimpse of each situation. If you have stage video or pics it would be great if you'd add it as well! Stage 1: VALLEY OF DEATH Najaf, Iraq (Doe Valley) 2007 In the late morning of 29 January 2007, SFOD-A 563 (C Co, 2nd Bn, 5th SFG (A) was contacted by local police Chief to accompany his SWAT element to a small compound just north of Najaf, Iraq where earlier in the day the local police attempted to arrest a suspected militant leader and was met with heavy gun fire. Six Iraqi police were killed in the initial contact. When SFOD-A 563 and Hillah SWAT (an elite, USSF-trained element) developed a quick plan to surround the compound in order to arrest the militant leader and his followers. During movement to the compound SFOD-A members observed armed personnel staging on a dirt berm about 300m north of the convoy of 2x USSF vehicles and 10x SWAT pickup trucks. On direction from the TM SGT the convoy made a left flank and drove north toward the berm. With all 12 vehicles on line moving toward the berm, the armed personnel retreated from their positions and seemingly fled. 30 seconds later the vehicles reached the dirt berm and USSF and SWAT quickly dismounted in pursuit. Instantly the dismounts began receiving heavy amounts of small arms fire. To everyone’s surprise the armed personnel had not fled, but had fallen back to secondary fighting positions about 50 meters further north of the berm. At the time, 2x US Army Apaches were overhead receiving heavy gun fire as well, but waived off continued contact. After several hours of exchanging gun fire with the (Jaish Jena, “Heaven’s Army” militant cult. Two SFOD-A members devised a plan to take out a heavily fortified machine gun nest and RPG firing position that had the left flank of the USSF/SWAT element pinned down. The hasty plan would have one USSF operator “Gravy,” and 30 SWAT members lay down suppressive fire while the other USSF operator “Groucho,” would engaged the nest with a shoulder fired rocket. On the order to fire, the 2 Green Berets and 30 Hillah SWAT members moved to the top of the dirt berm to take out the nest. Immediately upon cresting the berm the element received a tremendous amount of small arms. As dirt flew up from an RPG explosion into their faces and rounds snapped past their heads the 2 USSF operators were suddenly abandoned by their partners. During the exchange the Groucho’s anti-tank weapon miss-fired, re-cocking the weapon, he stood back up to engage the enemy fighting position. Gravy was shot, the bullet impacting the side left side of his helmet. Covering Gravy, Groucho took aim he paused to ensure the rocket would clear the berm he was standing on, then looked down to ensure his footing. In that instant Groucho was shot in his helmet by a 7.62mm round from about 40-50 meters away. Luckily his helmet was enough to keep the round from penetrating his skull. After falling face down in the dirt, the Green Beret got up and began engaging the enemy with his rifle until it was expended, transitioning to his pistol. He engaged the enemy until the Detachment’s Medical Sergeant saw the damage and blood on his helmet, pulling him back to cover to contact MEDEVAC and coordinate Close Air Support. After reports of two USSF operators being shot in the battle reached the Task Force, air assets from all over theater were diverted to support 563. Fast movers and A/C-130 support was utilized for the next 24 hours to destroy fighting positions inside the compound that approximately cover about a square kilometer. Gravy and Groucho were both stitched up and continued to fight for another 30 hours. They engaged enemy personnel, identified targets for Terminal Guidance Operations, and conducted detainee operations. The Special Forces Detachment Alpha controlled a total 42 coalition aircraft, emptied or “Winchester” two AC-130s gunships’ of ammunition, and was credited with 300-400 EKIA. Test your presence of mind and physical prowess when confronted with adversity. Play hurt, and finish the fight. Honor the commitment of Groucho* and Gravy* (who are back in the fight) Stage brief: Begin below the berm. On the buzzer, load your rifle and make three hits each on the three targets in front of you, FAR to NEAR (to simulate an advancing enemy). Then move to the next hole with your finger OFF the trigger and do the same. Move to the third hole and do it one more time. Engage your safety and leave your rifle pointed downrange, climb the hill, and hit five pistol targets. Reholster your pistol, retrieve and clear your rifle, and call in the medivac on the radio you find there. Any questions? (answer questions) Ready? [BEEP – hit them on the head and splash with water to simulate the bullet strike to the helmet] Competitor calls medivac RO answer on radio: AFFIRM, MEDIVAC ETA 2 MIKES, SITE IS SECURE. MOVE TO COWBOY TOWN/SHADDADI; FORWARD OPERATING BASE IN CONTACT
  25. Some tips for anyone new to “blind stages”: approach it like you would a firefight. You see a situation ahead where gunfire is likely, but don’t know exactly what you need. Prepare your gear BEFORE you approach so you’re ready when you get there – unsling your rifle, move magazines around if necessary, and be ready to “fight” as soon as you arrive. This is how 5th Group does it, so this is what we are trying to replicate here. You will be given your stage brief and required to start exactly as you were configured when you arrived at the stage. You will not be allowed to reconfigure gear during the stage brief, during wait time, or before shooting. If you’re not ready – you’re not ready, and you’ll have to deal with it when the buzzer goes off and the shooting starts. Don’t be that guy.


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